Saturday 29 September 2012

More Dodgy On-line Dating Emails


I was telling my dad about the odd reactions I've recently received by some men regarding my dating posts, when it occurred to me why the reactions between men and women are so different (obviously not all men though, just a select few!) ...  There is a fundamental difference between men and women in that women like to talk things over, tell their friends what’s going on, chew it over and get each other's views, whereas men generally want to ‘solve’ the problem.
Ladies, have you ever got home from work and had a good old moan, got everything off your chest and felt much better only to have your partner want to solve the ‘problem’ for you?  You only wanted to vent and once you have, you feel  much better (you actually just want someone to sit there and listen to your issues and then you can get on with your day). 
Have you ever had that conversation with your partner when you've been venting about your day that goes something like, "I don't want you to solve my problem, that's not the point, I just want you to listen to me!" and your partner is completely dumbfounded and sits there in almost abject shock?  (Or is that just me? Hmmmmmm)  It’s evolutionary hard wiring.  Men can’t help it ... it’s in their genes.  They have an inbuilt need to fix things and look for solutions. 
I feel much better now after realising that ... so let’s move on...
Here’s another load of emails I’ve received (again, I’ve copied and pasted exactly as I’ve received them - my comments are in bold italic).  I did copy and paste another 20 or so, but my computer crashed and I didn’t get to save them.  Still, there’s a steady stream of them, so I don’t need to worry too much.  Here goes...
love to see you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Love to see me what? Do the Hyland Fling? Dance the Charleston? Drink him under the table?  What?  DELETE/NEXT!)
You look lovely by the way x (By the way of what? Watford? London? Liverpool? What? DELETE/NEXT!)
Beautiful ;) (Now don’t get me wrong, these types of mails are very lovely , but it really doesn’t take much effort now does it? DELETE/NEXT!)
Hi realy like your profile
Hi realy like your profile
Hi realy like your profile (This guy cuts and pastes his typos ... nice ... I feel so special! DELETE x 3/NEXT!)
hiya x
hiya x
hiya x
hiya x (God give me strength – DELETE x 4/NEXT!)
Absolute gorgeous babe xx (Lazy and 5’4” and aged 57 – DELETE/NEXT!)
you're lovely xx (Again, very nice but ... hmmmmmmph – DELETE/NEXT!)
Could you be my day (What? DELETE/NEXT!)
Would like to chat (Would you now? Not with me you wouldn't! DELETE/NEXT!)
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you?
good evening, how are you? (DELETE x5/NEXT!)

You ask for someone thats fit and wants to travel, well im moving to australia and you didnt reply (Oooosh, how scary is that! He was obviously upset that I didn't respond to his first mail.  His picture is of a decidedly middle aged man with his top off, trying to flex his muscles and glaring at the camera ... oh and he's another 5'4" - DELETE/NEXT!)

And my two personal favourites:

hello nice too meet you i like you verey nice lady what you name huny x (What? I imagine saying that in a Zsa Zsa Gabour type accent - DELETE/NEXT!)

Your pictures had me dripping like an egg sandwich (Ewwwwwww that's just wrong - a bit funny though ... until I looked at his picture *shudder* - DELETE/NEXT!)
In an attempt to try and limit these types of emails, I’ve actually put a message on my profile saying that I won’t respond to mails that contain text speak or one line generic emails (although I don’t hold out much hope for most of them even knowing what ‘generic’ means!).
Oh and as I’m writing this post, I got this one ...
“Nice profile, you have some good interests but you need to wear more sunscreen when you’re in the Caribbean.”
Bloody cheek - I'm actually pretty angry at this and but have deleted it before I feel the urge to give an unsavoury reply – which would probably consist of two words and probably get me banned from the site!  What would possess someone to send something like that?  Do they think they’re being funny? Are they expecting you to fall head over heels with them?  Or are they just a**holes looking for a cheap kick?  Why actually take time out of your day to write an email to someone you don’t know and be mean to them?  Don’t get it. 
Then there’s the guy that I’ve been having a mini email conversation with (I have a new rule that if they don’t ask to speak to me or to actually ask to meet me after the fourth email exchange, I bin them as a bad job ... I don’t need a pen pal and generally it seems they're time wasters after this point) he just sent me his fourth message and told me his name isn’t Anderson, it’s Steve (he thinks Anderson is more glamorous), he isn’t an IT Consultant he’s a care worker, he doesn’t live in Cheshire, he lives in Liverpool.  Why would you do that? DELETE/NEXT!
Of course I do get some lovely emails and those are the ones that I respond to and ultimately turn into dates.  It’s just that on average you get about 15 bad messages to each good one (unless my criteria are far too high ... maybe I need to lower my expectations ... on second thoughts ... nah).
OK lovelies, that’s it for me today.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Until next time, be fabulous.
Lots of love

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