Sunday 21 April 2013

Evil Dead

This is another quick post ... I’d love to be telling you how exciting my weekend has been, but it’s not!  Yesterday, I had a lovely lunch/catch up with my cousin Phil (he’s like my big bro and I love catching up with him), I then went to the cinema to see Evil Dead.... hmmmmm.... and today, I’ve been to a rather boring seminar.  So not really the most exciting of weekends!

So let’s get right to it ... Evil Dead *** (3 Stars)

I must have seen the first one ... I must have, but I can’t recall it.  I didn’t really know what to expect from this version other than what I’d seen in the trailers and I’ve got to admit, this version wasn’t great.  It was unbelievably predictable.  It was very akin to Cabin in the Woods only that was done with a few more twists and a bit of panache.  This to me was totally clichéd and your basic slasher, blood and gore, teenage on the rampage type film.  No surprises, lots of blood and only one (minor) twist.

The story (as if you can’t guess) a group of kids end up at a disused cabin in order to aid one of them on a major cold turkey detox.  They smell something funny in the cabin, go into the cellar and find lots of dead animals hanging from the ceiling an ancient book encased in a plastic bag and covered with barbed wire.  The smart arse kid (there’s always one) decides to read the book and translate some of the words (big mistake ... massive!) and unleashes an ancient evil with devastating effects.

That’s it in a nutshell.  If you really like teenage slasher type movies (think Hostel etc), which I really don’t like and usually avoid at all costs, you’ll love this.  There’s nothing clever about it, there’s no real psychological edge to it, it’s just out and out gore ... and not that well done either.  Hey ho ... here’s the trailer, although it's not gory, if you get scared easily you may wish to give this a miss :-)

Right lovelies, that’s me for another day.  Speak soon, until then, be fabulous!
Lots of love

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