Tuesday 21 February 2012

Saturday Night - Part 2

Hello lovelies

Well, you’ll be glad to hear that I’m feeling a million times better today ... yay!  So without further ado, back to my Saturday night tale...

I got out of the taxi and went into the extremely crowded pub and luckily spotted my cousin Phil at the end of the bar.  The bar is called O’Neills (an Irish bar, obviously!) and is extremely busy on a weekend night as they have live music and the beer’s good and reasonably priced.  Next to arrive where three of Helen’s friends that I haven’t seen since school (Helen was a couple of years below me and went to the same school) that was Sarah, Grazia and Suzanne.  It was so lovely to see them, although, somehow, I didn’t manage to spend much time talking to them that night.  I don’t really know why, I think it was because the bar was so packed that we seemed to get separated.  The time went by really quickly too ... don’t you just hate that?  The whole night actually only felt about an hour long!  Next to arrive was a friend of Helen’s sisters, Angela – a really lovely girl that I met the week before at Helen’s family birthday party ... she asked my dad for a dance and he hasn’t stopped talking about it since – bless.

Then I get a text from Helen ... she’s in the taxi (on her way from Manchester, which is about a 35 minute drive) and the taxi’s lost.  Lost?!  How the hell can you get lost with Sat Nav?  Looks well when the Birthday girl isn’t at her own birthday! Lol Phil tried to ring her and got voicemail, I rang her and got a rather stressed sounding cousin, “Are you OK?” “Err, yeah.  Ring you back” then she was gone.  Blimey, I thought, hope they’re OK she didn’t sound a bit like herself. About another 20 minutes later, they walked in with Phil looking rather stressed!

Turns out that Helen (who hasn’t lived in my town for years) decided to tell the taxi driver a ‘quicker route’ rather than using his Sat Nav!  Awww at least they made it in the end.  She came with more lovely people that I hadn’t met before, Louise (lovely Irish girlie ... we actually had loads in common having both gone to Catholic Convent Schools ... she was a real hoot.   I’m looking forward to seeing her again soon) Julie and Patrick.  Julie was lovely too and a bit of a rock chick (we used to go to some of the same clubs, back in the day).  Unfortunately, I never managed to chat to Patrick.

So we spent a few lovely hours listening to some live music, having a good old gossip and drinking a few yummy wines (that last bit might have just been me!).  I have to say, that as I hadn’t been so well that week and following my appalling display of drunkenness the week before, I decided to cool it with the old vino this weekend.  I know, I know, boring bugger, but hey when your hangovers take nearly a week to get over, you know it’s time to knock it on the head!

We then decided to walk up the road to Phil’s other bar, The Green Bar.  I’d been a bit cocky that night and decided not to wear a coat (well I was wearing a dress with sleeves!).  I hate having a coat with me on a night out.  They’re such a burden.  I have a tendency to leave umbrella’s everywhere I go and they’re only a tenner a shot - I can guarantee you that my coats/jackets are all a damn sight more expensive than that - so didn’t want to take the risk.  Mistake though ... big mistake ... it was bloody freezing!

When we eventually (due to my hobble type walk) got to that bar, OMG it was so busy! It’s quite small in comparison to the bar we’d just left and you really couldn’t move.  You can tell I haven’t been doing much bar surfing lately can’t you?  I’m not used to all that jostling and intimate contact with complete strangers – ewwwwwww- a nice meal and few glasses of wine is more my style lately.  Anyway, eventually, we managed to bag a table and plonk our bums down (well, some of us at least!).  My feet were on fire due to those mahooosive heels I was wearing, so it was bliss to take the weight off.  I’d love to say that I carried on drinking, but I didn’t.  I thought I’d have one coke and then go back on the wine.  Turns out I was really quite enjoying my coke and watching everyone around me get drunker and drunker.  I don’t think I’ve ever done that before ... it was quite amusing!

I think it was about 12.30 when Helen announced that her sister, Pat, had arrived to pick her up, Louise, Julie and Patrick up.  After a bit of persuasion, we managed to coax Pat in for a drink so it was nice to have a little catch up with her too.  After long, protracted goodbyes, they left; followed by Sarah and Grazia (Suzanne had left earlier in the evening).  That left just Phil, Angela and me.  I all of a sudden felt really tired (funny how it hits you all of a sudden!) so said my goodbyes and hobbled out to the taxi rank, which thankfully was literally next door to the bar.  I definitely couldn’t have walked any further ... ouch!

As I was fully alert (due to my moderate drinking), I actually remember getting home this week and I’d been thoroughly organised and had a sandwich and crisps waiting for me for take away those midnight munchies you get when you’ve been drinking.  How organised of me ... well I thought so!  I always worry when I forget to do that, as no matter how much I’ve had to drink, I always want something to eat when I get in and as I don’t usually have a well stocked fridge or cupboards, it usually ends up being toast and I have visions of burning the house down one day, in my drunken stupor!

Needless to say, I didn’t wake up with a hangover the next day as I’d been good with my drinking. I however, did have my lovely bout of laryngitis (no doubt down to the amount of strain I put on my vocal chords shouting over the music the night before) and chest infection.  Things could have been so much worse though ... I could have had a hangover on top ... now THAT would have been bad *shudder*.

So that, my lovelies was my night out with fabulous family and friends.  Quite uneventful by my standards, but absolutely lovely and thoroughly enjoyable.  I’m totally, stunned, thrilled and generally over the moon with all the new people, friends and family I’ve met up with over the last 2 weeks.  I honestly can’t believe it.  One of my New Year’s resolutions was to get out more and meet new people.  Well, I can honestly say I’ve been doing that, with gusto .... and I’m bloody loving it!

Well, that’s it for today I’m afraid.  I’ll try and come up with something interesting for tomorrow.  I don’t think I ever told you about the time I joined a dating agency did I?  Hmmmmmmm that might be my next post!

Until then lovely people, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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