Monday 17 September 2012

Lawless & Dredd 3D Reviews


Well, again all is quiet on the Western front so nothing much to report, but I do have a couple more film reviews for you.  Last weekend I watched Anna Karenina, Dredd, Lawless and That’s My Boy.  I’ll start with the best first...

Lawless was one of my most favourite films this year (nothing to do with the fact that it had one of the best casts I’ve seen for a long time, including my favourite actor of the moment, Tom Hardy) but it was a gripping story with fabulous acting. 

It’s based on a true story of infamous bootlegging siblings during the Prohibition era in America.  It’s a massive gangster style tale with lots of twists and turns (not to mention some very gory fight scenes which are not for the feint hearted) and definitely worth a watch.  Here’s the trailer...


Next there was Dredd which is obviously a remake of the early ‘90’s Sylvester Stallone move ‘Judge Dredd’.   For those of you who haven’t seen the original, this is much darker and much bloodier.  Actually, it’s quite a gore fest, so if you’re expecting otherwise, you’ll be shocked.  It definitely deserves its 18 rating. 

The story centres around two cops who are fighting to keep law and order in post apocalyptic America.  Running from Boston to Washington DC lies Mega City One which is a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the streets.  Following a rather brutal murder of three men in one of the ‘mega blocks’ (they were skinned and thrown over a balcony ... nice!) two Judges enter the block in order to bring those responsible to justice.

Was it in my top 10 films of this year, erm no but it certainly wasn’t in my bottom 10.  If you like sci-fi, gore and lots of fight scenes, then this one is for you.  Here’s the trailer...



Tomorrow, I’ll review Anna Karenina, That’s my Boy and also a film I saw yesterday, Hope Falls.  Until then, have a wonderful Monday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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