Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Worst Film Ever - The Host


Well this is a really quick post, but I thought it would be a bit of a public service offering. 
I went to see The Host yesterday and it would be extremely remiss of me if I didn’t do a post to warn you:


It was without a doubt the worst film that I’ve EVER seen (and that’s a lot of films).  It was glib, boring and cringe worthy beyond anything I’ve ever seen in my life.

I’m not going to bore you with the story, suffice to say that it was about aliens taking over the bodies of humans ... one human gets infected by an alien but doesn’t die, we then have to listen to the most appallingly cringe worthy running commentary from the human about what the alien is doing throughout the film.  It was THE most tedious film and so cheesy I had to hold down the vomit.  Yes, it was that bad.  I thought the book was bad (I abandoned it after the first chapter) but nothing could prepare you for this load of rubbish.

This is the first time ever, but NO STARS for this one.  I’m not even going to add the trailer in case you think it looks quite good and decide to waste your money on it!  There are so many better other films out right now, Trance and Side Effects to name but two that completely blow this one out of the water (no that it would be hard).

Right, now I’ve had my little rant and hopefully saved some of you from wasting your hard earned dosh, I’m off to eat Easter Egg!  Enjoy you week lovelies and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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