Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Worst Ever Date


Well lovelies, I can quite honestly say that I had just about the worst date ever last night.  This guy, let’s call him Phone Man, contacted me ages ago and we’d been mailing for far longer than I usually would (as you know, if a man hasn’t asked me out within 5 email exchanges I abandon it as a bad job).  However, just for a change, I quite fancied this one so ignored my own rule (I should have a new motto, “Ignore your own rules at your peril”!).  Most of the guys I get are usually pretty overweight, short and very middle aged looking.  This guy on the other hand looked quite cool with a very reasonable body.

So after many emails back and forth (and I mean many) trying to arrange the night, we met last night at a local country pub that I know well and feel safe at.  While I was getting ready, I got a text from him saying that he was looking forward to seeing me but that he was nervous.  I wrote back and said told him not to be nervous because I’m actually quite nice and then thought, “Should I have told him that I was nervous too?” (I wasn’t) so I did and said that we’ll both be fine ... “See you in a bit” [now bog off cos I need to get ready or I’ll be late!... I obviously didn’t say that bit].

This time we both got there on time, he wasn’t late so that’s a good start and he texted me as he was walking into the pub (I actually saw him do this as I was drawing up) and asked me what I wanted to drink.  “Good start” I thought, at least he’s there before me and doesn’t want to meet me in the car park.  I find that guys that want to meet you in the car park are usually quite insecure (like Jeep Man).

I replied saying, “Just pulled up, see you in a mo”.  He then texts me back (“Oh for goodness sake, can’t you wait a minute, I’ll be seeing you in 2 seconds!”) “Medium or dry” I couldn’t be bothered replying, why would you when you’re 20 paces away from each other?  I walked in to the pub, guessed which one was him and introduced myself.  I’ve got to be honest, he did seem a little on the short side, but I think I may have lost perspective on how tall people are considering the heels I wear ... everyone looks short!   He was also wearing a weird kind of mac/coat type thing. Anyhow, he looked a bit on the rough side and hadn’t bothered shaving, but he definitely wasn’t ugly ... he had a good body too from what I could see (bonus!).

We sat down and from that moment forward he never shut up and it all went horribly wrong.  Firstly, he insisted on showing me, actually showing me on his phone all the women that have contacted him on the dating site.  He went in to each of their profiles and asked me what I thought!  OMG, I obviously knew right from that point that this evening wasn’t going anywhere, so I just played along.  He also couldn’t remember what my name was ... now that makes you feel good about yourself.  He kept calling me by the date site user name I have.  Oh dear.

After he’d shown me each of the 15 women’s profiles, he then moved on to tell me about all his previous girlfriends and why they split up.  Then he told me in detail about every one of the 8 dates he’s had in the last few week (we’ve been there half an hour by this point and he hasn’t asked me one thing about me, nor have I said more than a couple of sentences).  Then he went on to talk about cars and how much he loves cars (I tried to tell him about my lovely car, but he ignored me and carried on talking ... he ignored me! Humph) and started showing me on his mobile the second hand cars that he was thinking of buying.  Like I care!

He then started talking about each one of his friends and showed me pictures of them (pictures of them?!!!!) and told me all about different holidays he’s been on (again me having to endure the photos ... it was like having a boring Aunt show you her holiday pics ... you just don’t care!).  When I tried to interject and tell him something about my holidays, he completely ignored me and continued to talk over me hmmmmmm.  When he started to talk about wanting to go to Vegas, as I’ve been to quite a few times I started to tell him and again, he completely ignored me and talked over me.

Something happened then.  I got this really weird feeling in side ... I now know it to be anger (I don’t get angry very often so didn’t immediately recognise what feeling it was!). I thought, “What am I doing sitting here nearly an hour with a complete idiot?  How can I get out of this?” He then moved on to tell me what he was doing at the weekend and maybe I could go and watch a live band with him and get some food.

I looked him straight in the eye and said, “Don’t think so *I actually sniggered* ... this really isn’t working out for me.  I’m going home now” I stood up, put my coat on (he looked stunned) and I walked out.  He hurriedly stood up, put his jacket on and ran out after me.  I thanked him for my drink and walked off to my car.  I’ve never seen anyone look so shocked! 

