Saturday 12 May 2012

'Safe' & 'Silent House'

A week or so ago, I was a bit bored and decided to put my cinema card to good use and watch a Silent House.  I’d seen the trailer and it looked OK, however, I’d seen reviews and they were pretty poor but I was completely unprepared for quite how bad it really was!  You know that I tend to ignore reviews as I’ve seen some films that I thought were really good that have had appalling write ups, however, this one was truly appalling.  So much so, that I fell asleep about 10 minutes in for at least half an hour of it only to be rudely woken every time the heroine screamed!

That really bugged me actually, because she wasn’t screaming at anything scary from what I could see and I’d have much rather been left to sleep all the way through!  The last 45 minutes that I saw were particularly rubbish.  Another rather annoying thing was that it was shot in that ‘Blair Witch’ stylie ie hand held, rather shaky, camera.

So what’s the film about?  A young woman finds herself sealed inside her family’s secluded lake house.  With no contact with the outside world and no way out, panic turns in to terror (I didn’t find it very terrifying I have to say!) as events become increasingly ominous in and around the house.

I pinched that wording from Flixster.  Makes it sound quite good doesn’t it?  It’s not.  There is a bit of a major twist at the end – don’t worry, I’m not gonna give it away – but it really wasn’t worth it.  I know the sign of a particularly bad film now ... if I fall asleep in the first 10 minutes; it’s a pretty good indication... I NEVER fall asleep in good films!  Here’s the trailer in case you’re interested - it makes it look better and more scary than it is! (Guys you may want to watch it for the tailer!)...

Well, when that film finished, I really didn’t fancy going home (is that sad?  Don’t care!) I decided to watch the only other film that I hadn’t seen, ‘Safe’.  Now, if you’ve read my previous reviews, you’ll know I’m in no way a fan of Jason Statham when he’s attempting an American accent.  To put it bluntly, it’s piss poor ... shockingly bad ... he really needs a better language coach.  However, it was the only film that I hadn’t seen so thought I’d give it ago ... I could always go home or fall asleep if it really was rubbish.

However, I was pleasantly surprised.  His accent wasn’t as bad as normal; the worst snippets of his poor accent are in the trailers!  That’s a bad move by the movie promoters as it will put so many people off watching it.

So, what’s the film about? Well, a second-rate cage fighter blows a rigged fight and as a result the Russian Mafia kills his wife and banishes him from his existing life.  He then witnesses a Chinese girl being chased by the same Mafia who killed his wife and helps her escape them.

If you like car chases (I’m not a fan) and lots of gun battles and fighting (again, I’m not a fan) then this is the film for you.  I don’t like either of those things, but still found it surprisingly entertaining and managed to get past the accent!  Defo worth a watch.

There are quite a few other films out now, or due to come out that I definitely won’t be watching:

- American Reunion

- How I spent my summer vacation

- Piranha 3DD

I’ve absolutely no interest in those teeny, collegey, boobs and ass films.  So I won’t be reviewing those!

On the other hand, there are some great looking ones coming up such as:

- Men in Black

- Snow White and the Huntsman

- Prometheus

Really looking forward to those.  Right Lovelies, that’s me for today.  Until next time, be fabulous! 

Lots of love


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