Tuesday 15 May 2012

Eat Fat - Get Fat!

Well, before I get into my topic for today, I've got to say a HUGE THANK YOU again to all my readers.  Today is a momentous occasion ... I've just got 4000 hits!  Completely amazing ... I'm thrilled.  Thank you.  I now have readers from so many countries that I couldn't possibly list them all!  I can't believe it.

THANK YOU!  Here's to the next 4,000!!!

4000 Hits ... Thank You!

OK still on the diet theme (well it’s more to do with general healthy eating really) I had to tell you about this ... it’s so scary!

I read an article yesterday about the full English breakfast ... it turns out that researchers at Oxford University have found that fat from a meal converts to fatty tissue in just three house after being eaten!  OMG ... devastated!

OMG I could so eat this right now!

An average person can add the equivalent of two to three teaspoons of fat to their waistline in a matter of hours after their meal. The amounts increase in a high fat meal such as the full English (no surprise there then). While it is well known that fatty meals aid weight gain, scientists previously thought that the process was slow. Any excess fat was believed to be removed and stored around the waist, hips and legs, but this research has proved otherwise.

Volunteers were asked to eat foods that contained fatty acids. The scientists then traced the fat as it was first broken down in the gut and then absorbed into the gut wall before being turned into globules which then went into the lymph system and the blood.

Through their experiments, they found that the tissue around the waist caught the fat droplets as the bloody carried them and then incorporated them into the cells for storage to be used for energy when a person is exercising.  Therefore these droplets are only meant to be there short term. 

When we don’t exercise and use up that short term stored energy, it settles and stays there.  In fact, for someone who eats excessively without exercising, that fat then moved to the hips, bottoms and thighs (no sh*t Sherlock!) long-term.

The Professors who conducted the research found that exercise prompts fat cells to release fat that muscles can use. They also discovered fit people find it easier to burn fat.

Right ... I’m off to the gym! See you later ... have a marvelous day lovely people and be fabulous!

Lots of love


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