Wednesday 2 March 2011

Mid Week Partying!

Hello again

Well it’s been a pretty uneventful week up until now.  Well, I say uneventful … my life’s never quite that!

I went out with some of the girls from work last night (it was Fiona’s 40th Birthday) so we went for dinner at a lovely Italian Restaurant in Manchester’s Northern Quarter called ‘Dough’ … which I must have said a million times, Homer Simpson stylee … I know, I know … I’m sad!

The food was fab and we drank (those of us who weren’t driving or pregnant) copious amounts Prosecco!  Yum!  I can highly recommend the Gnocchi (although it was huge - there was enough for two) and the dipping dough starter thingy. 

Afterwards, those of us left, hot footed it over the road to a newly refurbed bar, Bluu, which had a fantastically eclectic mix of comfortable furniture and adornments (including a dressmaker’s dummy wearing and old army jacket and a purple fury chair!).  All a bit mad, but totally fab.  There we had cocktails … Bellini’s to be exact.  I had a strawberry and two raspberry ones … each of which was lovely.  You’ve gotta love a cocktail!

At the end of the evening, we grabbed a cab back to our less than fantastic hotel, the Britannia.  I am a firm believer in ‘you get what you pay for’ so why the hell I let my colleague convince me that paying £39 for a city centre hotel, midweek, would be a good idea.  It sucked!  It must be one of the most tired hotels I’ve ever stated in.  I’m sure that ‘back in the day’ it must have been very glamorous and indeed the architecture was amazing … it was just VERY ready for a make over.

You know when you stay somewhere and although the bedding ‘looks’ clean, you’re a bit reticent to put you head on the nearly flat pillow?  Also, the room was cold so I found a blanket to throw over the bed (but not near my face of course … I’m sure they never wash those things … gross!) and my bare feet stuck to the carpet in places “shudder” … apart from that, it was lovely! Lol

I’ve felt a bit jaded today … I’m sure it can’t have been the drink … much more to do with the ear infection and clickie jaw I have … don’t ask!

The rest of the week should be fun.  I’ve so much social activity planned that I’ve booked Thursday and Friday off work, so that I can have some well earned R&R in between the partying!  Stay tuned …there are bound to be stories.

So that’s me, signing off for another day …

Have fun and be fabulous.  Oh, and by the way, I’m picking up the new Jimmy Choo’s that I’ve ordered tomorrow!  I really had to buy a pair of flat shoes to get me from the work car park (which is an old building site) into work, as I’ve been ruining my heels.  I don’t own flats, other than holiday flip floppy things and a few pairs (well, actually 8 pairs, or is it 9?) of Uggs (only to be worn on a Sunday).  So I was determined that if I had to go flat … they had to be designer!  Will let you know how I get on with them.

Until then … be fabulous!

Lots of love


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