Monday 11 June 2012

Day 3 - The Body Holiday - Le Sport

(Written on Day 3 of my jolly holidays ...)

Morning lovelies.  It's 6.00 am again and I'm wide awake.  Yesterday was a bit of an odd day ... It rained from beginning to end and when I say rained I mean torrential rain!  I don't mind at though in the Caribbean, just as long as it doesn't do it every day.

It always makes me laugh when I hear people moaning that it's raining when they come to the Caribbean.  I ask them why they chose to come here in the first place and invariable they say it's because it's so beautiful, lush and green plus the colours are so vibrant.  How the hell do they think that happens if they aren't expecting to encounter rain?  If it didn't rain almost every day, the place would look like Tenerife!

Yesterday was a bit different though, it hammered down all day.  It didn't bother me though, after I'd finished writing, I went down for a spot of breakfast (I had intended not to have anything cos I'd had fruit in my room, but when I saw what they had on offer, I really couldn't resist.)  Then I went for my first treatment, a full body massage, which was amazing.  I'm quite sore today actually because the therapist worked on my knots so hard!  It's a good hurt though, if that makes sense.  After that, I went back to my room, showered to get rid of the oil and optimistically applied my sunscreen.  I then bobbed on a bikini and matching sarong and headed to the Club House where I found the largest, comfiest sofa I could and plonked myself down.  And there I stayed reading and chatting with people until lunchtime.

It was lovely actually, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was very relaxing and I met some lovely people and had quite a giggle.  And when did I commence on the bubbles? That would have been about 11.30, when one of the girls, Julie, declared it time ... I wasn't going to argue with that one!

At 1.00 pm I had lunch with Toby the therapist I was telling you about yesterday, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon right back in the same seat I'd been in all morning.

Now, I've got to be honest, towards the end of the afternoon I was getting a bit nervous about my case.  The day before I'd been promised that it would be in my room for 4.00 pm, so I thought I'd give it to 4.30 and then go and check.  Well, when 4.00 pm came, I really couldn’t bear the suspense anymore so practically ran to my room.  As I was on my way, I noticed wheel marks on the floor going into the lift and my spirits were considerably lifted thinking that it was the wheel marks from my case.  I charged to my room, threw open the door and .... to my dismay found that it wasn’t there!

OMG I thought I was going to faint!  I just stood with my hand on the door knob trying to steady myself.  A million things ran though my mind ... "How the hell will I replace everything?" "I've collected all those clothes from all over the world, I'll never be able to replace them and if I could, I can't bear to think about how much it would cost!" “I've got no hair brush!"

I think at that point, if I'd have had someone with me, I'd have needed a slap to bring me out of my panic.  When I came round to my senses, I ran back down to reception and asked them to find out what was going on.  The concierge said that they had had confirmation that my case was on the plane in the morning which should have landed by now, and she would ring and see where it was.  I felt slightly better at this point.

She made the call in front of me and was told that the bag was in the country, that it would be put on a taxi immediately and would reach the hotel by 6 at the latest. I thanked the lady profusely and headed back to the bar for another drink to calm me nerves (well what else could I do?).  At about 6.30, I headed back to my room full of optimism that my beautiful new shiny leopard print case would be waiting there for me.  I tentatively opened the door and peered around it ... No case!

I swear my heart stopped for a second and I did a little swoon (not a good one!).  I headed back to reception and I've got to be honest, this time the concierge looked worried.  She actually left me in reception and went to make a call in the office this time, which worried me more!  I sat down literally with my head in my hands with all sorts of thoughts running through my head, when I happened to look round and there was a complete vision of loveliness, my case being wheeled in by a rather lovely taxi driver! Oh dear God, how I stopped myself from flinging my arms around the guy and planting a mahoosive kiss on him I'll never know.

Phew!  The porter took my case to my room, I quickly unpacked and got ready for the evening.  I had dinner at the communal table with about 15 other singles who were all either from Canada or the UK and actually had a rather pleasant evening.  I didn't stay out too long (I'm not much of a party animal anymore) so about 11 pm I made my excuses and came back to my room.

Earlier that evening, when the maid came to turn down the bed, she left a little Chinese tea pot with some herbal tea.  When I looked at it, it was to calm the tummy.  So I made a little pot and it was surprisingly nice and it did indeed calm my tummy (I'm gonna get some of that when I get home), tried to read a bit of my book, but my eyes were closing fast.  I don't know if I was so tired because of jet lag or from the stress on my case debacle, but I slept like a log.

I've never had much trouble sleeping in strange beds ... And before you read that the wrong way, I've spent quite a bit of my career working away from home so you kinda get used to it (*tut – you and your dirty minds*). 

Today I'm happy to say that the weather seems like it might perk up.  I can certainly see bits of blue sky, which is positive, so hopefully I'll get some sun. If not, I'll just do the same as I did yesterday.  It's just nice to be away and in stunning surroundings, whether it's raining or not!

Right lovelies, that's me for another day.  I'm off to get breakfast (actually as I ate so much yesterday, I really am only going to have coffee today) and off for my ginger and lime salt body-scrub.  The only thing with that is that it will undoubtedly remove the remainder of my fake tan so carefully applied before I came away and, as I haven't had the chance to get any sun yet (luckily I tan really quickly when I do see the sun) I'll be like Caspar the Friendly Ghost when I come out ... all pale and uninteresting!  On second thoughts, I may ask can I swap to another massage instead!  The thought of having no colour frightens the life out of my.  My mates say that I'm tanorexic ie I can't bear my natural skin colour and prefer to have what I like to describe as a "healthy glow" at all times!

More holiday updates from me tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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