Sunday 30 September 2012

The House at the End of the Street/Resident Evil

Sorry lovelies, with all the dating excitement, I’d completely forgotten to give you a review of ‘The House at the End of the Street’ which I saw last weekend.  From the trailers, I thought it was a paranormal type horror but it really wasn’t.  It was more psychological horror (although the term horror is used very loosely). 

So what’s it about? Well, a divorced woman takes her teenage daughter to a new town in order to make a new start following her divorce.  However, they quickly find that the reason why they got their dream house so cheaply was to do with the house next door where years earlier, a child had killed both of her parents in the house.   The mother and daughter due soon discover that the son of the family still lives there and despite the mother’s reservations, her daughter strikes up a relationship with him.

It’s from there that it all goes horribly wrong (the son is a bit of a psycho).  I won’t say it was an awful film, it wasn’t.  There were some real surprises that I didn’t see coming (in fact I didn't see any of it coming if I'm honest).  It just wasn’t scary enough (I can't believe I'm saying that!), so ended up being a bit bland.  It also didn’t help that I was expecting a totally different film from what was portrayed in the trailers.  It’s still worth a watch though, but there are definitely better films out there at the moment.  Here’s the trailer...


The next film I saw that I’ve been looking forward to seeing for ages is Resident Evil: Retribution.  I LOVE zombie films (in fact I’m quite obsessed with anything Zombie or Vampire) and ever since I heard this was coming out, I’ve been excited about seeing it.  I loved all the others and couldn’t pick my favourite if you asked me.

Well, I have to say I was disappointed.  Again (as seems to be the case with so many films these days) the story was pretty rubbish, but the effects were amazeballs.  The biggest disappointing factor was the total lack of Zombies!  How can that be in a Zombie film?  I feel cheated!

So what was the film about, well I’ve got to be honest, I got a bit confused (doesn’t take much sometimes) I think I’ve completely lost the plot with the whole Resident Evil storyline if I’m honest but it was more about Alice (Milla Jovovich – who is totally amazing) delving deeper into the Umbrella Corporation ... but I got a bit lost, so I’m not going to try and sum it up more than to say that they are tonnes of fight scenes (some of which go on far too long) and too little Zombie action (I’m not counting a humongous  weirdy hybrid type creature thing that turns up relentlessly throughout the film).

In summary, not my favourite Resident Evil film and there are far better films out there to watch at the moment.  Anyway, here’s the trailer...


Another film that I watched was The Campaign with Will Farrell (I’m not a huge fan of his, but I actually found this one quite funny).  I’ll review it tomorrow. 

Right lovelies, until tomorrow enjoy the rest of your Sunday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Saturday 29 September 2012

More Dodgy On-line Dating Emails


I was telling my dad about the odd reactions I've recently received by some men regarding my dating posts, when it occurred to me why the reactions between men and women are so different (obviously not all men though, just a select few!) ...  There is a fundamental difference between men and women in that women like to talk things over, tell their friends what’s going on, chew it over and get each other's views, whereas men generally want to ‘solve’ the problem.
Ladies, have you ever got home from work and had a good old moan, got everything off your chest and felt much better only to have your partner want to solve the ‘problem’ for you?  You only wanted to vent and once you have, you feel  much better (you actually just want someone to sit there and listen to your issues and then you can get on with your day). 
Have you ever had that conversation with your partner when you've been venting about your day that goes something like, "I don't want you to solve my problem, that's not the point, I just want you to listen to me!" and your partner is completely dumbfounded and sits there in almost abject shock?  (Or is that just me? Hmmmmmm)  It’s evolutionary hard wiring.  Men can’t help it ... it’s in their genes.  They have an inbuilt need to fix things and look for solutions. 
I feel much better now after realising that ... so let’s move on...
Here’s another load of emails I’ve received (again, I’ve copied and pasted exactly as I’ve received them - my comments are in bold italic).  I did copy and paste another 20 or so, but my computer crashed and I didn’t get to save them.  Still, there’s a steady stream of them, so I don’t need to worry too much.  Here goes...
love to see you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Love to see me what? Do the Hyland Fling? Dance the Charleston? Drink him under the table?  What?  DELETE/NEXT!)
You look lovely by the way x (By the way of what? Watford? London? Liverpool? What? DELETE/NEXT!)
Beautiful ;) (Now don’t get me wrong, these types of mails are very lovely , but it really doesn’t take much effort now does it? DELETE/NEXT!)
Hi realy like your profile
Hi realy like your profile
Hi realy like your profile (This guy cuts and pastes his typos ... nice ... I feel so special! DELETE x 3/NEXT!)
hiya x
hiya x
hiya x
hiya x (God give me strength – DELETE x 4/NEXT!)
Absolute gorgeous babe xx (Lazy and 5’4” and aged 57 – DELETE/NEXT!)
you're lovely xx (Again, very nice but ... hmmmmmmph – DELETE/NEXT!)
Could you be my day (What? DELETE/NEXT!)
Would like to chat (Would you now? Not with me you wouldn't! DELETE/NEXT!)
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you? (DELETE x5/NEXT!)

