Thursday 26 January 2012

Thank You! (Plus More Dating News)

Good afternoon lovelies.  Well firstly, I have to say another huge THANK YOU to you for your support!  At 11.00 am this morning, my blog hit the 1,500 hits mark!  1,500! I can’t believe it, that’s amazing!  I am so happy ... that’s over 500 hits this month alone, so I’m obviously doing something you like!

In the last month, I have readers from the following countries (in order of number of hits):

UK – Thank you

USA – Thank you

Russia - спасибо

Spain - Gracias

Germany - Danke

Ireland – Thank you

India - शुक्रिया

Malaysia - Terima kasih

Netherlands - dank u

UAE - شكرا

Australia – Thank you

Ukraine - Спасибі

... what an eclectic mix.  (I hope I got your translations right!).  YOU GUYS ROCK!

Well, what have I been up to today?  I had a meeting in Manchester this morning, so took the opportunity to catch up with Mehreen.  I haven’t seen her for such a long time and miss her terribly, so it was good to have a good gossip and a catch up.  She’s agreed to help me with the blog idea I mentioned yesterday - I’ll still need your help too, but am just pulling information together, so stay tuned for that one – I’ll let you know more in the coming weeks.

I also took the opportunity to have a little shop and bought a beautiful body warmer and poncho cape thing from All Saints – they had a 20% off all sale prices, so I got £350 worth of gear for £80 ... bargain ... the extra sale is still on until the end of the month, so check it out for some mega bargains both in store and on-line

When I got home, I checked the dating website and got a few fab mails that are ripe for sharing:

Subject:     Hi

Message:   How are you tonight [he sent this mail this morning!?] and hows it going on I am pleased to see there are some special ladies on the site and I have to ask hows it going for you any nice meets I have been told to be very careful on the site and choose with care who to meet I have never followed that lesson and i have had a few on here over the months... I have a couple of businesses have you time to meet up I wonder [not in this life ... or any other come to think of it] I do love the finer things in life having travelled throught [!!!!] the world for many iyrs [can’t spell though can ya!].. I have a home in marbella and a luxary sports car ooh and very expensive lol [whoop de bloody do] but alas nobody to share it with [not really surprised] maybe my age will put you off let it be told I can loose the 20 yr crowd off [who the hell told you that?] anyway take care and drop me a text if you want to know more about me etc [he didn’t leave a number ... phew!]


This guy is 65 and fat ... REALLY fat ... with a wild mop of white hair.  Another that can’t spell, use punctuation or use grammar.  The mind boggles at how these people own businesses!

The next one I read:

Subject:     just passing by

Message:   but stopped to say

Love the hair :)

Was also going to say ...with lips like that you must be a great kisser too [OMG gross!].....but I don't do the perv routine :)...oops! I just said it :) [yep ... you really said it!]
Take care gorgeous lady

J x

This guy is 63 ... I nearly vomited at the ‘great kisser’ bit ... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, God-damn my vivid imagination ... feel sick now.

I also got this from a gorgeous (honestly ... GORGEOUS!) 30 year old:

Subject:     no subject

Message:   Marry me! Lol x

My reply:

Subject:     no subject

Message:   OK! x

Pmsl ... couldn’t help it ... he’s gawwwwjus!

The next one:

Subject:     no subject

Message:     hi im joel your stunning are you on msn yahoo or skype to chat

Errr no, I’m not ... I didn’t reply.  This guy also sent me 8 Instant Message requests ... 8!!!!! NEXT!

I also got yet another mail from the guy who didn’t bother to call on Saturday ....

Subject:     Good Evening ....

Message:   Hi

How are you & are you having a good week so far ?

I'd still like to be able to chat with you and wondered when would be good to call you ?

Hope your ok & look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take Care

Maybe I’m being a bit harsh not talking to him ... then again, I think he’s gone a bit like ‘Preston Man’ ie because he can’t get hold of me, he wants to talk to me all the more ... weird that ... maybe that’ll teach him a valuable lesson!  And I’ve got to say that I’ve completely lost interest in him ... he’s 6’7” too, so over a foot taller than me and even with my 6” heels on, we’d look at bit like the ‘odd couple’ and what with my neck problems ... better stay well clear! lol

On the up side, I have actually had a small number of mails from guys who actually look quite promising ... well, they can write anyway and that’s a huge improvement on most!  I’ll let you know how I get on with those.

Right, that’s me for today ... thanks again for your support, I really love you guys.  Until next time, be fabulous, you lovely people!

Lots of love


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