Thursday 8 August 2013

The Conjuring - The Heat

I saw another couple of really good films at the weekend that I would highly recommend, both very different, but equally enjoyable.

The Conjuring

If you like jumpy films, then this is for you.  I can’t say that it was scary, scary, but it certainly made you jump.  I actually found it really amusing watching the people in front of me jump as much as I did – in fact, I can’t remember the last time that a film had such a consistent ‘jump factor’!

Based on a true story and set in the 1970’s (don’t be put off by that), this film tells the tale of a family who move into their new house only to be plagued by evil spirits.  They approach two paranormal investigators who help them to confront a powerful demonic entity in the most terrifying ordeal of their careers.

I love this type of film and whilst the story was no different from all the other ‘haunting’ films, it was very well done. The tempo was kept up throughout the film (as where the scares!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Definitely worth a watch, here’s the trailer…


The Heat

I loved this too, but for totally different reasons … it really made me laugh and brought together a brilliant partnership in Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy (I’ve loved her ever since Bridesmaids – I still laugh out loud every time I see that film … I think she’s fabulous).

Sandra Bullock plays a straight laced FBI officer hell bent on promotion with a reputation for being super arrogant and super-efficient finds herself teamed up with the exact opposite, a foul mouthed, risk taking, street smart cop with a very short fuse.  Neither has ever had a partner and when they both find themselves in the unhappy position of having to work together, sparks fly.

This was funny from start to finish.  Melissa McCarthy was brilliant – her comic timing next to Sandra Bullock’s ‘straight man’ persona was a double act made in film heaven.  If you fancy a light hearted giggle (but don’t mind oodles of foul language!) and are a fan of films like Bridesmaids, then The Heat is for you.  Here’s the trailer… (It contains swearing - Including the F Bomb!!!  Lots of F Bombs!)...


Right lovelies, things to do, people to see ... more dating tales tomorrow.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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