You ask for someone thats fit and wants to travel, well im moving to australia and you didnt reply (Oooosh, how scary is that! He was obviously upset that I didn't respond to his first mail.  His picture is of a decidedly middle aged man with his top off, trying to flex his muscles and glaring at the camera ... oh and he's another 5'4" - DELETE/NEXT!)

And my two personal favourites:

hello nice too meet you i like you verey nice lady what you name huny x (What? I imagine saying that in a Zsa Zsa Gabour type accent - DELETE/NEXT!)

Your pictures had me dripping like an egg sandwich (Ewwwwwww that's just wrong - a bit funny though ... until I looked at his picture *shudder* - DELETE/NEXT!)
In an attempt to try and limit these types of emails, I’ve actually put a message on my profile saying that I won’t respond to mails that contain text speak or one line generic emails (although I don’t hold out much hope for most of them even knowing what ‘generic’ means!).
Oh and as I’m writing this post, I got this one ...
“Nice profile, you have some good interests but you need to wear more sunscreen when you’re in the Caribbean.”
Bloody cheek - I'm actually pretty angry at this and but have deleted it before I feel the urge to give an unsavoury reply – which would probably consist of two words and probably get me banned from the site!  What would possess someone to send something like that?  Do they think they’re being funny? Are they expecting you to fall head over heels with them?  Or are they just a**holes looking for a cheap kick?  Why actually take time out of your day to write an email to someone you don’t know and be mean to them?  Don’t get it. 
Then there’s the guy that I’ve been having a mini email conversation with (I have a new rule that if they don’t ask to speak to me or to actually ask to meet me after the fourth email exchange, I bin them as a bad job ... I don’t need a pen pal and generally it seems they're time wasters after this point) he just sent me his fourth message and told me his name isn’t Anderson, it’s Steve (he thinks Anderson is more glamorous), he isn’t an IT Consultant he’s a care worker, he doesn’t live in Cheshire, he lives in Liverpool.  Why would you do that? DELETE/NEXT!
Of course I do get some lovely emails and those are the ones that I respond to and ultimately turn into dates.  It’s just that on average you get about 15 bad messages to each good one (unless my criteria are far too high ... maybe I need to lower my expectations ... on second thoughts ... nah).
OK lovelies, that’s it for me today.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Until next time, be fabulous.
Lots of love

Friday 28 September 2012

I've Found My Very Own Mr Grey!

Well I’m happy to say that I’ve calmed down considerably after the wonderful feedback I’ve had from some of you, my lovely friends and readers.  I really appreciate your support ... thank you!

Right, well I told you that I was going out on a date on Tuesday night and I’m not happy to report that I met my Mr Grey!  Definitely NOT the Mr Grey you all have in mind though (more’s the pity!).  This Mr Grey wore grey pants, a grey/red stripped shirt (think, those awful grey work shirts '90s style shirts that women with no dress sense buy for their husbands), grey hair, grey pallor.  Grey ... the colour grey.  Dreary day grey.  Boring, really very uninteresting grey.  Hummmmph.

Really, I should start from the beginning.  This is another guy that contacted me from the new dating site.  We sent a few emails backwards and forwards and agreed to meet.  In his picture he looked quite nice and on the young side for 44 and he had really quite a pleasant face.  We swapped numbers and agreed to meet.  We also had a quick phone call on Monday and he seemed really nice. 

