Wednesday 8 February 2012

Movies, Dating and Catch Ups ...

Hello lovelies

Apologies again for the severe lack of posts ... I haven’t been up to much worth mentioning in the last few days – apart from having a lovely dinner and a catch up with my fab friends, Jenny and Steve on Sunday.  We had a yummy curry and a good old gossip ... can’t beat it!
I’ll hopefully be able to rectify my lack of activity in the next couple of weeks as I’ve got all kinds of fun stuff going on:

·         I’m meeting some friends on Friday I haven’t seen for over 20 years (not telling you exactly how long, cos it’s scary!!!!) – can’t wait to see them and we have one whole load of catching up to do.

·         It’s my cousin, Helen’s 40th Birthday party with the family on Sunday (and I’ll be going with my lovely dad) – I haven’t seen Helen or a lot of the people who’ll be there, for about 20 years either ... so lots more catching up there!

·         It’s Devon’s birthday on Tuesday (Valentine’s Day) and I’m off to visit her and her mum in Blackpool where they’ll be having a well earned break.

·         That next Saturday, I’m taking Devon on another little shopping trip (you remember how much she loved it when we went before Christmas to buy her party dress?).  Can’t wait for that ... she’s such good company.

·         That night it’s Helen’s girlie 40th night out – and we’re going to a bar owned by another cousin that I haven’t seen for years too.

So, all in all, I’ve got one hell of a lot of catching up to do with friends and family over the next couple of weeks and I can’t wait!  God love Facebook is all I can say.  I’d probably never been in touch with my family and definitely not my friends if not for finding them on there.  Yay Facebook!

Well, as I said, I’ve not really been up to much apart from the gym and movies.  I’ve seen a couple of new films this week:

‘Chronicle’ is a sci-fi, nerdy, superhero type film (very suited to teenage boys it has to be said).  Three young guys find a glowing object in a cave and touch it – afterwards, they discover that they have superhuman powers eg flying, moving things through telekinetics etc.  One of the guys can’t handle his new power, so flips and causes mayhem.  I won’t say too much more in case you want to see it, but that’s pretty much the plot.  I did actually enjoy it more than I expected to though.

‘Man on a Ledge’ was a complete surprise!  I hadn’t read/heard the best reviews about it but as you know, I never let that put me off and I was really glad it didn’t.  It was fast paced, with lots of twists and turns and literally, towards the end of the film, had me on the edge of my seat (now that doesn’t happen very often!).  The plot surrounds an ex-cop who’s been framed by a billionaire for stealing his £40m diamond.  The ex-cop goes out on a ledge in the hotel opposite the millionaire’s offices and causes a commotion so that his brother can break in a find the diamond.  I don’t think I’ve given anything away there, cos I knew that before I saw it.  It was excellent.  Extremely fast moving with lots of twists and turns.  Go check that one out!

Last week, I don’t think I mentioned that I saw ‘The Descendants’ – the film that George Clooney’s been nominated for an Oscar for.  Not very good.  More than a bit depressing.  The premise is that his wife is in a coma after a freak boating accident and he’s left to manage his wayward kids.  There’s obviously more to it than that, but I don’t want to spoil it if you’re going to watch it.  Considering the amount of films I watch, that’s one I wouldn’t recommend ... keep it for DVD.

There are tonnes of new films out this week that I’ll definitely be watching:

·         Star Wars: Episode 1 in 3D (I’m not a fan of the later Star Wars films – although I loved the two very early ones - and this isn’t a brand new one, but they’ve put it into 3D and as I have my ‘unlimited’ pass, I may check that one out)

·         Ghost Rider – I haven’t seen any of the previous ones, but I’ve seen the trailer for this and it actually looks quite cool

·         The Woman In Black – new Daniel Ratcliffe film (I’m not a fan of his – I don’t think he’s a very good actor, very wooden – but this is a horror, my favourite genre, so it’s worth a peek)

·         The Muppet Show – speaks for itself (I’m a huge fan!)

·         The Vow – a married couple have a car crash and when she comes round, she can’t remember who he is and he has to go about getting her to fall in love with him all over again (ahhhhhhhhh).

