Friday 28 September 2012

I've Found My Very Own Mr Grey!

Well I’m happy to say that I’ve calmed down considerably after the wonderful feedback I’ve had from some of you, my lovely friends and readers.  I really appreciate your support ... thank you!

Right, well I told you that I was going out on a date on Tuesday night and I’m not happy to report that I met my Mr Grey!  Definitely NOT the Mr Grey you all have in mind though (more’s the pity!).  This Mr Grey wore grey pants, a grey/red stripped shirt (think, those awful grey work shirts '90s style shirts that women with no dress sense buy for their husbands), grey hair, grey pallor.  Grey ... the colour grey.  Dreary day grey.  Boring, really very uninteresting grey.  Hummmmph.

Really, I should start from the beginning.  This is another guy that contacted me from the new dating site.  We sent a few emails backwards and forwards and agreed to meet.  In his picture he looked quite nice and on the young side for 44 and he had really quite a pleasant face.  We swapped numbers and agreed to meet.  We also had a quick phone call on Monday and he seemed really nice. 

So, we agreed to meet on Tuesday at 7.30 pm at a bar not too far from where I live (he'd agreed to travel to me - tick) and we texted in the afternoon and confirmed the arrangements.  I knew it would take me about 15 minutes to get there and with my obsession about not being late, I left about 7.10 pm.  Just as I got in the car, I got a call from him telling me that he was running about 10 minutes late.  He asked me how far I lived away from the bar and agreed to call me when he was 15 minutes away so I could leave then and we'd arrive at the same time.

Now, there’s a couple of things here, the first is that (if you’re a regular reader you’ll know this already) I detest lateness with a vengeance.  I think it’s the height of bad manners and it riles me like nothing else!  I thought, OK, I have 3 choices here:

1.   Call it off ... I can’t be doing with a man who can’t be on time and if he can’t be on time for the first date, you can pretty much establish that he’s never going to be on time (I apply that rule when I’m interviewing too ... the two processes are actually very similar!)

2.   Get out of the car (but the rain was torrential and I’d just taken half an hour curling my hair!) and go back inside, restlessly waiting for his call (grrrrrrrrr that would be wrong on so many levels)

3.   Just carry on driving and wait for him where we were meeting – I could always sort out some emails while I waited.

So number 3 it was and I got to the venue about 7.20 pm.  At 7.50 pm (Yes, a whole half hour later) he turned up.  OMG, actually, I can’t believe that I waited.  That's not like me at all, but as I’d gone to the trouble of putting ‘night time’ make up on and I'd curled my hair I thought that I might as well get a drink out of it.

I legged it (ran very quickly for my non UK readers) dodging the mahooosive puddles, to the lobby, the rain was absolutely pelting down and I came face to face with this decidedly grey (in every way), middle aged, extremely ‘ordinary’ looking man waiting for me.  (Is that mean?  Don’t care!)  We got drinks and sat down (he bought them – so at least that’s a second tick), it was then I noticed his bad breath even though I was sitting at the other side of the couch.  Ewwwwwwwwww *shudder*. 

He actually mentioned his clothes, he said that he didn't know what to wear!  He didn't know what to wear on a first date in a bar on a Tuesday evening.  What's wrong with jeans and a shirt/jumper?  He was literally wearing his work wear without the tie and jacket (of a very cheap suit!).

For the next hour, he then proceeded to tell me about his 3 ex wives, 4 children; about his career (he is a Used Car Salesman ... why the hell I didn’t find that out before I met him I don’t know – that should have been enough to put me off meeting him in the first place!).  He told me every single thing about his career history including the companies he’s worked for (he literally talked through his CV); what he has to do every day including what he has to eat (I kid you not); about his last performance review and the fact that he's on a written warning for poor conduct with a customer following a mystery shopper audit (I got all the details of that from beginning to end); all about how he used to play professional golf but stopped; everything about his brother; about his flat, about the car he drives etc.

What did he ask about me?  Nadda ... not a bloody thing!  I’ve never been so bored in my life.  He had one of those droning, mono-tone voices too (kill me now!). Luckily, I had an exit strategy planned, I’d already told him that I had to be up really early to travel 200 miles for a 9.00 am meeting (which was actually true), so when we’d finished the wine after about 40 minutes, that was my cue to leave.  Phew! ... I was home, make up off and in my PJs by 9.10 pm.

He texted me that night saying how wonderful the night was and how he was looking forward to seeing me again.  I didn’t reply, I thought it was nicer to send him a mail in the morning rather than sending him a text saying ‘Thanks but no thanks’.  He also sent me a really nice text in the morning saying, “Drive carefully, look forward to talking to you soon x”.  Ah bless.   I didn’t reply but sent him a nice “thanks but no thanks” email that afternoon.

So another one bites the dust.  But fear not my lovelies ... there are others in the pipeline and I’ll keep you informed!  Tomorrow I’ll give you an update of some more of the emails that I’ve been receiving ... you can’t make it up!  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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