So, we agreed to meet on Tuesday at 7.30 pm at a bar not too far from where I live (he'd agreed to travel to me - tick) and we texted in the afternoon and confirmed the arrangements.  I knew it would take me about 15 minutes to get there and with my obsession about not being late, I left about 7.10 pm.  Just as I got in the car, I got a call from him telling me that he was running about 10 minutes late.  He asked me how far I lived away from the bar and agreed to call me when he was 15 minutes away so I could leave then and we'd arrive at the same time.

Now, there’s a couple of things here, the first is that (if you’re a regular reader you’ll know this already) I detest lateness with a vengeance.  I think it’s the height of bad manners and it riles me like nothing else!  I thought, OK, I have 3 choices here:

1.   Call it off ... I can’t be doing with a man who can’t be on time and if he can’t be on time for the first date, you can pretty much establish that he’s never going to be on time (I apply that rule when I’m interviewing too ... the two processes are actually very similar!)

2.   Get out of the car (but the rain was torrential and I’d just taken half an hour curling my hair!) and go back inside, restlessly waiting for his call (grrrrrrrrr that would be wrong on so many levels)

3.   Just carry on driving and wait for him where we were meeting – I could always sort out some emails while I waited.

So number 3 it was and I got to the venue about 7.20 pm.  At 7.50 pm (Yes, a whole half hour later) he turned up.  OMG, actually, I can’t believe that I waited.  That's not like me at all, but as I’d gone to the trouble of putting ‘night time’ make up on and I'd curled my hair I thought that I might as well get a drink out of it.

I legged it (ran very quickly for my non UK readers) dodging the mahooosive puddles, to the lobby, the rain was absolutely pelting down and I came face to face with this decidedly grey (in every way), middle aged, extremely ‘ordinary’ looking man waiting for me.  (Is that mean?  Don’t care!)  We got drinks and sat down (he bought them – so at least that’s a second tick), it was then I noticed his bad breath even though I was sitting at the other side of the couch.  Ewwwwwwwwww *shudder*. 

He actually mentioned his clothes, he said that he didn't know what to wear!  He didn't know what to wear on a first date in a bar on a Tuesday evening.  What's wrong with jeans and a shirt/jumper?  He was literally wearing his work wear without the tie and jacket (of a very cheap suit!).

For the next hour, he then proceeded to tell me about his 3 ex wives, 4 children; about his career (he is a Used Car Salesman ... why the hell I didn’t find that out before I met him I don’t know – that should have been enough to put me off meeting him in the first place!).  He told me every single thing about his career history including the companies he’s worked for (he literally talked through his CV); what he has to do every day including what he has to eat (I kid you not); about his last performance review and the fact that he's on a written warning for poor conduct with a customer following a mystery shopper audit (I got all the details of that from beginning to end); all about how he used to play professional golf but stopped; everything about his brother; about his flat, about the car he drives etc.

What did he ask about me?  Nadda ... not a bloody thing!  I’ve never been so bored in my life.  He had one of those droning, mono-tone voices too (kill me now!). Luckily, I had an exit strategy planned, I’d already told him that I had to be up really early to travel 200 miles for a 9.00 am meeting (which was actually true), so when we’d finished the wine after about 40 minutes, that was my cue to leave.  Phew! ... I was home, make up off and in my PJs by 9.10 pm.

He texted me that night saying how wonderful the night was and how he was looking forward to seeing me again.  I didn’t reply, I thought it was nicer to send him a mail in the morning rather than sending him a text saying ‘Thanks but no thanks’.  He also sent me a really nice text in the morning saying, “Drive carefully, look forward to talking to you soon x”.  Ah bless.   I didn’t reply but sent him a nice “thanks but no thanks” email that afternoon.

So another one bites the dust.  But fear not my lovelies ... there are others in the pipeline and I’ll keep you informed!  Tomorrow I’ll give you an update of some more of the emails that I’ve been receiving ... you can’t make it up!  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Thursday 27 September 2012

Jeep Man Part 2 & Why I Blog...

