Monday 24 September 2012

Autumn On-Line Dating - Part 1

Woooohoooooo over 6,000 views!  Thank you so much ... I really appreciate your contiued support ... you guys ROCK!
OK, so, you know that I’ve been really quiet lately, apart from giving you film updates, that’s because I haven’t really had much to tell you about.  I’ve been pretty much all consumed by work, the more I’ve done, the more I’ve needed to do and the less time I’ve allowed myself for other fun things, which definitely is not a good space to be in!

Last week I was feeling particularly bored and more than a bit fed up (not like me at all), so gave myself a bit of a talking to, something along the times of ... “All work and no play makes you a dull ass blogger” or words to that effect.  So, I thought, “Hmmmm what can I do?  I need to get out more, giggle more and have a bit more fun.  How can I achieve that?” and then it struck me like a Caribbean Rum Punch ... “ON-LINE DATING!!!!”

OMG, how could it not have occurred to me sooner!  It’s been a while (sufficient time for the scars from my last foray into the dating scene to heal a little) and as I really didn’t want to throw (read waste) any more money I decided to try a free on-line dating service that I know lots of people use.  I’d previously decided not to use that site because I thought, “How good (cheap) can these men be if they don’t want to pay to sign up a dating site? And will they actually be serious about finding someone?”

But I thought, “What’ve I got to lose? I don’t want to spend any more money (not that I’m cheap, it’s just that it on-line dating has been less that fruitful in the past ...) why not give it a go?”  So, a couple of weeks ago, I signed up. 

For the first week, I didn’t really bother with it if I’m honest, I really couldn’t be bothered, however, last week I thought, “OK, Always Do What You’ve Always Done, Always Get What You’ve Always Got” (my favourite saying and best motto for life) get on with it woman.  So I spent a good few hours (honestly) working my way through the slew of mails I’d received.  I wanted to whittle them down as quickly as possible, so here is my shortlist criteria (can you tell I have extensive recruitment experience? Lol)

1.    The Picture:

a.    Middle aged and frumpy ie not looked after themselves - DELETE

b.    ‘Boy racers’ (you know the ones that are avid sunbed worshippers, stripped to the waist showing there ‘rippling muscles’ and tattoos  – or sucking in their stomach – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t suck in love handles) - DELETE

c.    Clutching a pint or a beer - DELETE

d.    Yellow crooked teeth (ewwwwwwwww) – DELETE

e.    Actually, my biggest criteria is, “Can I see myself kissing that mouth?” if it’s a no - DELETE

2.    Use text speak/can’t construct a full sentence or use correct grammar eg ‘u’r cute x’

3.    They’ve obviously sent a ‘form’ email (a standard one that they sent to lots of women – it’s easy to spot those)

It’s amazing how efficient you can be when you use a good set of selection criteria!

I’ve been keeping a note of all the funny emails I’ve been getting (as I’ve done before) I know you guys like reading those, so I’ll put them in a post tomorrow. 

Once I’d gone through my selection process, I went about replying to the ones that were left and I’ve been managing the responses to those over the last couple of days.  I also re-read a couple of good on-line dating books that give you some really good hints and tips for wheedling out the time wasters (I’ll share some of those as we go along) which have really helped me focus.  I’ve even been on my first date!  I don’t have time to write about it today, but I’ll make sure that I get it written down and posted for you this week.  As you’d probably guess, it was an experience!

Right lovelies, don’t forget to tune in tomorrow and for the rest of the week I’ll try and keep you updated on progress.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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