Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Avengers & Prometheus

Hi lovelies – sorry I haven’t been around for a while.  It’s been all go on the work front, so I’ve really had to concentrate on that!  I’ve not got a huge amount to update you on, but there have been some rather juicy gossip in the news lately.  I may not have time to come to that today, but I will in the next day or so.

Today I thought I’d give you a quick review of the new ‘Avengers’ movie.  It’s called, ‘Marvel’s Avengers Assemble’ in the UK ... apparently, the Studio was worried that we may get it mixed up with the 1960’s TV programme, ‘The Avengers’ if they stuck to the US title.  Honestly? How dum do they really think we are! ... OK, don’t answer that.

Anyway, what the film about?  Well, following his banishment from Asgard (I think that’s how you spell it ... you really need to see ‘Thor’ for the context), Thor’s wicked brother returns to wreak havoc on the inhabitants of Earth.  The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth – Yum), Captain America (Chris Evans ... not to be confused with the UK DJ), Iron Man (Rober Downey Jnr – Yum but a bit on the small side), Hawkeye? (Jeremy Renner) and the Black Widdow (Scarlett Johannson) are called together by Samuel L Jackson to fight the evil force threatening the planet.

As you’d imagine, it was an action packed film with loads of amazing graphics which culminated in the usual mahooosive battle at the end.  I’ve got to be honest, I did quite enjoy it (although that may have been mostly from ogling Chris Hemsworth and his muscles) however, I did think it was a tad too long at 2 hours and 22 minutes and more than a bit predictable.  Also, if you’ve seen the trailers, in time honoured Hollywood style, you’ve probably seen most of the best bits.  That said, I did enjoy it (although I doubt I’d see it again) and it was quite funny in places.

Here’s the trailer in case you haven’t seen it...

Also coming up this really soon is an amazing looking sci-fi film that I saw the trailer for while I was waiting for The Avengers.  It’s called ‘Prometheus’ and is out on 1 June.  See what you think...

Well, sorry it’s a quickie, but I really didn’t want to leave it much longer to post something in case you thought I’d given up!  I’ve more juicy celeb gossip coming up so tune in again soon.  Until then, be fabulous.


Lots of love


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