So that’s another disastrous date!  I have another tomorrow night (I know, I know, I’m a glutton for punishment) fingers crossed that this guy isn’t a weirdo misfit type that I seem to be attracting!  I’ll obviously keep you informed.

Until next time lovelies, have a wonderful day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Wednesday 10 October 2012

My Polly Pocket Date (Part 2)

So, following on from yesterday's post ....
When we got into the cinema, which was next door to the Pizza place, he already had his ticket and wanted popcorn, I had my cinema card and wanted ice cream so we went to different counters and bought our own.  When we met back up, he said, “Oh, you’ve got a coke?  I bought a big one for us to share”  “Ewwwwww” I thought, “He’s expecting me so share a coke with him and his spit” Then he said, “I got a big popcorn to share too” I thought, “Now he’s expecting me to share popcorn that will undoubtedly have his spit on from all the hand to mouth to popcorn action ... no thanks!”  Sharing stuff like that is fine with your friends or partner, but not with someone you don’t know and don’t fancy.
So we went into the cinema and sat down, him with his legs sprayed apart doing what’s known in body language terms as a ‘crotch shot’ (crotch display) – a man will use this display in an unconscious attempt to show a woman (or man) his virility ... it unconsciously says “Look at my large manly genital area” or words to that effect!  He was also leaning on me and with that, I move away as far as I could into the other side of my seat, I also crossed my legs as he was trying to touch mine with his (although they were barely long enough) and pointed them away from him as far as I could giving off a “don’t come near me” vibe.  Thank goodness there was no-one sitting next to me because I could have literally been sitting on their knee.
Then comes the eating of the popcorn.  If I thought the pizza eating was bad, it was nothing on this.  I hate the sound of people eating crunchy things too (I know, I have a bit of a problem!) and he was literally taking whole handfuls of popcorn and shovelling them into his mouth then crunching them with his mouth open.  Oh dear God! 
It obviously didn’t occur to him for quite a while that I wasn’t responding to his attempted to try and touch me, but about 20 minutes into the film, I noticed a distinct shift in his body language.  He was still doing the crotch shot, but crossed his arms which literally reads, “I’m here showing you how virile I am and I’m pissed at you because you’re not taking me on” ... I could almost hear his thoughts, his body language was literally screaming out at me, it was hysterical.  It was also coupled with frequently ‘humphs’, you know that sound someone makes when they’re seriously pissed off!
Well, the film “Taken 2” wasn’t that brilliant (I’ll review it tomorrow) and at the end of the film we left quite unceremoniously, him being under no illusions by this point that I absolutely not interested.  As we walked to our cars making polite conversation, he told me that he was off work this week and said he was taking his car to be lowered!  He was another little man with a Jeep (what’s with the little men and Jeeps?).  All I could think was that obviously he wasn’t big enough to get in and out of it and was having it lowered so it wasn’t such a struggle!
Oh dear ... another one bites the dust.  The only thing that kept me going through the film were the funny things that kept running through my head like, “I’ve got my own Polly Pocket” “Santa’s Little Helpers are out early this year” “I wonder how Snow White coped” ... I kept giggling to myself.
I’m going to give the dating a rest for a bit now.  I’ve exhausted (not literally!) all the half decent looking guys, so I’ll take a bit of a break so that I can re-group.  No doubt I’ll revisit it again sometime in the future and will obviously keep you informed!
Right, lovelies, enjoy your day and I’ll see you soon.  Be fabulous.
Lots of love

Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Polly Pocket Date (Part 1)


