Sunday 30 September 2012

The House at the End of the Street/Resident Evil

Sorry lovelies, with all the dating excitement, I’d completely forgotten to give you a review of ‘The House at the End of the Street’ which I saw last weekend.  From the trailers, I thought it was a paranormal type horror but it really wasn’t.  It was more psychological horror (although the term horror is used very loosely). 

So what’s it about? Well, a divorced woman takes her teenage daughter to a new town in order to make a new start following her divorce.  However, they quickly find that the reason why they got their dream house so cheaply was to do with the house next door where years earlier, a child had killed both of her parents in the house.   The mother and daughter due soon discover that the son of the family still lives there and despite the mother’s reservations, her daughter strikes up a relationship with him.

It’s from there that it all goes horribly wrong (the son is a bit of a psycho).  I won’t say it was an awful film, it wasn’t.  There were some real surprises that I didn’t see coming (in fact I didn't see any of it coming if I'm honest).  It just wasn’t scary enough (I can't believe I'm saying that!), so ended up being a bit bland.  It also didn’t help that I was expecting a totally different film from what was portrayed in the trailers.  It’s still worth a watch though, but there are definitely better films out there at the moment.  Here’s the trailer...


The next film I saw that I’ve been looking forward to seeing for ages is Resident Evil: Retribution.  I LOVE zombie films (in fact I’m quite obsessed with anything Zombie or Vampire) and ever since I heard this was coming out, I’ve been excited about seeing it.  I loved all the others and couldn’t pick my favourite if you asked me.

Well, I have to say I was disappointed.  Again (as seems to be the case with so many films these days) the story was pretty rubbish, but the effects were amazeballs.  The biggest disappointing factor was the total lack of Zombies!  How can that be in a Zombie film?  I feel cheated!

So what was the film about, well I’ve got to be honest, I got a bit confused (doesn’t take much sometimes) I think I’ve completely lost the plot with the whole Resident Evil storyline if I’m honest but it was more about Alice (Milla Jovovich – who is totally amazing) delving deeper into the Umbrella Corporation ... but I got a bit lost, so I’m not going to try and sum it up more than to say that they are tonnes of fight scenes (some of which go on far too long) and too little Zombie action (I’m not counting a humongous  weirdy hybrid type creature thing that turns up relentlessly throughout the film).

In summary, not my favourite Resident Evil film and there are far better films out there to watch at the moment.  Anyway, here’s the trailer...


Another film that I watched was The Campaign with Will Farrell (I’m not a huge fan of his, but I actually found this one quite funny).  I’ll review it tomorrow. 

Right lovelies, until tomorrow enjoy the rest of your Sunday and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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