Wednesday 15 February 2012

Family, Blackpool & Valentines

Hello Lovelies

Well, what a busy week.  Fantastic, but busy!

In my last post I mentioned that I had a lot going on this week and I can honestly say that I’ve had one of the best weeks I can ever remember (and that’s saying something!).

Friday, I met with two of my friends from school, Jo and Sharon.  Now, bearing in mind, it’s actually 26 years since I’ve seen these girls (I left school at 16 and went to college), in Sharon’s words, “It was like I’d gone to the loo and returned 20 years later!”  It really was like we’d only seen each other yesterday.  It was so weird.  We met at 7.15 pm and unfortunately, Sharon had to leave at 9.15 pm and I have honestly never known time fly by so quickly.  It was like we’d only been talking to 10 minutes when she had to leave.  Jo and I stayed a bit longer, which I thought was only about another half an hour, but was actually an hour and a half!

How bazaar it is that you can not see someone for 20+ years, but you fall immediately back into the same rhythm.  It was so lovely to see them both and they haven’t changed a bit.  We’re definitely doing it again soon ... it won't be 20 years again!

Saturday night I went to Debi and Devon’s, and the lovely Sarah and Pam where there too.  We had a gorgeous Chinese takeaway and a proper good old gossip.  I got there are 5 pm and left at 1 am!  My goodness me, I don’t really know where the time is going lately.  You know what they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun!”

Sunday, I went with my lovely dad to my cousin, Helen’s 40th Birthday Party with the family.  We had a wonderful time and I again caught up with a lot of my long lost cousins (I have LOADS of them) who I haven’t seen for around 20 years. It was fab!

As the party was in the afternoon, I dropped my dad off in the early evening and went out with my cousin Phil and his son Josh (Josh is 18! 18 and I’ve not met him before ... did I tell you that our family hasn’t exactly been close!).  Well, I can definitely say that I don’t think I’ve ever been that drunk!  It was tonnes of fun though and I loved every minute of it (well, what I can remember of it!).  However, I couldn’t get out of bed, at all, the next day!  It was 3.00 pm before I could manage to go downstairs to get a drink!

Phil rang me in the afternoon to see if I wanted to go out for tea and meet his other kids, but I couldn’t do it! (It’s definitely bad if I turn down food ... especially Italian!).

Tuesday (yesterday) I finally managed to drag myself out of bed and drive to up Blackpool to meet Debi, Devon and Debi’s mum, Carol (they decided to have a mini holiday during half term) and spend the day with them as it was Devon’s birthday.  We had a really lovely day, although, I have to say it was absolutely freezing in Blackpool (for those of you who don’t know it, it’s on the coast of the North Sea so isn’t known for its good/warm weather, especially in the dead of winter.  We didn’t let the weather get us down though and we had a great time.  When I got home, I got a wonderful surprise, my dad had been round and left a beautiful bouquet of red roses for me (it was Valentine’s Day and he didn’t want me to go without!  I love my dad, he rocks!)

Tomorrow, I’m hoping to catch up and have a quick coffee with Helen (whose birthday it is this week and who I’ll be going out with on Saturday night, together with her friends and some family).  Also on Saturday, I’m taking Devon to Legoworld for another Birthday treat.  Phew ... I can’t keep up with myself!

As for the dating stuff, well, I haven’t really bothered with it.  I’ve been too busy.  But here are a couple of mails for your amusement!

Subject:                XXXXXX

Message:     god i wish i was more attractive lol xxxxx  am i your type??? im house trained lol xx

[And another from the same guy ... and before you wonder why I haven’t replied, he’s only 26 ... shame, at least he has a sense of humour even if he can’t write!]

Subject:                XXXXXXXXXX

Message:    ok lets tell you all about me lol xxxxx im scott, im single (obviously). i used to be a business manager for volkswagen for 8 yrs, but i now design bathrooms.
i have no kids, no pets and i dont smoke. i live all on my own, well actually i live with a gay ghost..... he keeps putting the willies up me lol xxxxx

Subject:      Wow!!!!!

Message:     You are a very hot bomb !! certainly got me ticking x

Subject:       Hello

Message:     Hello
I am an intelligent, articulate ,educated,interesting ,loyal, loving man.
I am divorced with two grown and married daughters.I run my own company which involves some travel abroad . I'm looking for a loving,sexy ,intelligent lady for fun and goodtimes initially and see if it develops into something more meaningful and committed.

                   I have never smoked and hate it, only drink socially and then generally at WE.I do like to take my lady for a good meal and a bottle of good red.
I struggle to take paracetamol so drugs are a total no no for me,legal or otherwise. I am quite tactile and have no problem showing affection either by holding hands or the occasional surreptitious kiss,but generally keep the kissing for private intimate times, but your friends will certainly know that I am an alpha male and would be your man.
I am 6 ft tall,13st5lbs (85kg) Medium build,no beer gut, have all my own teeth and hair.
I am a keen country lover and enjoy flyfishing,walking,cycling,motorcycling and most sports except darts.
Would you like to meet up for coffee and a chat, venue and time your choice.
Look forward to hearing from you
All the best for now

[I’ve had a similar one from this guy before – he’s 64 ... I recognised the bad typing, lack of grammar and the fact that he has most of his own teeth and hair!  The drugs bit is new ... I’m guessing he’s had a couple of bad encounters and decided to include that bit!]

Oh, and I keep getting mails from men telling me that they don’t bite?!  It had actually never crossed my mind that they might!

Right lovelies, that’s me again for now ... more soon.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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