Friday 8 June 2012

Good to be Back!

Hello lovelies!  Have you missed me?  I’ve missed you.

I can’t believe that I’ve had over 350 hits since I’ve been gone and I didn’t even post anything new!  Happy days.  Thank you.

Well, I had a wonderful holiday and for the first 5 days or so I wrote blog content every day.  I started doing it in the morning because I was still suffering from jet lag a bit and tended to wake up about 5.30 am.  However, as the week(s) wore on, I got more and lax ... sorry!  I’ll start posting them tomorrow ... they start with a rather exiting (and not in a good way) trauma at the airport on the way there ... did you really expect it to go smoothly?  But I’m happy to say that things settled down nicely towards the end of the first week, so literally, there wasn’t much to write that wouldn’t have just been repeating myself after that.
The Body Holiday - Le Sport - St Lucia

On the weight thing ... 4lbs is what I put on and I definitely can’t say that was through food ... I was really good and stuck to mostly protein with very (and I mean very) little carbs.  I didn’t do deserts either ... the only bit of sweet stuff I had was the odd homemade ice cream on the beach during the afternoon (very yum I must say ... cherry, strawberry, passion fruit – that was my fav).  So what put the weight on then?  Yep, you guessed ... CHAMPAGNE!  Woooohoooooo!  I was literally never seen without either a ‘Pick me Up’, a very aptly named champagne cocktail, or a strawberry daiquiri in my hand... and I have the pictures to prove it.  I counted one day how many ‘pick me ups’ I’d had that day and I think it was about 12. So besides the calories contained in the champagne I was also consuming the sticky, sugary loveliness they put in with the champagne too!

Calorie wise ... Ouch.  I calculated yesterday how many calories I must have been drinking each day and it couldn’t have been less than 1,200!  I think I have severely pickled liver now.  I’ve just been to the supermarket and bought a load of healthy foodage and I’m off to the gym in a bit.  I was quite determined to do some exercise when I got to the resort (after all it is called Le Sport and it does have a full timetable of wonderful activities each day) but I conveniently forgot my trainers!  I think it must have been a subconscious move.  I was told by a number of the fitness instructors that there were enough activities I could take part in that didn’t require trainers eg beach fitness (*shudder*) but I didn’t take them up on it.  Seemed far too much like hard work.

Still it could have been worse, weigh gain wise.  I could have really gone overboard with the food and put on at least twice that.  Ho hum.  No alcohol again for me for a while ... feel a bit shaky today, I don’t know if it’s jet lag or alcohol withdrawal!

I met some wonderful people on this trip, you’ll hear more about them when I start posting my daily diary (I’ll post lots of pictures of the resort too so that you can see how wonderful it is) and I was really sad to leave.  I’ll definitely be going back, I can highly recommend it.

So what have I been up to since I got back?  Well, not having any sleep on the plane, I slept 12 hours last night and woke up seriously groggy.  I’ve been trying to get all my washing done, but my heating and hot water has packed in ... lovely ... just what you need when you get back from holiday (I can just about get enough hot water for a shower then it shuts off ... that God for small mercies).  I’ve had my nails, eyebrows and pedicure done this morning (gotta get your priorities right), had a phone interview, cleaned the house and now I really must get off to the gym ... can’t put it off any longer!

Tune in tomorrow lovelies to hear about my made journey.  Until then, have a wonderful Friday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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