Monday 21 March 2011

Gym Madness No 2

So, I left off last time by telling you about my unfortunately ‘gob on a stick’ experience in the gym.  After that I went to yoga, where our lovely instructor, John was extremely pleased to see me … aw, bless … as were a number of other people whom I hadn’t seen for ages, but hadn’t realised how much I’d missed them.

I hadn’t been to yoga for about a year.  I’d been seeing this guy at the gym who also used to go to yoga and do a number of the other classes that I did.  Everything was going swimmingly with him until my friend, Vivien, found out that he was seeing two other women who also went to the gym, besides me … three of us at the same time.  I distinctly remember all 3 of us being in one ‘pump’ class (that’s the one where you use tiny weights but do tonnes of reps) at the same time … you’ve gotta admire the guy’s guts!

Anyway, after that happened (as I’m a clear avoider of any type of conflict), I decided I really didn’t want to be around this guy, so started going to another gym.  The fact that I had lots of friends at my regular gym, whom I’d miss (and who actually would miss me) completely passed me by.  And you were wondering why I told ‘Lovely Man’ that I was single!  That kinda answers that one … my subconscious leapt to rescue without being asked … God I hate it when it does that!

As I was having 5 mins chill time before the class started, who walks in but ‘Asshole ManTM’ … that put quite a downer on things I can tell you.  But I decided to be strong and not let the bugger get me down (even his voice makes me sick *shudder*), so onwards and upwards with the yoga.  The only thing was, lovely John seemed to have the impression that I was as bendy as I’d been a year ago.  However, 12 months of doing virtually nothing, especially no yoga, really takes its toll on subtleness.  John insisted on pushing me harder and harder every time he walked passed me … he’s very hands on!  By the end of the session, I couldn’t get up and I remember thinking, God only knows how I’ll feel in the morning!

And how right I was …. Sunday morning, I could hardly walk.  Determined not to let my pain get the better of me – and my weight gain – I had some brekkie, put my make up on (I NEVER leave the house without make up … EVER!  I just don’t get why you wouldn’t want to look the best you can look, all the time.  Plus, I shock myself when I look in the mirror without make up, so really wouldn’t want to inflict myself on the unsuspecting public … plus there are children out there who could be scarred for life) and went to the gym.

I decided to have a good stretch out first … that was a good idea … I did feel slightly better after it.  I did about 50 minutes in the gym and then went to the ‘pump’ class I used to go to and WOW I wasn’t ready for the reception I got … it was lovely!  So many people said they’d missed me … I was really touched (oh and luckily, Asshole ManTM wasn’t there).  People did comment on my weight gain though, one through a back handed complement, “Your face doesn’t look as skinny as it did … it’s more rounded … you look better!” FFS!

The class was extremely hard … EXTREMELY hard!  It really hurt.  However, after it, I got talking to one of the guys who does the class …. He’s a body builder and he’s offered to do me a diet (obviously I was whinging about my weigh gain and water retention so who better to do me a diet than a competing bodybuilder … yay!).  So I’ll let you know how that goes.

Today … well, today, I couldn’t get out of bed … Every muscle screamed, Ava Maria!  Every movement I’ve made today has been agony … and I’m not joking!  I will, however, still be going to the gym on the way home … after all, I’ve gotta see Mr Lovely and report back to you.   I also need to see my Diet ManTM to book an appointment.  I’ll be svelte before you know it … especially if I have a fab diet and another driver for going to the gym other than losing weight.  It’s amazing what extra incentive it is to go to the gym when losing weight is the by-product!

Until next time … be fabulous!


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