Sunday 4 August 2013

The World's End - Now You See Me

The World’s End

I haven’t done any film reviews for a while and I’m getting a bit bored of the dating stuff, so thought I’d better catch up!  Last week I went to see a particularly dire film ‘The World’s End’ starring the same guys from two of my favourite British films, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.  As you can imagine, I was really looking forward to it and as it had really good reviews, I couldn’t wait to see it.

However, I don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed and I actually considered walking out because I was so bored.  It was petty, childish, completely ridiculous nonsense.  So what’s it about? 20 years after attempting an epic pub crawl which they never managed to complete, five childhood friends reunite when one of them, the ‘Leader’ becomes hell bent on finishing what they started.  He attempts to get the old gang back together, dragging them back to their home town, when things begin to take a sinister turn and they end up in an unexpected struggle to save mankind. 

It was rubbish and so ‘out of this world’ that it left me completely cold ... think p*ss poor as in, “Lesbian Vampire Killers” and you’re on the right track, it was just awful ... I actually felt quite embarrassed for them!  Here's the trailer, just in case you're mad enough to want to go and see it...

Now You See Me

Now this, on the other hand was excellent, I thought it was a gripping film.  Whether that’s because it was full of sleight of hand, mentalism, hypnosis and magic, all of which I am extremely interested in and have studied in depth (apart from the magic bit!) I’m not sure, but I thought it was really original, I couldn’t foresee what was going to happen, it was fast passed and really kept you involved.

The Story – Four brilliant illusionists (Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson and Isla Fisher) are brought together to form one spectacular Vegas act.  During the performances, they pull off a series of daring heists against corrupt business leaders.  The super-team shower the stolen profits on their audiences while staying one step ahead of an elite FBI squad in a game of cat and mouse.  Here’s the trailer:

Yesterday I saw The Conjuring and The Heat, so I’ll review those for you and post tomorrow.  I also want to see The Wolverine and Red 2, but I’m a bit stuck for time!  Hopefully I’ll manage to see them this week.

Until next time lovelies, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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