OK, now before I carry on telling you about Sunday night's date, I have to reiterate something that I’ve said before...
When I posted about my ‘dating project/cunning plan’ a couple of days ago (I’ve deleted the seemingly offending bit now, so if you haven’t read it, sorry) I received a number of messages – all from men – either upset with what I’d put, or trying to give me advice on where I’m going wrong on my man search and taking what I’d written far too literally.


Right, let me say this again for the record...




I do it to keep my friends and myself amused and that’s the whole point of it.  No hidden agenda, no outpouring from my soul, no looking for sympathy.  It’s about making my friends laugh because there simply isn’t enough laughter in the world.  It’s that simple.


In no way am I ‘broken’ ‘sad’ or ‘lonely’ nor do I need advice on how to find a man (I know EXACTLY how to find a man thank you, but how much fun would that be for my readers?).  Everything I write here (whilst true – I don’t make stuff up) is done totally tongue in cheek and in no way is it truly reflective of my life as a whole.  I write about such a tiny part of what goes on in my life (my good friends will know this) and in no way do I EVER write anything that’s personal or that is truly important to me.


So ... men ... STOP TAKING THIS BLOG SO SERIOUSLY ... IT’S MEANT TO BE A LAUGH!  (Phew ... FFS ... I just had to get that off my chest).


So on with Sunday night’s date...

I got there early (as I always do) and he arrived on time. We were meeting at a lovely little country pub that I really like. I go there quite a bit with friends and family so feel quite safe and at home there. When he walked over to greet me I was actually pleasantly surprised. He was probably the same height as me (I had 5 inch heels on, so that’s not too bad) he was probably 5’ 10” (tick). He had a pleasant face that I actually found quite attractive (that doesn’t happen very often) (tick). He was obviously quite nervous cos he just couldn’t stop talking and seemed quite excited.

We went to the bar, he bought the drinks (tick) and we found some seats. We had a really good conversation about all kinds of things, including my film passion (he loves films too – tick) and a whole range of other things. We talked for about 2 hours (he bought another drink in between – another tick) time went so quickly and it was all looking very good. In fact, it was the best date I think I’ve been on for years and I remember thinking “Yay! I actually fancy him. He’s funny and nice to be with ... jackpot, at last. Woooohooooo!”

The only thing up to that point that I found a little odd was that he asked me to go to see some comedian with him the following week, said that we were going to watch The Possession that week even though I told him I’d seen it twice, that he had loads of films that we would be watching together, the fact that he would cook for me during the week. Hmmmmmm it did make me a bit uncomfortable that he was planning our future on our first date but I just thought, “Awww give him a break, he’s excited”

As it was getting later and the pub was nearly empty, he said, “I have to tell you something” ... my stomach dropped, I knew it was too good to be true. He said, “I was going to email you about it, but then thought that might not be a good idea because you probably wouldn’t want to see me, so I thought I’d wait and bring it up now”. “Oh here we go” thinks me ... “too good to be true”

“Well spit it out then, you’re worrying me now!”

“Well, I live with my mum and I have no intention of leaving her until I find someone else I want to move in with or get a place with and I’m not going to change my mind”

FFS– a forty odd year old man living with his mum – now I know that a lot of men do that, but that just isn’t for me. I left home when I was 19 and have supported myself ever since ... I’m not really that good at having relationships with men who can’t do the same. It’s just a personal choice of mine.

He also said, “Well, there’s more, I know in your profile that you said that travel was very important to you, but ... I’ve never been abroad”

NEVER BEEN ABROAD! I said, “What? How can that be? How can you never have been abroad? What do you do with yourself? Do you never go on holiday? You’ve never been abroad? How can that be? Really? Really, you’ve never been abroad?!”

I then told him how many holidays I have, how I love to travel and don’t care if I’m on my own. I said, “Wouldn’t you consider travelling on your own if your ex didn’t want to?” His reply, “Oh no, I could never do that. I’d have to have someone with me. I’d never dream of going away on my own, I can’t see the point. It would just be awful.”

Next he went on to tell me a whole load of ‘ex-wifey took the kids away’ sh*t (there’s nothing more off putting than hearing what a bitch the ex was) which after the other two revelations brought the evening to a screeching halt.

