Monday 3 September 2012

The Watch and A Few Best Men Reviews

So the other two films that I saw this weekend were ‘The Watch’ and ‘A few Best Men’. 

Firstly, ‘The Watch’ ... dreadful, absolutely dreadful.  There were a few funny bits but really, just about the worst film I’ve seen this year.  I doubt it could actually get any worse and I even considered walking out, but couldn’t be bothered... I was warm and enjoying my chocolate limes.

The film stars Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn and I guess potentially could have been really good, but it was dire.  The premise ... aliens keep killing people and stealing their skin so that they look human.  They were trying to set up a signal back to their home planet which would start an invasion on Earth and they were trying to send the signal from a Costco store (that was produce placement on a whole different level).  Why Costco?  I have no idea, other than the fact that they probably agreed to pay the most for the privilege.  Here’s the trailer ... that’s all you need to see.


Secondly I saw ‘A Few Best Men’ which wasn’t brilliant but was much better than The Watch.  There were funny bits and downright cringe worthy bits.  The premise ... a guy meets a girl on holiday and they decide to get married, she lives in Australia and he takes his best friends over to support him at the wedding (he’s an orphan and has no family).  Her father happens to be a Senator and has invited lots of important people to the wedding and as you’d probably imagine, mayhem ensues. 

It stars Xavier Samuel (him from the last Twilight films), Oliver Newton-John (who was just terrible) plays the bride’s mother and a few other actors that you’ve seen in British films but don’t really know their names.

In summary, I definitely can’t say it’s the best film I’ve seen recently (all a bit too silly for me) but OK if you’ve seen everything else and definitely better than The Watch.  Here’s the trailer.


Right lovelies, that’s it for now.  See you soon and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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