So I think I’ll be a bit busy.  By the way ... I’ve knocked the hot dog and Peanut M&Ms on the head.  I finally got round to checking out how many calories each contain and you’re not going to believe this .... the hot dog = 650 ... Peanut M&Ms = 1000!!!! OMG I nearly fainted when I read that, so it’s just diet cokes for me now.  I’m gutted! Lol

OK, now dating update ... again, not much to report, but I thought you may like to see a few more of the more whacky emails.  Oh and just to explain what happens on the internet dating site I’m on (in case you don’t know how internet dating works ... Steve, this is in answer to your question) ...

1.   You register

2.   You fill in a profile about yourself

3.   You upload pictures of yourself

4.   You can then search for people either through a filter ie people who live in your area, as specific age range, hair/eye colour, likes and dislikes or the site gives you suggestions of people who may be suitable.

5.   You then either wink at them - or the site's equivalent to winking - (to let them know you like them ... I can’t really see the point of this) or they wink at you, or you can send them a mail/they send you a mail directly to an inbox on the site (that way, you don’t need to give out your personal email address, it’s all done on the site).

Just one point of note here – most dating sites will let you join, do your profile/upload pictures and search for people you fancy for free, however, if you want to contact someone or read any mails that you may have received, you have to pay the site subscription fees.  I understand that is free, but really wouldn’t do for me.  I wouldn’t want a man that couldn’t or wouldn’t pay subscription fees!  However, if you’re on a tight budget, it may be worth a go!)

6.   If you get a mail, you can obviously reply or delete it.

If someone bugs you and you don’t want to hear from them again, there’s usually a facility where you can ‘blacklist’ them so that they can’t contact you anymore.  Also, if someone is really out of order, you can report them to the administrators of the site and they’ll deal with it.  I hope that all makes.  Sometimes take it for granted that people know what I’m talking about until I’m asked! 

So, on to this week’s more entertaining mails:

Email 1

Subject:      Let’s do it – you know you want to!

Message:    Fancy a sh*g? [No I flamin’ don’t, dirty bugger – DELETE/BLACKLIST]

Email 2

Title:           Hey Secksy! [Secksy???? What the hell?]

Message:    Hey how are you x have u met anyone yet xx [Dunno about me, I bet you haven’t with an opening title like that! DELETE]

Email 3

Title:           Hi

Message:    good morning.....

i like the finer things in life...

i dont have thousands to waste on shopping, expensive clothes etc,.

[blimey, that’s me told!] most of my earnings go on my passion - motor racing, [what he’s saying is he’s a tight wad and wants a woman but doesn’t want to spend any money on her and is warning me in advance!  Awwwww that’s kinda thoughtful really ... NOT!] and my cars ( i have a few), but also i like to eat out [wonder if he means McDonalds?], have weekends away and love travelling [do you think he means staying in Youth Hostels to keep the price down?].

i like the simple things in life, like gardening, walking and cooking rather than shopping aimlessly for hours [Oh dear ... he really has a bee up his bum about shopping doesn’t he!].
so, if you are still interested, give me a shout... [Er, that’ll be a ‘no’ – DELETE]

Email 4

Subject:      Clusterbomb [What the hell’s a ‘Clusterbomb’?]

Message:    Hiya. Confident smile and a sassy profile. All working in yr favour xx [Err, thanks? What are you supposed to say to that?]

Email 5

Subject:      Hi

Message:    Were you born on 24 July at a guess ? V. close to mine if so. [My profile quite clearly states I’m a Piceas and my birthday’s in March ... weird question!]

Many restaurants in Manchester that are excellent. Piccoloino, San Carlo & Stock to name a few. Ever been to any of those ? [What has that got to do with anything?]

Where were you on in the photo ? [I’m not gonna tell you, cos you’re just plain weird! DELETE]

Email 6

Subject:      hi

Message:    helo [another great speller!] hope you had a good day , mine was bit boring [what a weird thing to say in a first email!?] , very much would love to get to know ya [would ya now? DELETE]

Ho hum ... never mind ... I’ll keep going (God loves a trier!)

Right lovelies, that’s me for another day ... I need some food and want to watch the first episode of the new season of True Blood (God I love that programme ... all those buff vampires and warewolves ... yummy! lol).  I hope you’re having a wonderful week, enjy the rest of it.  Until next time, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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