I couldn’t believe this bit ... he then said, “Well, do I get a kiss tonight then or not?” Me, “Er, that’ll be a no”

We then walked silently out of the put, quick peck on the cheek and me, “I’ll be in touch”. Texted Deb and waited for him to drive off (can’t be too careful after all). My text conversation with Deb went like this:

“On me way home. Kinda nice then he dropped a bombshell! Gimme a call when yr free tomorrow. FFS! Xx”

“Is that not a good thing? Xx”

“Nope! Xx”

“Why not? You not wanna see him again? Xx

“He lives with his mum, he’s never been abroad and after he told me that, there was a weirdy vibe I got from him. Plus he freaked me out and keep talking like we were gonna be getting married! Xx”

“Ooooooohhhhhhh no way ... You’re not gonna see him again are you? How weird living with his mum, no wonder he’s got a private number plate. Weirdo xx”

“I know ... there’s a story behind it (but isn’t there always!?). We were getting on brilliant before that, but I keep meeting these men who live with their mother!!!!! Don’t think I can do that one again. Such a shame ... but never been abroad either!!!! NEVER!!!! Xx”

“I was thinkin the same – mummys boys are a definite no no. It’s a shame but you’ve had a kinda nice nite so it’s not all bad. Everything happens for a reason doesn’t it. Never mind, at least it’s another for your blog. Xx”

When I’d finished my conversation with Deb and was taking my make up off, I heard my phone go again, it was Jeep Man:

“Hiya! Loved meeting you tonight and would love to see you again. Hope you got home safely xxxx”

“Got home fine thanx. It was nice to meet you too. Xx”

“How do you feel ... would you like to again or prefer to leave it at the moment? Xxx”

I didn’t reply. I’ve got to be honest, I was a bit disappointed. I thought I’d think about it some more over night (I know, I know, but I thought he was cute and funny and just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing). The next day, my dad popped round and I told him the tale. You can always rely on my dad for straight talking, “What! In his 40s and lives with his mother! Go ‘way ... you don’t want that! What kind of a man is that? A mummy’s boy” Then he folded his arms, shook his head and tutted in disgust (it's really bad when my dad does that!).

So that was that. I logged on to the dating site when my dad had left and sent Jeep Man (that car really was too big for him by the way .... he looked like a pea rattling round in a shoe box) a really nice email apologising for not getting back sooner but I wanted to think about things; that the ‘living with mum’, ‘ex-wife issues’ and ‘lack of travel’ were all a bit too much and I wished him well. He sent a nice reply and that’s that.

Ho hum ... NEXT!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you about Tuesday night’s date ... another corker ... I met Mr Grey! Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love




Wednesday 26 September 2012

On-Line Dating - Jeep Man


Right, I’d better get on to Sunday night’s date then...

Well, I’ve got to be honest, I’m not sure it started off too well on the Saturday when we swapped numbers.  I’m going to call this guy, Jeep Man.  We’d already agreed to meet through email and swapped numbers ‘just in case of emergency’ on Sunday.  Well, again, as soon as I’d mailed my number it was a matter of seconds before he sent me a picture of himself saying ‘boo’.   I thought, “Hmmmmm bit keen ... and a picture too .... hmmmmmmm ... likes himself a bit then”  But as I’m trying really hard to be nice and put any negativity to one side, I texted back with a ‘Boo backatchya’.  I then climbed in the car and headed off to the cinema to watch ‘House at the End of the Street’ (I’ll review that separately) which is 5 minutes from where I live.  As soon as I parked up I got this text:

“So are we going to spend the next two days flirting outrageously ... and really building up the anticipation for tomorrow night? Jxxx”

Well, I really don’t know what came over me, I think it could have been remembering back to that guy earlier on this year who sent me 50 texts in one day, but before I’d even registered what I’d written, I’d sent this:

“Hate to disappoint, but I’m dead busy and hate texting so chances are slim! Soz! Xxx”

I know, I know, a bit harsh.  I actually couldn’t believe I’d actually sent that when I read it back!  My thought process was, “So we’ll get into texting each other backward and forward then I’ll meet him tomorrow and he’ll be an idiot and I’ll have completely wasted the last 24 hours” ... hmmmmmm think I may have an issue? Ha ha. 

