Friday 24 February 2012

The Dating Agency - Part 3

Well, before I start Part 3 of my Dating Agency escapades, I just need to take a moment to say how wonderful the weather was yesterday!  I’m completely blown away.  Considering it’s only February, it’s actually been 16/60 degrees, it usually only gets that warm in April/May.  It’s been absolutely beautiful and definitely worth a comment.  It makes you (well me really) feel so much better when the sun is shining and you can actually start to see an end to winter.  I even went and got my car cleaned and valeted (not done that since before Christmas ... I know it’s awful, I have a beautiful car which I love ... I really should treat it better!). Only another few weeks and the clocks change back to summer time too, so the nights will start getting lighter, faster.  Ahhhhhh *heaves a huge contented sigh* I’m in such a good mood!

OK, so enough of my positivity ... on to Date No 3 and the final date I bothered with from the dating agency...

Well, the usual thing happened (I think it was probably a couple of months or so after the last date) and I got a call from the agency.  You know the drill by now, so won’t go into it, but suffice to say, they had a match for me ... this guy was tall, had hair and (bonus) was a millionaire! “Oooooooh!” I hear you think (actually, though I hate to say it, the millionaire but doesn’t really impress me ... I know quite a few millionaires and apart from having a shed load of money, it doesn’t make them any nicer or better or more fun that you and I, they just have a bit more money to do it with).  So, I got his number, we texted and arranged to meet up, actually we met in the same place I’d met ‘Mr I love Me Who Do You Love’ (Date No 2).

I think I met him one evening after work from what I recall, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.  He was quite good looking, wore an expensive looking suit (without tie), he was tall, with that ‘silver fox’ type hair going on (I remember thinking “At last! This seems promising” This time we didn’t sit down but stood near the bar.  It actually started off quite pleasantly with him telling me all about himself (I find that happens with most of the men where the ‘date’ hasn’t worked out ... the man will talk absolutely none stop about himself and will throw in the odd question to me as an afterthought.  Now, I’m not saying that I want it to be all about me, I don’t, really I don’t, I just think it should be a bit more equal, you know, they tell you something, you tell them something ...  I hadn’t really noticed that was really an issue before writing this, but where the conversation has been equal, I’ve got on far better with that person ... hmmmmmm I’ll have to watch out for it in future). 

Anyway, he went on and on and on about himself, how much money he has, about his business and how he’s built them from nothing, about his mahoooosive house, about his wonderful friends, about how he loves to go to the races, how he loves to party, how he loves his ladies to be able to cook for his dinner parties (got the wrong person with me on that one!), how he likes his women to look (yes, honestly) how he has a chauffeur (I kid you not) who takes him everywhere so he can get drunk and not have to worry about anything.  Now, that last bit, in itself, I thought was quite sensible until it started to come out that he had a bit of a drink problem!  Great!

Now, I’ve already mentioned the ‘body language thing’ in my last post and how it’s one of the first things I notice about someone (in fact it is the first thing we all notice about a person, however, we usually don’t usually do it consciously ... you may do now that I’ve pointed it though) and one of the things I really hate (in fact, most people hate it too), is someone I don’t know or am not particularly close to, coming into my space ... you know when someone just gets so close that you can feel/smell their breath?  That’s TOO close!  Each time this guy got in my space, I’d take a step back and he’d keep taking a step towards me, I’d take a step back, he’d take a step towards me.  I kept doing this until I hit a post at the end of the bar and couldn’t move and further ... OMG he had me pinned in a corner and I just couldn’t breathe ... it was awful, just awful!

I HATE feeling like I’m backed into a corner, both metaphorically speaking and not!  Everything in my inner being was screaming “Get me out! Get me out!”  I remember actually feeling quite faint and making some excuse or other, then darting to the loos (bathroom), shut the toilet door and stood for a second with my back against the door taking big deep breaths.  Ooooh it was awful!  When I’d sufficiently pulled myself together, I exited and went back to him.  Gave him some story about needing to leave and left as quickly as I could.

I didn’t hear from him after that for a while, although I do recall him saying before I left that he’d be in touch and would take me for a meal over the next week or so ... to be honest, I don’t really remember too much about that, I was just desperate to get out of there.  It must have been a couple of months before he contacted me again (he’d obviously worked his way through all the women on the agency’s list, then came back round to me!).  He sent me a text saying something like, “Fancy that dinner then?”  I happened to be on holiday (yes, again) so didn’t bother replying.  For one, he was two months too late and second, I couldn’t bear another night out with the Listerine Dragon (remember him?).

After that, I remember getting all caught up with work (that tends to happen quite a bit) and kind of forgot about the whole dating thing.  Looking back, I should have got back in touch with the agency and cancelled or suspended my membership – I didn’t do either and never heard from them again.  Wow, talk about easy money ... I wish I managed to earn money so easily.

So that was my foray in to Dating Agencies.  I still haven’t done the speed dating thing I was talking about with Justine.  I’ll have to get in touch with her and get it arranged.

Right lovelies, that’s it for another episode of my crazy life.  Look forward to speaking to you again soon.  In the meantime, be fabulous.

Lots of love


PS Have a wonderful weekend!

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