Monday 1 October 2012

Killing Them Softly – The Imposter – The Campaign

Three more reviews for you ... well, two and a half really.  I saw ‘Killing Them Softly on Saturday afternoon.  It was a pretty stella cast with Brad Pitt (yum, or well, not really yum in this – he plays a sleazy hit may ... acted very well though it has to be said!), Ray Liotta (he hasn’t aged well ... very craggy looking!  I loved him in Goodfellas, that was one of my favourite films back in the day) and James Gandolfini (him off the Sopranos – used to love that series).

The story, two guys who think they’re smart rob a Mob protected card game causing the local criminal economy to collapse.  The film then follows their stories as a mob hit man tracks them down.  I’m not sure if I loved it ... it was good ... just a bit boring in places (very gory shootings too ... ewwwwww).  Here’s the trailer...

Then we have ‘The Imposter’.  I watched it straight after Killing Them Softly, not because I particularly wanted to see it but because I was bored and wasn’t ready to go home.  I should have been a bit dubious about it because I hadn’t seen any trailers for it ... now I know why.  It was so boring that I fell asleep on and off for about an hour of it – the bits I did see where astonishingly poor!

So, the story (I had to look on Flixster for some of this) ... The imposter is a chilling factual thriller (I didn’t see anything chilling or thrilling about it), that chronicles the story of a 13 year old boy who disappears without a trace from San Antonio in 1994.  Three years later a boy appears claiming to be the one that disappeared (although quite why anyone believed it is beyond me because the original kid was blonde/blue eyed whilst this person spoke with a Mexican accent and had dark hair/dark eyes ... go figure!).  The film consisted of a series of interviews with the family and the imposter.

In summary, it was boring as hell and sucked to high heaven ... to be avoided at all costs.  I’m not even going to post a trailer because I don’t want you see it (I hate to think of anyone losing their money) and think it may be good and want to see it!  I actually walked out which hasn’t happened since I stumbled upon a slasher movie a few years ago (without realising it was a slasher movie!).

Well yesterday, I said that I’d review The Campaign with Will Farrell.  I’ve got to be honest, sometimes I’m not that enamoured with Will Farrell, I think his films can be childish and cringe worthy, however, I quite liked this one.  I think that was mainly to do with the fantastic character played by Zach Galifianakis (the guy from the Hangover that causes all the problems).  His character alone is worth the entry price.

So, the story ... Long Term congressman (Farrell) is challenged by an unsophisticated, Marty Huggins (Zach) and backed by unscrupulous benefactors the race to win the election takes some unusual twists and turns.  It’s quite rude in places (which I think probably makes it funnier because you’re not always expecting it) but definitely worth a watch.  I actually laughed out loud quite a few times and that doesn’t happen in the cinema on my own very often!

Here’s the trailer, watch out for Zach’s walk, it’s actually quite hilarious!


There are lots of good movies coming up.  You know how I love a good psychological horror, well here’s one that I really want to see.  It’s called ‘Sinister’ and the trailer looks amazing!

Right lovelies, that's me for another day. I'll be back with more dating tales soon. Until then, be fabulous.


Lots of love



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