Next he texted back:

“Oh I’ll just have to keep myself amused then ;-)”

My reply (I cringe as I write this):

“Have fun!”

OMG!  I really can’t believe I did that ... what a biatch!

I obviously didn’t hear back from him for the rest of the day and if I’m honest, I really didn’t expect to hear back from him at all!  I told my dad what I’d said to him, my dad’s reply, “Oooops! That wasn’t very nice!”  Next day, it got to about 2.00pm and I decided I’d better text and see if we were still going out.  By 5.00 pm I still hadn’t heard back so started to plan my evening: open a bottle of wine, start my blog, watch the new series of Downton Abbey and I was actually quite looking forward to my evening (and I wonder why I’m single).  When at 5.15 I got this text:

“Hi, sorry I haven’t had a chance to reply sooner ... my weekend been good, has yours? Yea, still good for 8pm.  I’ll meet you in the car park.  What do you drive? Xxxx”

I replied, then he replied attaching a photo of his BIG black Jeep (hence Jeep Man) together with private number plate.  So that’s two photos he’d sent me – one of him in his bedroom (go figure) and one of his penis extension.  (Is that mean?  Don’t care!)

And there my lovelies, I must leave it for today.  ‘Awwwww’ I hear you cry, but I can’t give you it all in one day, what will you have to look forward to? Ha ha.  Until tomorrow my lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Tuesday 25 September 2012

Autumn On-line Dating - Part 2

Oh my goodness you guys are funny ... hits yesterday went into overdrive!  I get it, I get it ... you like the dating stuff! OK .... so here's some more.  Yesterday I promised that I’d let you see a small selection of some of the emails I’ve been receiving from this new dating site I’ve signed up to.  I have copied and pasted exactly as I've received them and the bits in bold italics are obviously my comments.  Enjoy!

Email 1                
wow you look lush x (DELETE - NEXT!)
Email 2               
Hi x You look delightful! (He was 65 and sent me this picture of a teddy ... what am I ... 6? DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 6
fancy a chat x (DELETE - NEXT!)
Email 4               
Hi how you doing  (That's quite a common one - I get that one a lot ... been watching too much 'Joey from Friends' - DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 5               
stunning hun (DELETE!)

Email 6               
great body x (DELETE!)

Email 7/8/9/10 (Different emails all from the same guy - there's more from him later too)

·         I’m 6 ft 3 16 stone ex rugby man x hope you like? (DELETE)

·         Hope you like a 6ft three 16 stone 45 inch chest ex rugby man x (DELETE)

·         hope a 6 ft three 16 stone 45 inch hest ex rugby man is your type x (DELETE)

·         6 FT THREE knight says hello xx (DELETE)

Email 11              
wow. you look. luvly. Xx (DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 12              
hi how are u (DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 13             
hi, well i must comment on the fabulous femininity...I could not resist. Your profile and your reasoning show signs that you are caring and have compassion....but I may have to observe what i say very and although the distance may initially be against the us not compliment you anyway....if there is no mutual liking it is no problem...Mick :-)  (WHAT? – DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 13/14/15 (Different emails all from the same guy)

·         Hi there how u doing (I'm having a 'Joey from Friends' flashback - DELETE)

·         Stunning hun (DELETE)

·       u ok hun (Why the hell wouldn't I be? DELETE)

Email 16              
grate body (Grated cheese? Grated carrot? What? DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 17              
your gawjus x (Enough said! DELETE - NEXT!)

Now, it seems that I have a bit of a stalker too.  Before I realised what a weirdo I had in the guy who emailed 7/8/9/10 above, we'd had a bit of an email chat and he sounded kind of nice, so I agreed to meet him and we swapped numbers.  Almost immediately he texted me but I couldn't reply because I was driving and I'm so glad that I couldn't because over the next 5 hours I got 15 texts, the 4 emails above.  He has continued to text me periodically over the last 3 days.  Here's a snippet:

"Hi xxx"

"How are x u xxx chat tomorrow Xxx"

"Good day xxx"

"Chat later x"

"U there" (OMG! Some people just don't get the message do they)

"Chat x"

"6ft 3 rugby man x" (I get the idea that he's quite proud of his height and his sport!)

