Friday 2 August 2013

Mr Stalker

Well, I guess it was inevitable – you go on a dating site for long enough and you’re going to get a stalker.  With mine, I can’t really remember what it was about him precisely that gave me the heeby geebies with him, but something rattled my cage.  This is the story…

This rather reasonable looking guy sent me a message, I looked at his profile and while he didn’t have the best job in the world, from his pictures, he looked reasonably good looking (which is a bonus – so many men in their 40s really do not look after themselves and many who do, tend to love themselves with pictures of them half naked and wouldn’t consider going out with a women in her 40’s – one man actually wrote, “Although I’m 44 I look and act much younger and therefore would never consider going out with a woman around the same age because I don’t want people thinking that I’m out with my mum”!!! Bloody cheek … and let me tell you, he wasn’t all that!)

So I mailed this guy back and long story short, we swapped numbers … next came the onslaught of pictures of himself (I’ve already talked about my hatred of men sending me unsolicited pictures of themselves … especially as they were identical to those on the dating site).  So that put me off right away however, he did ask me out on a date which I agreed to – this was the Thursday and our date was to be the Sunday.

Over the next couple of days, I started to get a really bad feeling about him and if I’ve learned anything over the years it’s to listen carefully to my gut feelings about people.  The only time I’ve ever gone really wrong in my life is when I’ve had a bad gut feeling about something but let my head rule and overridden it.  I don’t know what it was about this guy, it’s not that he really said or did anything to upset me, I just got such mega strong vibes that I decided not to progress and stopped texting him back by the Saturday.

That’s when he started to send me weirdy emails saying things like “Why have you dumped me?” “I demand to know what I’ve done” “How dare you do this to me?”

Do what?  I hadn’t done anything.  I didn’t know him from Adam and hadn’t even spoken to him.  The Sunday he sent me a barrage of them, which I decided the best way to deal with them was to ignore them.

The following week, I kept getting more odd texts from him saying things like, “Hi, how’s your day” and “What are you up to today?” – Now given that I didn’t respond to any, don’t you think that’s a bit weird?  That week I got a couple of emails from him through the site too saying, “Why have you dumped me? Lol” Again, I didn’t reply because this has sort of happened before and I find if you totally ignore them, then they leave you alone.

A couple of weeks later, I got an email from a guy calling himself The Tall One which just said, “Hello little one, how are you?”  I looked at this guy’s profile and he sounded quite nice (although he didn’t have a picture) so I mailed him and said, “Sorry, I don’t correspond with people without pictures for obvious reasons”  He sent one back with his telephone number saying, “Here’s my number, text me and I’ll send you a picture”

I didn’t do anything with it, but I did think it a bit odd that he didn’t just attach a picture to his email (there is a facility for that).  A couple of hours later, however, I got another text from Mr Stalker saying, “Hey, how’s things” and I don’t know what made me link the two together, but I decided to check his number against the number of the ‘Incognito Man’ … and you’ll never guess what?  They were one and the same!  I immediately emailed Mr Incognito and said, “I don’t know what you’re game is but BACK OFF!” I then reported him to the site administrator, blocked him and deleted his emails. 

I thought that was the end of it, but yesterday, I received another email through the website from Mr Stalker … wow, these guys really don’t know when to give up … saying, “Hiya, what’ve you been up to” … DELETE, BLOCK, NEXT!

I don’t doubt that I’ll hear from him again, he’s clearly a bit obsessed – weird that someone can get a fixation about a person that they’ve never even met or even spoken to.  It’s also weird that I had such bad vibes about him.  What would have happened if I’d actually met him and didn’t like him?  The mind boggles!  Ah well, it all adds to life’s rich tapestry (or so someone told me at the weekend!). 

More dodgy dealings next time ... there’s still loads to tell you about!  Until then, my lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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