Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 4 - The Body Holiday - Le Sport

(Written on Day 4 of my jolly holiday)

Well its 6.00 am again ... unfortunately the weather only marginally improved.  I probably got a total of 2 hours in the sun yesterday.  It was really weird actually; it would be baking hot sun one minute and like Armageddon the next!

One of the lovely ladies I met here that I told you about in another post, Julie, came up with a genius idea the first time it bucketed down ... "Let's go in the Jacuzzi! We'll be wet from the bottom up anyway, so the rain's not gonna matter!"  I thought that was rather inspired myself!

Genius, bloody genius.  We settled in, ordered a couple of strawberry daiquiris (well it was 11.30!) and watched the world go by.  She's fab Julie.  Wonderful sense of humour.  We actually just giggled and drank daiquiris for an hour. Lovely.

That evening, we were all going on a sunset cruise.  The hotel puts on a cruise at 4.30 every Friday night for customers.  When I was here last year it was only for return guests but I believe it’s open to everyone now.  It's actually (as you would imagine) just an excuse for a piss up.  I went on it when I was here last year, although it was my first time at the resort, I pulled some strings as you do and it was fabulous.  A mini bus picks us up and drives us 5 minutes down the coast to the marina where we catch the boat.  The boat then sails back up the coast to the hotel's bay and mores there while much drinking and merriment is had by all.  It also includes the obligatory 'formation' dancing to tunes like 'The Dollar Song' (if you've ever been to the Caribbean you'll know that one) and of course, watching the sunset.

Last time was fabulous.  The weather was amazing and the sunset beautiful.  This time ... it pissed it down the whole time.  I don't think I could have got any wetter if I'd swam alongside the boat – the rain was coming in horizontally!  I was a bit disappointed at first, more so because I'd just spent half an hour trying to dry my hair straight, combating the mad humidity.  However, we still had a fabulous time (I've laughed so much on this holiday) and I really enjoyed it, in spite of the wet.  Everyone is so lovely here, I’ve met some wonderful people - no wonder 85% of the hotel's business is from returning customers.

Boy was the champers and rum punch flowing on that lil trip.  So much so that when we came into the bay, they took the boat in as near to the shore as possible and one of the bar men waded out from the hotel with another box full of champagne!  I love that ... completely fabulous.

When we got back, despite being slightly bedraggled and rather damp, our little gang headed off to the Club House for a BBQ which was unbelievable yum.  A meat eater’s idea of paradise.

I drank far more than usual last night.  When I realised that I really couldn't get any more 'thin' liquid down me ie wine, I had an inspired moment and went back on the strawberry daiquiris. However, when the second one came, it was so loaded with alcohol that I couldn't taste the strawberry ... that's when I felt a bit woosey and decided it was time to go to bed.

Today, I haven't looked outside so I don't know what the weather’s doing yet.  Hopefully it'll pick up.  My 9 am treatment is an Aloe Vera Body-wrap which should be nice.  I booked it because I thought I would have had two days sun by now and my body might need a bit of a cuddle from the aloe, but hay ho, it'll be nice anyhow.

Yesterday's lime and ginger body scrub was good.  I thought my skin was already exfoliated to within an inch, but after having had that treatment ... it really wasn't.  It's wonderfully smooth now and I still have some of the false tan left on too!  Not too shabby even though I say so myself.

Right lovelies, that's me for another day.  More tomorrow, until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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