Tuesday 25 September 2012

Autumn On-line Dating - Part 2

Oh my goodness you guys are funny ... hits yesterday went into overdrive!  I get it, I get it ... you like the dating stuff! OK .... so here's some more.  Yesterday I promised that I’d let you see a small selection of some of the emails I’ve been receiving from this new dating site I’ve signed up to.  I have copied and pasted exactly as I've received them and the bits in bold italics are obviously my comments.  Enjoy!

Email 1                
wow you look lush x (DELETE - NEXT!)
Email 2               
Hi x You look delightful! (He was 65 and sent me this picture of a teddy ... what am I ... 6? DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 6
fancy a chat x (DELETE - NEXT!)
Email 4               
Hi how you doing  (That's quite a common one - I get that one a lot ... been watching too much 'Joey from Friends' - DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 5               
stunning hun (DELETE!)

Email 6               
great body x (DELETE!)

Email 7/8/9/10 (Different emails all from the same guy - there's more from him later too)

·         I’m 6 ft 3 16 stone ex rugby man x hope you like? (DELETE)

·         Hope you like a 6ft three 16 stone 45 inch chest ex rugby man x (DELETE)

·         hope a 6 ft three 16 stone 45 inch hest ex rugby man is your type x (DELETE)

·         6 FT THREE knight says hello xx (DELETE)

Email 11              
wow. you look. luvly. Xx (DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 12              
hi how are u (DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 13             
hi, well i must comment on the fabulous femininity...I could not resist. Your profile and your reasoning show signs that you are caring and have compassion....but I may have to observe what i say very closely..lol and although the distance may initially be against the us bit....lol...why not compliment you anyway....if there is no mutual liking it is no problem...Mick :-)  (WHAT? – DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 13/14/15 (Different emails all from the same guy)

·         Hi there how u doing (I'm having a 'Joey from Friends' flashback - DELETE)

·         Stunning hun (DELETE)

·       u ok hun (Why the hell wouldn't I be? DELETE)

Email 16              
grate body (Grated cheese? Grated carrot? What? DELETE - NEXT!)

Email 17              
your gawjus x (Enough said! DELETE - NEXT!)

Now, it seems that I have a bit of a stalker too.  Before I realised what a weirdo I had in the guy who emailed 7/8/9/10 above, we'd had a bit of an email chat and he sounded kind of nice, so I agreed to meet him and we swapped numbers.  Almost immediately he texted me but I couldn't reply because I was driving and I'm so glad that I couldn't because over the next 5 hours I got 15 texts, the 4 emails above.  He has continued to text me periodically over the last 3 days.  Here's a snippet:

"Hi xxx"

"How are x u xxx chat tomorrow Xxx"

"Good day xxx"

"Chat later x"

"U there" (OMG! Some people just don't get the message do they)

"Chat x"

"6ft 3 rugby man x" (I get the idea that he's quite proud of his height and his sport!)

"Chat x"

Unbelievable ... that just today's texts and that's beside the emails he's sent too.  Aren't people weird? Ho hum ... NEXT!

I haven’t forgotten that I need to tell you about Sunday’s date, I’ve half written it so I’ll post it tomorrow.  I’ve also got a date tonight, so I’ll tell you about that this week too.  I spoke to him yesterday (only for a couple of minutes) and he sounded quite normal.  We also live quite a bit apart from each other and he's offered to travel to me, so that's a bonus!  Until tomorrow lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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