Sunday 13 May 2012

Dark Shadows Review

Hi lovelies ... busy day yesterday and I forgot to post this!  How that happened, I have no idea!

Well, what a fabulous day yesterday.  Firstly I went to see Dark Shadows, the new Tim Burton film starring Johnny Depp (double yum), Helena Bonham Carter (obv), Chloe Moretz (she was fab in Let me In), Bella Heathcote and a very different looking Jonny Lee Miller (took me a while to recognise him with his comb over ... did him no favours!).

So, what’s it about? Well, in 1752 Barnabas’ (lovely Johnny) parents set sail from Liverpool to America and start a fishing empire and build a mahoosive country pile.  One of the servants, Angelique, has an affair with Barnabas and falls in love with him.  He on the other hand isn’t interested in her and falls in love with someone else.  However, what he doesn’t know is Angelique is a witch who subsequently curses him and turns him into a vampire.

After a killing spree (well he is a vampire after all), he’s put in chains in a coffin and buried alive (well, dead really, whichever way you look at it).  200 years later, he’s discovered and that’s where the fun starts.  He wakes in 1972 and decides to take revenge on Angelique ... who’s still alive, what with her being a witchipoo an all!

Gotta be honest, I bloody loved it and will no doubt go and see it again this week.  It was fabulous!  OK, there were a few cheesy moments in there that it could have done without, but there’s no mistaking that it’s a Burton film.  The sets are lush, the costumes and makeup are fab (the screenplay’s a bit dodge in some places, but who cares ... its Johnny!) and it’s actually quite a good story.

So there, that’s my view ... go and see it.  If you’re a Tim Burton, Johnny Depp fan, you won’t be disappointed!  Here’s the trailer again for you ... in case you’ve been living in a cave ... or for those of you who appreciate a lil Johnny fix ... enjoy!

Friday night I met some fabulous ladies that I went to school with, one of which (beautiful Jo R) I hadn’t seen for 26 years (where does the time go) and we had a scream.  I think it’s so odd that so much time goes by but we just slotted back together (almost) seamlessly!  I was also glad to see how non-mumsy we all are (I remember our parents in their 40s really looking middle aged ... not our lot ... yay!).  It was very difficult to get a word in edgeways at times (so much to say and catch up on and so little time), but it was very enjoyable and I can’t wait to do it again. 

Diet update ... a total weight loss of 4lbs now and I’ve been doing it 5 days ... so I don’t think that’s too shabby really.  Yesterday I was feeling quite ill when I got up, I think I must have been dehydrated cos I ended up drinking 3 litres of water, 2 cups of coffee, 1 cans of diet coke, 2 cans of no calorie cream soda!   Feel much better today though – so there’s a key tip ... you’ve gotta keep the fluids up ... just 1.5 litres of water doesn’t cut it with this diet!

Right lovelies, busy day today, Dad’s coming round in a bit, then I’ve got the gym (I haven’t been for 2 days because I’d done something to the cartilage in the back of my left knee and couldn’t walk very well, so I thought it better to give it a rest) then round to Deb and Devon’s for a catch up ... it’s been ages!  Enjoy your Sunday, whatever you’re up to and ... be fabulous!

Lots of love



  1. Good review. It has some real moments that made me laugh and had me enjoyed, but Burton starts to lose himself by the end, therefore, he lost me. Could have been so much better and the only reason it is as good as it is, is because of Depp’s insane performance. Just could have been so much better and less lazy with its approach.

  2. Thanks Dan ... it's good to get someone else's view too! Jx
