Monday 8 April 2013

Dark Skies and Bloody Steak!

Well I had a lovely lunch with my dad yesterday and actually had my 4th ever steak - I’m a converted red meat eater – I’ve never eaten steak before, but as I’ve just found out that the reason for my recent lethargy was due to burgeoning anaemia, I’ve broken the habit of a lifetime and found that I absolutely love it ... the bloodier the better, “Just walk the cow past the kitchen” type bloody!  Weird.  If you’d have said I’d be craving virtually raw steak 2 months ago, I’d have said you were certified bonkers!  Funny how your body really does crave the stuff you need ... not sure where wine comes in to that equation, but hey ho.

After lunch, I decided to have a little trip to the cinema and the only film I haven’t seen which I actually fancied was, Dark Skies and I loved it!

Dark Skies **** (4 Stars)

I’ve got to be honest, the reviews weren’t brilliant for this film but I’ve never been one for listening to others’ film reviews – they’re usually written by people so far removed from me and the type of person that I am, that their view point is of no use to me.  Also the Director, Scott Stewart, has directed some of my favourite films including Priest and Legion, so it couldn’t be all that bad!

The story ... a husband and wife witness an escalating serious of disturbing events involving their family.  When it becomes clear that they are being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, the couple take matters into their own hands.

I’ve got to be honest, although it wasn’t the best film I’ve ever seen (the father character was a bit whimpy and annoying), it did keep you hooked all the way through and at one point, I literally jumped out of my skin, as did half the people in the cinema judging from the sounds everyone made!  Brilliant!  That doesn’t happen very often.   They cleverly lulled you into a false sense of security then BOOM!  Go and see it ... you’ll enjoy it.  Here’s the trailer:

Right lovelies, have a wonderful week and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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