Wednesday 25 April 2012

Gone & Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Well, as my Sunday plans were so rudely interrupted by Guy No 3 and his unchivalrous behaviour, I decided to go to the pictures on Sunday afternoon.  I’d been to the gym in the morning – I’m making a conscious effort to go to the gym pretty much every day at the moment.  My holiday is in 4 weeks and I’m determined to be in the best bikini shape I possibly can.  I’ve also done 5 yoga classes in the last week too ... as I’m going to a 5* Spa (oooh get me!) they often have ‘guest’ tutors there and whilst I’m there this time, they have a yoga guru over from India.  I love yoga and I’ve always been very bendy (from my dancing days ... ballet, not pole, thank you very much ... I knew what you were thinking), so I thought I’d make sure that I’m super subtle so that I can get the best out of his classes.

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing any of the other sports they have there (eg tennis/ badminton/ personal fitness instructors/ fully equipped gym/ exercise on the beach every morning/ every water sport under the sun) ... that’s too much like hard work, however, I do fancy learning how to water ski ... and that’s free too, so I’ve been working on my upper body strength at the gym so I can give it a good go.
Anyway, I digress (just for a change). 


I’d read the reviews for ‘Gone’ and I have to admit, they weren’t great.  But I’ve learned that when it comes to reviews, you’re better off making your own mind up.  So, this movie is about a woman (Amanda Seyfried ...  I didn’t recognise any of the other actors) who is abducted but no-one believes her and she’s put in a mental asylum.  A year later, her sister disappears and she’s convinced that she’s been abducted, but again, no-one will believe her.  She sets about trying to find her sister whilst avoiding the police who are chasing her. 

Now, it certainly wasn’t the best film I’ve ever watched – there could have been lots more suspense and quite why so many police were chasing her, I couldn’t figure out – but it wasn’t the worst film either.  I’d probably give it 2.5 out of 5.  Here’s the trailer, so you can see for yourself...

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

This has had rave reviews, but I really didn’t like the sound of it ... the trailers didn’t do it any favours either ... but I’d watched Gone and didn’t fancy going home right then, looked to see what was on and that was starting in the next 10 minutes.

As the title suggests (and from the trailers) it looked to be quite a boring film about flooding part of the Yemen and importing Salmon so that a rich Sheikh could fly fish without having to travel.  However, I was pleasantly surprised (I love it when that happens.)  It was actually quite an intelligent love story with Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt and Kristin Scott Thomas – I won’t tell you too much about it, cos I don’t want to spoil it – but if you fancy a nice, easy watch, love story, chick flick then this is for you.  Here’s the trailer, but remember, it really doesn’t do it justice.

Right my lovelies ... off I go ... to the gym!  See you soon.  Be fabulous.
Lots of love

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