Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 6 - The Body Holiday - Le Sport

(Written on Day 6 of my jolly holibobs ...)

Hello lovelies.  I'm actually writing this in the evening rather than the morning today, so it'll be cramming two days in to one.

Well first off my bruises are even worse today ... I look thoroughly battered! Yesterday, I had another full body massage but had to tell the therapists not to touch my arms because they were so sore.  It was still a fab massage though, much better than the hurty one. 

Actually, looking back it was probably one of the quietest, without incident days I've had since I got here. Bliss!  One really good thing that happened was that my fabulous friend Tanya arrived with some of her friends. She's so lovely and I haven't seen her for a year, since I was here last time, so it was wonderful to see her and have a catch up.  Last night I had far too much to drink and really couldn't face getting up this morning to write my blog, hence why I'm writing it now.

Today, I had yet another fully body massage and again, there isn’t much else to report.  The weather was brilliant and I drank far too much again.  So rather than writing nothing, I thought I’d give you what seems to be the itinerary for each day:

8.00 Breakfast

9.00 Treatment

10.30 Beach

11.00 Pims and cold towel on the beach

11.30 Strawberry daiquiri

12.00 Strawberry daiquiri

1.00 Lunch and ‘champagne pick me ups’ (my brand new drink find - its fruit juices with the champers)

2.00 Beach

3.00 Home made ice-cream on the beach

3.15 Pims and cold towel

5.00 Club House and as many champagne pick me ups as I fancy

6.30 Room, shower, get ready

7.30 Piano Bar, more champagne pick me ups

8.00 Dinner more champagne cocktails

9.30 Club House - dancing and champagne

11.00 Piano bar and champagne

Anytime after that ... bed!

One of the new girls Fiona who came yesterday said to me tonight, do you get panicky when you start to come to the end of a glass and the waiter hasn't lined your next one up in front of you?  I don't think I've seen you yet without a glass in your hand!" PMSL .... I thought that was funny ... an accurate observation but funny.

The waiters here are amazing, they memorise what you're drinking and literally, you hardly have to order cos they watch when you're running low and have another in front of you before you finish the last!  My idea of bliss!

Well, sorry it’s a quickie lovelies, but I really am struggling to see the screen ... obviously that due to tiredness and not the huge amount of champers I’ve drunk!  Until next time, have a fabulous day ... be fabulous!

Lots of love


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