Wednesday 26 September 2012

On-Line Dating - Jeep Man


Right, I’d better get on to Sunday night’s date then...

Well, I’ve got to be honest, I’m not sure it started off too well on the Saturday when we swapped numbers.  I’m going to call this guy, Jeep Man.  We’d already agreed to meet through email and swapped numbers ‘just in case of emergency’ on Sunday.  Well, again, as soon as I’d mailed my number it was a matter of seconds before he sent me a picture of himself saying ‘boo’.   I thought, “Hmmmmm bit keen ... and a picture too .... hmmmmmmm ... likes himself a bit then”  But as I’m trying really hard to be nice and put any negativity to one side, I texted back with a ‘Boo backatchya’.  I then climbed in the car and headed off to the cinema to watch ‘House at the End of the Street’ (I’ll review that separately) which is 5 minutes from where I live.  As soon as I parked up I got this text:

“So are we going to spend the next two days flirting outrageously ... and really building up the anticipation for tomorrow night? Jxxx”

Well, I really don’t know what came over me, I think it could have been remembering back to that guy earlier on this year who sent me 50 texts in one day, but before I’d even registered what I’d written, I’d sent this:

“Hate to disappoint, but I’m dead busy and hate texting so chances are slim! Soz! Xxx”

I know, I know, a bit harsh.  I actually couldn’t believe I’d actually sent that when I read it back!  My thought process was, “So we’ll get into texting each other backward and forward then I’ll meet him tomorrow and he’ll be an idiot and I’ll have completely wasted the last 24 hours” ... hmmmmmm think I may have an issue? Ha ha. 

Next he texted back:

“Oh I’ll just have to keep myself amused then ;-)”

My reply (I cringe as I write this):

“Have fun!”

OMG!  I really can’t believe I did that ... what a biatch!

I obviously didn’t hear back from him for the rest of the day and if I’m honest, I really didn’t expect to hear back from him at all!  I told my dad what I’d said to him, my dad’s reply, “Oooops! That wasn’t very nice!”  Next day, it got to about 2.00pm and I decided I’d better text and see if we were still going out.  By 5.00 pm I still hadn’t heard back so started to plan my evening: open a bottle of wine, start my blog, watch the new series of Downton Abbey and I was actually quite looking forward to my evening (and I wonder why I’m single).  When at 5.15 I got this text:

“Hi, sorry I haven’t had a chance to reply sooner ... my weekend been good, has yours? Yea, still good for 8pm.  I’ll meet you in the car park.  What do you drive? Xxxx”

I replied, then he replied attaching a photo of his BIG black Jeep (hence Jeep Man) together with private number plate.  So that’s two photos he’d sent me – one of him in his bedroom (go figure) and one of his penis extension.  (Is that mean?  Don’t care!)

And there my lovelies, I must leave it for today.  ‘Awwwww’ I hear you cry, but I can’t give you it all in one day, what will you have to look forward to? Ha ha.  Until tomorrow my lovelies, be fabulous!

Lots of love


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