Monday 21 March 2011

Men! *J tuts & roles eyes*

Huge apologies for not posting for a while … it’s all been a bit hectic.

I had to read my last post to remember where I was up to … I really must keep on top of things … I have a terrible tendency to forget!

So, I told you about ‘Preston Man’ getting in touch.  Well, he pursued me with vigour that week … gotta be honest; I was a bit over it.  In fact, I’m ‘over’ the whole internet dating thing now … too much hassle for too few rewards … NEXT!

Anyway, I finally managed to talk to him on the Friday, I think that was 11 March (we kept missing each other all week, largely due to the fact that he kept calling me after 10.00 pm.  I think I must be a bit OAP when it comes to late calls … it isn’t polite to call someone after 9.00 pm if you don’t know them!).  So we finally spoke … not that it was a particularly interesting or stimulating conversation.  He asked me how many men I’d been on a date with from the site and if I was going to have any second dates with them. In fact, he didn’t just ask … he was unbelievably insistent that I tell him … it felt a bit weird actually. 

Why do men do that?  They won’t let you move the conversation on until you tell them.  Most annoying, as I can’t see the value in talking about that stuff and if I’m honest, it irritates the s**t out of me!  Why does it matter?  What difference or bearing does it have on the situation?  Weird.  Well, as you can guess by my mini rant, he pissed me off beyond belief, so I let him have it with both barrels asking him why men just wanted text buddies.  Why did they say they’d call then wouldn’t?  Why did they say that you’d both meet up but wouldn’t????  As we were talking, I got more and more agitated and thought … “What the hell am I doing talking to this idiot!”  So I wrapped up the conversation with him saying we should meet on the following Wednesday or Thursday (he’d have to check what his 16 year old son was doing … “Why?”, I thought, “Is he coming too?” and that he’d text me over the weekend.

Needless to say … I received no text.  Can’t say I’m surprised, as I had given him one of my best rants ever and I wouldn’t have called me if I was him … although I wouldn’t have asked me dumb-ass questions like he did.  However, over a week later, Saturday just gone, I did get a text from him about 8.00 pm asking me how my weekend was going.  “Very well thanks … I’m extremely drunk on champagne and at an orgy fest” I wanted to reply (although I definitely was neither), but I was extremely restrained and didn’t respond.  That took some will power I can tell you!

Oh and I’m still getting stalker texts from Ferrari man!  He thinks I don’t know it’s him … I told him that I didn’t have the number in my phone so didn’t know who the texts were from.  This has obviously given him some comfort and he’s sending me the oddest one letter texts … flamin’ freak.  I wouldn’t mind so much, but these texts tend to come late at night ie after 11.30 pm and last night’s came slap bang in the middle of my Paul McKenna self hypnosis session (don’t ask!) and nearly gave me a heart attack!

More on my dating mishaps in the next post … I’ve got a hum-dinger for you!

Be good and be fabulous.


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