Sunday 28 April 2013

Hot Yoga at The Yoga Lounge


Well lovelies, I wouldn’t be a good friend to my friend Nisha if I didn’t tell you about her new venture.  Nisha and her business partner Jane have just opened an amazing Hot Yoga and Pilates Studio in Manchester (UK).  I’ve never done hot yoga before, although I’ve done yoga (unknowingly for about 15 years or so I did yoga when I was dancing - yoga moves are used for ballet/dance warm up) and I started proper yoga classes about 10 years ago and I’ve been practising ever since.  So was actually quite excited when the girls finally the studio a couple of weeks ago and invited me to my first HOT yoga class.
Nisha is my oldest friend; we used to play together when we were children.  As you may guess from her name she is of Indian heritage (her father is Indian, her mother English) and has practised yoga since being a child.  She’s actually my inspiration.  She is THE hardest working, driven person I know and she is a brilliant role model.  She has trained all over the world and is continually striving to learn more in order to pass the benefits on to her clients.   She first opened a Pilates studio a number of years ago in our local town and has also been teaching yoga all over the North West (including training some of the country’s hottest football and rugby stars – including Everton) ever since.
So now you have the background, let me tell you a bit about my first hot yoga experience.  I rocked up at the studio on Deansgate, not really knowing what to expect.   After being asked to take my shoes off (no shoes are allowed past reception) I left my valuables in a little locker and proceeded to the changes rooms … did a quick change, walked along the corridor and into the ‘hot’ studio.  Now, I know it is a ‘hot’ yoga studio, but I don’t think I was quite prepared for quite how hot it was going to be … when I walked in, I promptly turned round and walked back out, deciding to wait outside until the class began (I wondered why there were so many people standing outside when I walked past ... Duh).
Our instructor was Suzie (and what a lovely person and great instructor!)  I had a really good chat with her after and asked tonnes of questions; she explained all about the benefits and how to get the best out of the classes.  Well, I can honestly say that I’ve never sweated so much in my entire life (which is a good thing!) and after about 10 minutes, I could really feel my muscles opening up.  I have to admit that it was really hard, but good hard.  The yoga moves weren’t too much and would have been easy to follow if you haven’t done yoga before, but equally as powerful for the more advanced … it was the hotness of the studio made a massive difference to my practise.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish the class and had to come out after about 50 minutes because I was just too hot, but apparently that’s quite normal for your first time – Suzie said that it can take a while for you to adjust to the heat and it’s quite alright to step outside if you feel you have to (although she did show me a great recovery position to try which opens up your lungs and helps you to breath more openly).  However, all things considered, I have to say that I LOVED IT and I’ve already been back and managed the full hour.  What was most surprising was that for the next couple of days after each class, my skin has been amazing.  Apparently that’s another bonus from the hotness of it all.  All that sweating gets rid of the toxins.
Before I went I was slightly worried about being in a room with so many sweaty people and the potential for germ transference, however, the heating system they have at the Yoga Studio is unique to the UK … it heats surfaces rather than the air and the carbon dioxide is sucked out and fresh air pumped in, massively reducing the chance of any contamination … brilliant and totally safe!
Hot and Sweaty at The Yoga Lounge, Manchester
All in all, it was a fantastic experience and one I can’t wait to try again.  If you haven’t tried yoga, especially hot yoga before, I strongly suggest that you give it a go.  It strengthens and elongates your muscles and makes you much more subtle … If premier footballers think it has fantastic benefits, who am I to argue!
In case you’re interested, here are the studio’s details:
Until next time lovelies … be fabulous!
Lots of love


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