Thursday 3 May 2012

Legions of Lovers

Well I really had to comment on this ... I don’t know if you’ve seen anything about it in the papers, but since Bill Roach aka Ken Barlow admitted in his interview with Piers Morgan that he’d slept with over 1000 women, aging lotharios have been coming out of the woodwork to compete with him.

OMG, I can’t believe it!  I wouldn’t imagine that it’s a competition that you’d want to win, however, since Bill’s revelation it seems that another 3 aging men in the public eye have been vying for position of who slept with the most women.

Firstly, there was Johnny Briggs who played Mike Baldwin in Corrie – Ken Barlow’s arch enemy – who has allegedly said that he doesn’t know how many women he’s slept with but its more than Bill Roach!  It seems from that comment (if it’s true) that there’s rivalry on and off screen.

Then there was mild mannered 60s/70s DJ Tony Blackburn who has allegedly admitted to sleeping with over 500 women - who knew!  I wonder what he does with his wig while he’s getting down and dirty?  On second thoughts, that's really gross.

Now there’s Mick Hucknall who’s allegedly admitted to 3,285!!!  That’s a very precise number don't ya think?  Others who’ve allegedly admitted to the number of women they’ve slept with are (in ascending order):

Nick Clegg 30
Tiger Woods 120
Lemmy 1,200
Peter Stringfellow 2,000
Jack Nicholson 2,000
Englebert Humperdink 3,000!!!!!
Julio Inglesias 3,000+
Gene Simmons 4,800
Charlie Sheen 5,000
Warren Beatty 12,775

Beating them all hands (or willies) down (or up!  Sorry, couldn't resist that) is Fidel Castro.  He allegedly slept with at least 2 women a day for 4 decades totally 35,000 women in a lifetime. 

Where did they find all those women and how the hell do/did these guys find the time! Oh my goodness ... fair makes your eyes water!  And what’s even worse is that I wouldn’t call even one of those guys good looking ... Lemmy for goodness sake!  What are the women who slept with these guys thinking?  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, self respect ladies, self respect!

Awwww, you’ve gotta laugh, especially at the competition aspect of it.  Actually, when you think about it, it’s quite sad that someone has to sleep with so many women to feel valued!

Well lovelies, on that note, I’m off (it’s Friday tomorrow ... yay!).  See you soon.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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