"Chat x"

Unbelievable ... that just today's texts and that's beside the emails he's sent too.  Aren't people weird? Ho hum ... NEXT!

I haven’t forgotten that I need to tell you about Sunday’s date, I’ve half written it so I’ll post it tomorrow.  I’ve also got a date tonight, so I’ll tell you about that this week too.  I spoke to him yesterday (only for a couple of minutes) and he sounded quite normal.  We also live quite a bit apart from each other and he's offered to travel to me, so that's a bonus!  Until tomorrow lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Monday 24 September 2012

Autumn On-Line Dating - Part 1

Woooohoooooo over 6,000 views!  Thank you so much ... I really appreciate your contiued support ... you guys ROCK!
OK, so, you know that I’ve been really quiet lately, apart from giving you film updates, that’s because I haven’t really had much to tell you about.  I’ve been pretty much all consumed by work, the more I’ve done, the more I’ve needed to do and the less time I’ve allowed myself for other fun things, which definitely is not a good space to be in!

Last week I was feeling particularly bored and more than a bit fed up (not like me at all), so gave myself a bit of a talking to, something along the times of ... “All work and no play makes you a dull ass blogger” or words to that effect.  So, I thought, “Hmmmm what can I do?  I need to get out more, giggle more and have a bit more fun.  How can I achieve that?” and then it struck me like a Caribbean Rum Punch ... “ON-LINE DATING!!!!”

OMG, how could it not have occurred to me sooner!  It’s been a while (sufficient time for the scars from my last foray into the dating scene to heal a little) and as I really didn’t want to throw (read waste) any more money I decided to try a free on-line dating service that I know lots of people use.  I’d previously decided not to use that site because I thought, “How good (cheap) can these men be if they don’t want to pay to sign up a dating site? And will they actually be serious about finding someone?”

But I thought, “What’ve I got to lose? I don’t want to spend any more money (not that I’m cheap, it’s just that it on-line dating has been less that fruitful in the past ...) why not give it a go?”  So, a couple of weeks ago, I signed up. 

For the first week, I didn’t really bother with it if I’m honest, I really couldn’t be bothered, however, last week I thought, “OK, Always Do What You’ve Always Done, Always Get What You’ve Always Got” (my favourite saying and best motto for life) get on with it woman.  So I spent a good few hours (honestly) working my way through the slew of mails I’d received.  I wanted to whittle them down as quickly as possible, so here is my shortlist criteria (can you tell I have extensive recruitment experience? Lol)

1.    The Picture:

a.    Middle aged and frumpy ie not looked after themselves - DELETE

b.    ‘Boy racers’ (you know the ones that are avid sunbed worshippers, stripped to the waist showing there ‘rippling muscles’ and tattoos  – or sucking in their stomach – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t suck in love handles) - DELETE

c.    Clutching a pint or a beer - DELETE

d.    Yellow crooked teeth (ewwwwwwwww) – DELETE

e.    Actually, my biggest criteria is, “Can I see myself kissing that mouth?” if it’s a no - DELETE

2.    Use text speak/can’t construct a full sentence or use correct grammar eg ‘u’r cute x’

3.    They’ve obviously sent a ‘form’ email (a standard one that they sent to lots of women – it’s easy to spot those)

It’s amazing how efficient you can be when you use a good set of selection criteria!

I’ve been keeping a note of all the funny emails I’ve been getting (as I’ve done before) I know you guys like reading those, so I’ll put them in a post tomorrow. 

Once I’d gone through my selection process, I went about replying to the ones that were left and I’ve been managing the responses to those over the last couple of days.  I also re-read a couple of good on-line dating books that give you some really good hints and tips for wheedling out the time wasters (I’ll share some of those as we go along) which have really helped me focus.  I’ve even been on my first date!  I don’t have time to write about it today, but I’ll make sure that I get it written down and posted for you this week.  As you’d probably guess, it was an experience!

Right lovelies, don’t forget to tune in tomorrow and for the rest of the week I’ll try and keep you updated on progress.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love
