Friday 3 February 2012

The Exercise Bug!

Hi lovelies.  Huge apologies for my absence over the last week.  Again, I’ve not had an awful lot going on worthy of writing about.  Sometimes, I think that’s a good thing ... it gives me a breather!

So, what have I been up to?  Well, I’ve hit the gym BIG style!  I was round at my friend Debi’s last Saturday night and was moaning that I’m in between contracts at the moment, so not working full time, but still can’t drag my sorry ass to the gym.  Her solution, get up, don’t go downstairs until you’ve showered and got your makeup on ready to go out.  I’ve got to be honest, I’ve been a bit slovenly lately and have been getting up, going downstairs, making coffee and then logging on ... 3 hours later, I realise that I’ve not really achieved anything, but can’t be bothered getting ready and going to the gym!  Oh and in case you’re wondering, yes, I do go to the gym with pretty much my full make up on ... the only difference is less eye makeup and no false lashes!  I don’t get that “I’m going to the gym, so why would I need to put makeup on?” thing.  Ladies, I’m sorry but unless you’re in your teens/early 20’s ... every woman needs to wear makeup!  It’s bad enough to have to look at sweaty, red faces in the gym ... it’s even worse if there’s not a jot of mazzy!  (Translation: mascara)

Well Deb’s suggestion worked a treat!  This week I’ve been in the gym before 11.00 am every day and done at least 2 hours exercise (I can’t really exercise before 11.00 ... it just doesn’t work for me ... I’ve tried, but I just can’t move much before then – not vigorous exercise anyway!).  I’ve also discovered Zumba!  Zumba is full of fab moves to the music you get a lot in the Caribbean ... couldn’t be more perfect ... Love it!  I’ve also got back into yoga which is perfect for stretching all those aching muscles out after too much weight training or aerobic exercise.  I always thought that Zumba was a bit lame (I’m kinda hardcore, exercise wise ... or should I say, I used to be and thought this was a bit too ‘low impact’) but I absolutely love it - I've done 3 classes this week already!  FYI, I was a dancer (ballet, tap, jazz etc) from the age of 3-18 so Zumba suits me down to the ground (as does yoga ... the limbering up exercises you do for ballet are actually yoga moves ... that was a very pleasant surprise when I first started yoga ... my teacher couldn’t believe I’d never done it before but know the moves and be really very flexible for a ‘first timer’). 

I did find a place quite near to me in Liverpool that does Bikram Yoga (Bikram yoga is normal yoga done in 80 degree heat – loads of Hollywood stars do it as it’s meant to be amazing for detoxing and weight loss as you sweat so much!).  There are only two places in the whole of the North West of England that do Bikram ... can you believe that!?  Gap in the market I think.  Well, on Tuesday, I decided to give it a go.  I left in plenty of time and thought I knew where it was.  I’d mentioned its location to my dad the day before and wondered why he sucked his breath through his teeth, tutted and sighed, "Dodgy" (I thought he meant the yoga!).  Well, as soon as I got to the street it was on, I knew that there was no flamin’ way I was going to leave my rather lovely car anywhere in that vicinity ... even in daylight!  It’s decidedly unsavoury, so I promptly, turned the car round and headed home and to my local gym.  I’d have loved to have been able to give you a run down of my Bikram trial, but hey, I’ll have to leave that for another time.  I may try the place in Manchester City Centre that does it next time I’m there.  I’ll keep you informed if I do.

Well, today, I did Zumba, step, an abs class, then yoga.  However, I’m not sure if I’ve told you that I’ve bought some of those Easytone trainers from Reebok ... the ones that are supposed to tone your ass as you exercise ... well, they’re fab, but take a bit of getting used to (they are convex on the bottom – the point of that being that you have to work harder to keep your balance which helps tone your legs and butt).  Well, during the Zumba class, I did lose my balance and went over on my ankle.  Still, like a real trouper I carried on (ouch did it hurt) and then did the crunch class, then the yoga.  When I got home, it was so swollen I had to put ice on it ... in fact, while I’m typing I’ve got an elastic bandage on it and it’s propped up.  Bloody typical, you try and get yourself fit and get an injury!  Hopefully, the swelling will have gone down tomorrow and I can at least do yoga ... oh God, am I turning into a gym junkie??? (It has happened before ... still, there could be worse things to obsess about!).

I’ve also been a bit of a ‘domestic goddess’ (according to my friend Tim) and have made the biggest pot of chicken soup you ever did see (I used a whole chicken, yum)  It’s all now in little plastic tubs in the freezer ... I think I’ll be eating it for weeks.  My dad came round today and had some and asked for my recipe!  OMG ... my dad asked for my recipe for soup!  And I know him well enough to know that he wasn’t just being kind ... if it was awful, he definitely would have said.  So ‘Yay me!’

Oh, and I mustn’t forget to give you a dating up date.  Well, there’s not much positive stuff I’m afraid.  Justine and I haven’t sorted out the speed-dating yet (we must do that soon) and I’ve had the usual round of mental emails.  Here’s some of the weirder ones:

Subject:      Car

Message:     Bet you drive an Audi TT

[What the hell?????]

Subject:                _______

Message:    ooops sent you an empty message...thats becasue you had an effect on me...and becasue Im an ace typist ha ha..Im Diretcor for an international brand...nice to meet you.. x

[This guy is 62 and reading his mail, I don’t think he could direct me to Asda]

Subject:      At last a real woman!

Message:    What you've got most other women couldn't even spell !

I think we would get on great.............Please read my profile and contact me if it pleases you............I will be off line in a day or two, so e-mail is ******

[Bet you think the last one sounds nice donchya ... he does ... he’s also 72!]

Subject:      Hello

Message:    My name is James and I am an intelligent,articulate, interesting,very well travelled compassionate and passionate loving man.   
I have a wry if somewhat self deprecating sense of humour ,don't take myself at all seriously and enjoy laughing at myself as well as others laughing at and with me. I like most music except heavy metal,rap and some types of Jazz.
I keep myself up to date with many subjects and I am a keen flyfisherman and country lover.I also enjoy my cars,motorcycle and push bike.
I am 6ft tall and 13 1/2 stone with no beer belly all my own teeth and most of my original hair .
My lady should be fit, intelligent ,articulate and just at home in wellies and jeans as an LBD and high heels.
If you think you fit the bill and fancy a challenge please contact me.
I prefer F to F meeting as prolonged mailing is tedious.
All the best

[This one ... 64.  At least he has all his own teeth and most of his ‘original’ hair!!!  The mind boggles!]

Awwwww you’ve gotta laugh!

Well, lovelies, I’ve got a busy weekend planned (including catching up with some very dear friends of mine, Jenny and Steve – I haven’t seen them in such a long time, so I’m really looking forward to catching up), so I’d better hobble on!  Have a wonderful weekend whatever you’re doing ... and as always, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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