Sunday 17 June 2012

MIB3 and The Pact

OK, so what’ve I been up to this week?  Well, last weekend, I had Deb and Devon round for an indoor BBQ.  We were determined not to let the weather stop us, so I decided we’d have the lot, buggers, chicken, sweet corn, ribs, hot dogs, salad all done in the oven/hob and microwave.  I think us Brits are rather good at that type of thing ie not letting the poor weather stop us doing things (it hasn’t stopped raining since I got home from holiday).  We also had mini donuts and lemon cheesecake for desert.  So that was rather lovely.

The Sunday, I cooked again (I know ... mental!) for my dad and did him a sausage casserole (he loves sausages) with big fat dumplings, followed by hot treacle tart (I don’t like that, which is why I bought it ... I didn’t make it ... cos I knew I wouldn’t be tempted) with Cornish clotted cream.  All very lovely.

That evening I went for an impromptu drinkypoos at my local with Kath another of the friends from school I’ve recently been in touch with.  I had far too much to drink and was incredibly ill the next day.  I couldn’t really move until about 3.00 pm!!!!  Not good.

Tuesday, I went into Manchester and met some of my old colleagues, Michelle, Mehreen and Fiona for lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (I had salad ... another first).  The rest of the week has been pretty quiet ... just worky stuff really and not worth writing about.

Late afternoon on Friday, I decided that I’d had enough of the week and it was time I caught up on the films I’d missed while I was away.  First off I went to the cinema and watched MIB3 and I loved it, it was really good and I thought it equalled the other two.  The story....  Agent J (Will Smith) travels back in time to save Agent K and the Earth from an Alien invasion.  While he’s there, he learns what made Agent K so dour and miserable.  That’s kind of it really, I can’t really say much more in case I spoil it for those of you who are planning on watching it.  The special effects were brilliant and I thought the whole thing was highly enjoyable.  Here’s the trailer...

The second film I watched on Friday was The Pact.  The story ... after their mother passes away, two sisters reluctantly return to their childhood home, one disappears and the other suffers nightmares and sees and feels weird things in the house.  The dreams lead her to uncover something terrible about her mother’s past. 

I’ve got to be honest, it was a bit slow at first and I really was considering giving it up as a bad job (I don’t do that very often) but really rocked up about half way through ... a fantastic twist near the end!  The only thing that spoiled it was nothing to do with the film, the theatre had about 4 sets of teenagers in there who where giggling and shouting and generally being idiots pretty much all the way through.  That coupled with the big fat woman who was sitting behind me who kept kicking the back of my chair (even when I’d glared at her ... then she did it again and I kindly – honestly, I was polite – asked her to stop ... she didn’t). 

I’ve gotta be honest, I’m not good with other people’s noise and general disregard for the rest of us when in the cinema, that goes for:

·         Talking loudly during the film

·         Taking their phone out so that you’re distracted by the light

·         Kicking the back of your chair (even when you politely ask them to stop)

·         Rustling sweet/popcorn/chips/crisp packets

The last one has to be the most irritating.  Why oh why are people so bloody disrespectful and sit there rustling papers?  It’s so distracting and annoying ... and while I’m having a moan, when did they stop doing popcorn buckets and do popcorn bags???  They’re so much noisier and so flamin’ annoying!  I’m not good with teenagers being all ‘silly’ either and trying to impress each other.  It’s probably because I don’t have kids but it really does wind me up.  I give them my very best ‘stare’ and actually, to a degree it usually works ...  I must be really scary!  OK, rant over.  But you know how I love films and I hate it when I’m distracted. 

Anyway, back to the film ... it was really good.  Here’s the trailer...

Right lovelies, that’s it for today ... I’m just waiting for my dad to come round so that we can get going to see the Dalai Lama.  Tomorrow, I’ll let you know about that and give you a write up on Snow White and the Huntsman and Rock of Ages.  Until then, Happy Father’s Day to you dads out there ... everyone else, enjoy your Sunday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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