Thursday 10 May 2012

Dukan Diet

Well, I hate to say it, but it’s been another quiet week.  Not much going on really.  I didn’t go back to yoga ... I whimped out.  I did see a woman at the hairdressers at the weekend who overheard me telling my hairdresser what had happened last time I went and she offered to come and “sort the little sh*t” out for me.  That was nice of her ... I was tempted, but subsequently declined her very kind offer!
In other news ... you know how well I’ve been doing with my weight and training in the gym practically every day?  Well, it all went disastrously wrong at the weekend.  It was a Bank Holiday in the UK and for some unknown reason, I decided that I don’t put weight on anymore and as my weight had stayed pretty stable for the last 2 months, I could afford to have a bit of a splash (in calorie terms). 
Mistake! HUGE mistake.  From Friday to Tuesday I’d put 5 lbs on!  OMG, I nearly fainted when I fell off the scales on Tuesday.  5lbs!  How the hell did that happen?  I don’t think I overdid it that much, it just must be that my metabolism has gone a bit bonkers lately ... that and the couple of bottles of wine I drank over Friday and Saturday, coupled with the Fish and Chips I had on Friday, Chinese Takeaway on Saturday, full on Cantonese Restaurant meal on Sunday and roast dinner at my cousins on Monday.
Hmmmmm second thoughts, that’s one hell of a lot of additional calories! Ooops.  The saving grace here is (now bear in mind that my holiday is less than 2 weeks away now and panic mode was setting in) my cousin has been on the Dukan diet and lost 4lbs in 4 days.  ‘Answer to my prayers’ I thought!  So that’s what I’m doing at the moment ... I started it on Tuesday, it’s Thursday now and I’ve lost 2.5 lbs.  Not too shabby I thought.
In summary, the diet is in 4 phases – I’m in the Attack Phase which means I can only eat meat (not pork in any shape or form, or lamb or ribs .... they’re all too fatty) eggs, no fat yoghurt, cottage cheese and fromage fraise and seafood.  No carbs allowed AT ALL apart from a tablespoon and a half of Oat Bran.  No veg, no bread, no fruit, no potatoes, no sugar, no cheese, NO NOTHING.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE!  You also have to walk for 20 minutes a day (that’s not a problem for me as I’m a proper gym bunny at the mo) and drink 2 litres of water a day (also not a problem as I do that too).
The first day I felt a bit sick.  I’m a bread junky and don’t eat that much rich food on a normal day (obviously I’m not counting what I ate at the weekend!) in fact, my diet is extremely carb heavy if I’m honest, so I did expect it to take a while to adjust.  However, on the whole feel pretty good!  I’m eating whenever I’m hungry and because I’m eating pure protein, it fills you up quickly so you don’t eat as much of it.  I also haven’t felt in the least bit tired or lethargic, just a little bit sickly every now and again, but that passes quickly.
I haven’t looked at the next phase of the diet yet (you really have to get the book PLEASE DON’T JUST DO WHAT I’VE WRITTEN HERE ... THERE’S MORE TO IT! That’s the disclaimer done), which I’m supposed to move into between 3 and 5 days (depending on how much weight you have to lose).  In the next phase you slowly introduce veg back into your diet (oh joy!  Isn’t exactly a donut now is it?) and then do a day with veg and a day without, alternating for a period of time before the next phase.  I definitely haven’t got that far ... one step at a time! 
So as I say, it all seems pretty good so far.  I’ll keep you informed.  Right, I’m off to the gym now for my walk!  I’ve seen quite a few films in the last week so I’ll do a review catch up tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your day and be fabulous!
Lots of love

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