Thursday 10 March 2011

I So Love Shopping ... but love my friends more :-)

Wow … I’ve got quite a bit of catching up to do here, it’s been a week since my last post (oooooh sounds a bit like confession … that’s the Catholic in me!! … “Forgive me Father for I have sinned … it’s been a week since my last confession!”)

OK, so following on from where we left off … actually, I do think that it’s been quite uneventful … considering it was my birthday.  But I always think that until I start writing.

Last Thursday, I took the day off work (I don’t get paid for holidays, but hey, it’s only your birthday once a year!) and decided a little mini shop was in order, so off the Trafford Centre I went.  I’m pleased to say that the price of shopping spree wasn’t as hefty as it could have been and consisted of mainly make up - I must tell you that I had my eyebrows coloured in (I’ve very thin eyebrows from over plucking in the 80’s … think Pamela Anderson eyebrows) by a lovely gay man, wearing more makeup than me, at Illamasque … I thought that they looked pretty cool under the lights in Selfridges, OMG when I saw them in the day light, you could have sworn I was a tranny.  What was worse was that I couldn’t rub the buggers off!

Oh, I did purchase a rather lovely Alexander McQueen scarf … OK, OK, so that was a little price hefty, but hey …it was nearly my Birthday!  All in all, a very successful shop and a lovely day was had.

That evening I went out with my lovely friend (whom I haven’t seen for ages), Jenny.  And the second best bit (apart from seeing her when I’ve missed her) is that she remembered that it was my Birthday, and bought me a bottle of Champers!  Wayhay!  You can never go wrong with a bottle of Champers, I say!  We had a lovely catch up, whilst being overviewed by an extremely obnoxious manager come maître de … a truly horrible little man … and the food was cold!  So I can’t recommend Quattro’s on the Rainford Bypass … but I can recommend spending time with Jen … Love you Jen.

Friday, I also booked off work (and unfortunately had to have a filling replaced … which wasn’t too bad as I rather fancy my dentist … God I hope he never reads this!).  Anyway, straight after that, with a decidedly droopy left side of my face, I hot footed it into Manchester to buy my ‘gift to myself’ Birthday present.  A lovely, lovely Louis Vuitton, Never Full, super large handbag.  Whoop Whoop! 

I had to apologise to the shop assistant (if you can call him that … I’m sure they must have some super-sonic posh name for their assistants … Shop Assistant just doesn’t seem to do it justice), cos if my droopy gob! I couldn’t tell if I was drooling or not ... and if he noticed anything, he was extremely discrete and never mentioned it!  Did I mention he was French?  Hmmm he was French, so maybe he was used to crazy, 40 something women drooling in his presence!)

Shopping in Vuitton is a bloody dream.  That’s what I imagine Heaven to be like!  ‘Sigh’.  I love it when they take your purchase away to wrap up as it would be far too vile and common to wrap it in front of you!  Oooooooh I love it, love it, love it!  The bag’s not bad either!

After securing my purchase, I had a little wander round Manchester (well you’ve gotta show off a huge Louis Vuitton bag haven’t you!  It’s not like you have one of those everyday) I then made my way to the salon in time to get my false eyelashes re-done (they were looking a bit crazy, cos I only had about 3 left on my right eye!) then home for a little afternoon nap … well, shopping can be tiring and of course I’d had the shock of the injection for my tooth and the shock of the Vuitton bill!

I was supposed to be going out with my lovely friend Paul (purely a platonic friendship … I love him, he’s fab and my rock!  He’s seen me through some extremely tough times … actually, he’s my best friend and I don’t know what I’d do without him) that evening but I postponed as I was pooped and a bit partied out!  I know, I know, I’ve let you down … I made up for it Saturday night though!  I’ll tell you about that tomorrow!

Have fun and be fabulous, lovely people.



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