Wednesday 2 March 2011

Weekend Episode 2

OK so, carrying on from where we left off … Saturday morning, I had my nails done and I was meeting my friend, Justine, in Manchester for drinkypoos in the afternoon. I grabbed some toast and jumped in a cab to the train station.  Yes, you read that right … public transport!  Not the way one likes to travel you understand, but we were meeting in the afternoon (so there would be a good chance that I wouldn’t be in any fit state to last late into the night, otherwise, I would have stayed over).  So, train it was. 

Before meeting Justine at 2.30, I did a bit of shopping (purchasing a lovely Louis Vuitton makeup bag … I know, I know … such extravagance … but it’s my money, I work hard for it, so I don’t apologise for it! … So there!).  Little did I know that the said makeup bag would cause so many bloody problems.

I met Justine on time and we hot footed it to where else, but Harvey Nichols for Champers (yum yum yum … my fav!)  Oh my goodness me … there’s nothing like Champagne on a Saturday afternoon … it tastes especially good!  I haven’t seen Justine since I met her on holiday at Christmas (we were on a singles holiday over Christmas and New Year, which was fabulous by the way … but that a whole other story!), so we had lots to catch up on.

Before we knew it, the bottle had been emptied!  It was almost as if little fairies had flown in and downed it … that thing that did it was the fact that our glasses were never actually empty.  The expert barstaff made sure of that!  So we then had the option of having another bottle or going somewhere else … what do you think we did?  Had another bottle of course!  Why waste valuable drinking time travelling to another bar when we were already in a perfectly lovely one!!

By the time we’d finished that, it was 5.30 and I was starving (having only had toast 8 hours before).  Hmmmmm in retrospect it was getting a bit messy!  We decided to go to the Living Room for tea, so got our things together and headed toward the lift … it was then that Justine noticed that I was sans Vuitton bag!  OMG!  I shot back into where we’d been sitting … lucky enough, it was still there!  Phew!  Had I been in a bar in St Helens, that bag would have been half inched whilst we were still sitting there, never mind when it was left unattended!

We stumbled over to the restaurant (got to be honest here … I can’t clearly remember that bit!), sat down and promptly ordered another bottle of Champagne (a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do) and some food.  To be honest, much of the meal is a blur.  I do, however, remember asking for water and coffee in an attempt to sober up!  We left at 8.15 with me panicking over getting my train on time.  We paid and rushed out, when I realised that I’d left that bloody bag at the table … so I rushed back in to find the waitress coming to find me.  Phew (No 2), disaster averted.

We charged towards the train station and I remember Justine telling me that I had to tie ‘the bag’ round my wrist so that I didn’t leave it on the train!  The train journey itself was uneventful other than the fact that I’d taken my Ipod shuffle with me and we merrily listening to some tunes, when I looked down and noticed that I’d hit the Ipod play button on my Iphone which was bluring out Nickleback to the rest of the unsuspecting travellers!  I was mortified when my shuffle song ended and I heard Nickleback coming from my phone.  How embarrassing!

Awww you’ve gotta laugh though!

So that was my little afternoon jaunt to Manchester … which I thoroughly enjoyed and can’t wait to do again!  However, the hangover on Sunday was monumental!  I had wanted to go to the gym and go see my friend Deb.  Nope, not a chance.  Way to ill!  In fact, I was still suffering quite a bit yesterday too.  One of my friends, Angela, has now coined a phrase for such Sundays … ‘Betty Ford Sundays’ … love it!

Hope you’re all enjoying your week.

I’ve got lots going on this week, so I’m sure to have some stories to tell!

Be fabulous.

Lots of love.


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