Monday 21 May 2012

End of my Dukan Diet (Yay!)

Hello lovelies. Well this may be my last blog before my jolly holidays ( I couldn't go away without giving you a final update on my dieting. Well, today (although I do have another two days to go, I've decided to finish the Grand Dukan Diet. I've had enough now.  I think I've been incredibly good.  I met another old friend on Friday night and didn't drink ...again! She's Irish and thought I'd completely lost the plot.  I think this diet is the first time I've ever not drunk whenever I felt like.  I really have done it religiously and can honestly say that I haven't cheated once. If you'e gonna do something, might as well do it properly. 

So, now much have I lost? In total, I've lost 8lbs ... Not too shabby for two weeks.  The reason why I've ended it today is, apart from the almost overwhelming cravings for carbs, I have this God awful taste permanently in the back of my throat.  It was worse than ever this morning ... My coffee tasted awful, so when that happens, enough is enough.  As you know, I love strong black fresh coffee so when a diet starts messing with that, it's definitely time to quit.  I can give up wine (never thought I'd hear myself saying that), chocolate, cakes, crisps etc but coffee? Nope. Never. That's just never gonna happen so it's definitely time to re-introduce carbs. 

As I've done incredibly well (well I think so!) I don't want to ruin all my good, hard work so although I'm back on the carbs, I'm determined to make sure that they're good, soluble carbs ie porridge and sweet potato plus veg and fruit.  I know that's much healthier than what I've been doing anyway.  Hopefully if I stick to those and avoid bread, pasta, chocolate etc it won't have any adverse effect on my weight.

Would I do this diet again?  Hmmmm not sure.  I definitely wouldn't do it for as long as its been quite torturous, maybe a max of 5 days, however, I got the results I wanted. I've been going to the gym loads while I've been dieting and been doing a lot of weights, so with the almost pure protein diet, my muscles have shaped up very nicely and I'm happy to say that I now have my very pronounced abs back (yay - bikini here I come) and my body is looking more toned that it has done for a couple of years ... I guess that's another perk of a protein rich diet.

Another positive that I've think I've mentioned before is that it's shown me that I really done need all the carbs that I was having before. Therefore, I will in future definitely think more about he carbs I'm eating. I remember watching a show about diets once when the presenter went over to LA to have a training session with a world renowned fitness instructor to the stars who on, meeting the presenter, immediately told her that she had 'Carb Face'!  Apparently our faces (and everything else) looks puffy when we've had too many carbs!  That's why those A-listers all look so lean ... Lots of exercise and a high protein, low carb diet. Makes perfect sense I guess.

Right lovelies, another busy day today (I'm happy to say that the sun is shining in my part of the world today and it looks like it maybe getting warmer!) packing, shopping, gym, minx ... Have a wonderful day whatever you're up to. Until next time, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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