Saturday 3 August 2013

Mr Caterer

This one is quite disappointing actually – I really thought this one looked rather promising, well he looked good on paper at least and I liked him as much as you can when you haven’t met or even actually spoken to someone!

Mr Caterer had his own business (yes, you guessed it, a catering one), he was tall and reasonably good looking (that’s 3 boxes ticked straight away).  After the usual few emails we swapped numbers and started to text – this was around the last Bank Holiday weekend.  He asked me when I was free as he didn’t want to wait a long time to meet up.  I told him that I was available Sunday and Monday, but then it would be the next weekend as I was working away.  He said that he would see what he could do – I felt so special!  

Then he started to send me pictures … now this is novel, unlike the other self-obsessed numpties, he sent me pictures of his food creations and I have to be honest, if they tasted as good as they looked, then he was a keeper!  They were stunning … the deserts were those very delicate ones peppered with real flowers.  Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

Well we continued to text over the weekend and he didn’t get back to me about Monday evening, however, late Monday he sent me a picture of an empty plate telling me that he’d just been for a very enjoyable curry!  So clearly the curry was more important than meeting me and I have to be honest, I was a little put out that he didn’t want to meet but thought he must have his reasons (ie he was probably on a date with someone else!).

As I said earlier, I was away from the Tuesday to the Friday and I got quite a few texts from him on the Tuesday, a few less on the Wednesday, even less on the Thursday and on the Friday they had diminished to a mere ‘x’.  An ‘x’ – what are you supposed to reply to that?  I don’t think you could actually put less effort in, apart from not texting at all.  So at that point, I decided to give up.  It was Friday, he hadn’t asked me out for the weekend, although he knew I would be home and if he couldn’t be bothered to speak to me during the week and had reduced his texts to the barest minimum, then I was wasting my time.  Over the weekend, I got a couple more ‘x’, then a ‘where are you?’, then a ‘aren’t you talking’ (obviously not!) but I didn’t bother responding.

A couple of weeks later, I got an email from him through the website saying, “What happened?  Why did you stop texting me” I couldn’t resist replying as I was a bit disgruntled, saying, “Because I was wasting my time, you didn’t bother to call me or to ask me out and therefore, I have to think you just want a text pal and I’ve got plenty of those thanks.”  He replied, “I thought you were busy” … Thought I was busy!  He couldn’t be bothered more like and was just keeping me warm in case his other dates didn’t work out (they must think you’re stupid!) and he added, “Can I call you?”  Well as I was away on my own on business feeling particularly bored, I told him that he could.  And what do you think happened?  ... He didn’t call!  What is the matter with these people?!

 A couple of weeks after that I got another email from him saying, “I’m just coming to the end of a particularly busy period, can we start again?” I do have to point out here that over this period, whenever I logged on to the website, which to be fair wasn’t that often, he was always online – so he couldn’t have been THAT busy … not with work anyway.  I didn’t even bother replying, DELETE … NEXT!

I think I should point out here that all the stories I’ve been telling you about have been going on since Christmas, they haven’t just happened over the course of a month and I have met some nice people, interesting people, however, we just haven’t been right for each other for various reasons – however, those don’t make interesting reading!

Right lovelies, that’s me for another session!  Until next time, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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