Monday 20 February 2012

General Update & Thank You

Hello lovelies

OK, OK, I know, I know, I’ve been really remise again and not been keeping things up to date, so sorry ... but I’ve been a busy bee (well, sort of!!).

Firstly, before I go any further I’ve got to do the traditional THANK YOUs as I’ve now reached over the 1700 hits mark ... amazing and again, I’m super thrilled.  I have wonderful readers from all over the world with the top four (in descending order) being UK, USA, Russia, Spain.  I’ve also had some fantastic feedback about my blog over the weekend (I’ll tell you about that later), so I’m really happy right now (even more than usual!).  THANK YOU MY LOVELIES!

So, what have I been up to?  Well, I didn’t manage to meet up with my cousin, Helen, on Thursday because I haven’t been feeling too well, a bit of a cold is all (well, that’s what I thought then) so didn't manage to make it.  I was thought I was feeling a bit better on Friday, so  asked my fab dad if he wanted to get some lunch (I forgot in my last post to put a picture of the roses he bought me for Valentine’s Day, so I’ve put it below).  However, when we got to the pub (the Bottle and Glass ... a lovely little country pub I think I’ve mentioned before) I started to get major hot sweats.  Now, for someone who is always cold (hence my love of hot countries) it’s very unlike me to get hot.  It just doesn't happen ... ever. 
Valentine Flowers from my Wonderful Dad

Initially, I just thought it was because I had had been running around the house with the heating on before my dad came round.  I said to my Dad, “Blimey Dad, is it hot in here?  I’m burning up?” He said it wasn’t but it could be because I was sitting next to a radiator, so we swapped places, but it didn’t help a bit.  I had to fan myself with the menu.  I said to my Dad, “This is weird dad ... I’m so hot.   I’m having a hot flush!”  Then it occurred to me, “Oh God Dad, do you think I’m going through the change?” (well, I’m nothing if not dramatic) my Dad spat into his pint of bitter shandy and laughed his head off!  “Nice ... thanks Dad” says I, “No love, you’re most likely coming down with something, you’re far too young for that nonsense”, “Phew!  Thanks Dad ... love you”

Anyway, we ordered our food with my temperature soaring (we both had wild boar burgers ... my dad hadn’t had wild boar before ... yum yum yum very tasty, he loved it).  The minute we’d finished our food (I hardly touched mine) I said, “Sorry Dad, I’ve gotta go, I feel awful”.  So we paid and departed.  I think we’d only been there 45 minutes.  Usually we have a nice leisurely lunch and at least a couple of drinks, but not that day ... I couldn’t wait to go, I was feeling really faint and hot ... Oh so hot!

When I got home, although I was hot I made a hot water bottle (I LOVE hot water bottles ... I always have.  They’re my comfort blanket and usually sort out any kind of ailment from headache to period pain .... they’re a regular cure all.  I have loads of them too ... from tiny hand ones, to small heart shaped ones, to my favourite of the moment that Deb got me for Christmas ... an extremely soft leopard print fur one ... I love it!) and collapsed on the couch with my dad and watched a film for a couple of hours.  As the day wore on, I felt worse and worse, so I decided to have a nice early night, as I was supposed to be taking Devon to Legoland the next day for her birthday treat and I really didn’t want to miss it.

Well, when I woke up the next morning, it was quite clear that I wasn’t going anywhere. I was losing my voice and one of those awful bone rattling coughs. Apart from anything else, I couldn’t forgive myself if I passed anything on to her or any other littleuns, so I reluctantly had to ring Deb and cancel.  I hated letting that lovely little girl down ... we’d both been looking forward to it so much, but it couldn’t be helped. Ho Hum.  Hopefully, we’ll manage to get there this weekend instead.

I went back to sleep then ... again, you can tell when I’m not well, it’s the only time I can bear to lie in bed after around 9.00 am (either that or when I’ve got jet lag).  When I did get up, I nipped to the chemist and got some Day Nurse/Night Nurse capsules and pretty much straight away started to feel better.  Those things are amazing ... highly recommended for any kind of colds/flu and the night ones help you sleep too.  Fantastic.  They’re that good that by 6.00 pm I was feeling almost back to my normal self, which was really good news considering that it was my cousin, Helen’s birthday do that night and I really didn’t want to miss it ... I’d bought a new dress for the occasion as well (a fab little black slinky number from All Saints ... You know how much I love that shop). 

So, feeling much better (and apart from not wanting to let Helen down, I was looking forward to meeting up with some of her friends whom I haven’t seen since I left school) I hopped in the shower, did my make-up (including a fab new pair of Ardell false lashes ... haven’t tried that make before ... they’re wonderful ... oh, and digressing a bit, if you have trouble with applying falsies and getting them to stick, I highly recommend using MAC lash glue, it’s £10 but so worth it ... you can use cheaper lashes as long as you use a decent glue – its amazeballs – and use a lash applicator ... Ardell’s is brilliant and make it so much easier than trying to apply them by hand.  You can get the applicators from Superdrug or I got mine off eBay) and hair, got dressed and accessorized and actually felt pretty good (I think the tablets had lulled me in to a false sense of security!). 

Once I was ready (and after I’d done my usual little chant/war cry into the mirror, “More than mortal man deserves!”  It’s just something I’ve always done ... can’t remember where I got that from, but it kinda makes me feel good) I double checked that my cousin, Phil, was in the pub where we were meeting (which happens to be one of his pubs), hopped in a taxi .... and I think I’ll leave it there for today lovelies.

I’ll tell you all about our lovely evening tomorrow ... I’m feeling a bit weary now.  That ‘little cold’ has actually developed into full on laryngitis and a quite nasty chest infection.  Actually, I’m not feeling really ill, which is good, however, I am dosed to the eyeballs on Day Nurse, honey, lemon and cough medicine... I just can’t speak (some would say that’s a good thing!) and have a nasty barking cough, which sounds really odd coupled with the laryngitis.

Actually, it’s quite weird when you live on your own and can’t speak, cos I keep forgetting.  While I was sitting idly this morning watching Day Time TV (I know, I know, it’s that thing I’ve said I’d never do ... watch Day Time TV ... I think I’ve said it before, Day Time telly is like the tractor beam from Star Trek ... it draws you in and you can’t turn away from it – you can turn on the TV at 9.00 am and before you know it, it’s 1.30 pm and Loose Women is just finishing and you’re still sitting there drooling down your dressing gown.  It’s all a bit white trash really ... I do, however, completely draw the line at watching Jeremy Kyle .... revolting man) I decided to have a go at This Morning’s weekly completion to win £30K and rang up as instructed in order to give the totally obvious answer to their question, then realised I couldn’t give the answer cos I couldn’t speak! Lmao ... mad woman.  I still entered though ... I texted my answer instead.  Thank God for multi media cos I’ve got a good feeling about this.  I’ve never really done any of those competitions before, but someone has to win and I’ve as good a chance as anyone else!  I'll keep you informed.

Oh God ... on reading that last paragraph back, I really am getting sucked in aren’t I?  What was  I thinking!  Day Time TV, entering competitions ... Blimey, I’ll be going the Bingo next! pmsl.

Right lovelies, that’s me for today.  Check in tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about my lovely Saturday night out and the fab friends I’ve met, both old and new.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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