Well, Sunday night I had another date and to be honest, it didn’t go well (no surprise there then). 
I did break some of my own rules it has to be said, because I had spoken to this guy more than I would usually do before I meet someone and I guess that lulled me into a false sense of security (not in any way that I was at risk though ... I just thought I’d better point that out).  Through our conversations, it was clear that we both had a love of films, so as I was decidedly bored at the weekend and really fancied getting out for a full evening I agreed to meet him for pizza and cinema. 
Now, a couple of things to point out here ... usually, I would only ever meet someone for a quick drink on a first date, that way you can get away quickly if you don’t like them.  Also having a meal with someone is quite personal and I’m really strict on good table manners and can’t bear to eat with someone who is a messy eater ... it’s slightly more bearable if I know the person, but I’m totally intolerant of poor eating habits in someone I don’t know ... it makes me cringe and I’m either transfixed watching them, or can’t bear to watch them at all and avoid eye contact/having to look at them at all costs.  Thirdly, I wouldn’t usually go to the cinema with someone on a first date because how are you going to get to know each other when you can’t talk?
Then there’s the last thing ... you have to sit quite close to someone in the cinema and if you discover you don’t fancy them (but they fancy you) you can spend the whole of the film squished into the corner of your seat trying to get as far away from them as you possibly can (within the confines of a cinema chair!).
So, back to the story ... I met him in Pizza Hut (not my favourite place but I didn’t want to make it into a big thing) at 7.00 pm.  As I was walking up to the reception area, there were two men there and I couldn’t see how it could be either of them.  One was sitting down and looked quite young and on the big side, the other was wearing baggy jeans, a sweatshirt and was tiny!  I strolled into reception and the tiny man said, “Hi!” (in a slightly Munchkin type voice) I looked down and with slight disappointment said, “Oh, you must be John?” “Yes, come on, I’ve been in and I know where we’re sitting.”  He then led me to our table.  I felt like Snow White on a play date. 
You know when you can feel everyone looking at you?  We must have looked quite a sight.  He said on his profile that he was 5’10” which isn’t too bad (I’m 5’6” and always wear at least 5” heels, so I can cope with 5’10”), however, if he was 5’5” I would have been impressed.  He literally came up to my navel.  We sat down and he was overly excited and was unbelievably hyper.  I decided not to say anything about the height thing, but that was enough to put me off.  I have nothing against short men, I just don’t fancy them ... it’s nothing personal, I’m just not attracted to them, but it’s more the fact that these guys lie.  What do they think is going to happen?  Do they think that you’re not going to notice that they’re 5” shorter than they specified on their profile?  After all, they’d have to wear some serious platforms to bring themselves anywhere near their stated height ... it’s just not something you can hide!
I thought, “Well, that serves you right Jx.  This is precisely why you don’t usually meet someone  on a first date for anything other than a quick drink – but you’re here now, so you’ll have to get on with it”  I guess I could have bolted, but really I just couldn’t do that.  So we ordered and then the fun began.  He was one of those that ‘chows down’.  What I mean by that is that he had no table manners, when his pizza came he leaned over with his shoulder hunched and his elbows on the table and literally didn’t come up for air until it was finished, he shovelled it in.  He also spoke with his mouth full, his hands and face were covered in sauce and grease and I just couldn’t watch ... it was like watching a car crash for me *shudder*.
How I got through that I don’t know, but luckily, it didn’t last that long, he then asked for the bill – which I’m happy to say he paid, although he did falter when I said, “Let me pay half” – I think I’ve I’d pushed it, he would have let me (that’s typical for the type of men in my town if I’m honest, and another reason why I try not to go out with someone that lives within a 10 mile radius).  However, (and I think this is a good indication of a person) he left a 70p tip!  OMG ... I’d rather leave nothing than 70p that’s so mean, so on the way out, I slipped the waitress £5 because I was so mortified.
Right lovelies, I need to leave it there for today ... I’ll post part 2 tomorrow.  Until then have a great day and be fabulous.
Lots of Love

Monday 8 October 2012

XFactor Controversy - The Rylan Clark Debacle

Well lovelies, today I was going to tell you about my date last night (I’ll tell you about my date tomorrow, suffice to say that this guy was tiny and I felt like I was out with a Polly Pocket!) but my friend Tony thought I really should cover what’s going on in the UK’s XFactor at the moment.  Now, I know that over half of you, my lovely readers, aren’t from the UK so probably won’t be aware (or care) what’s going on in our XFactor, but it’s so bazaar that I don’t think the fact that it’s not happening in your country will make it any less amusing.

Firstly, let me just say that I’m not usually a fan of these types of shows, but for the very first time I watched Britain’s Got Talent this year (when a dog won!) and actually quite enjoyed it (not the dog winning ... the show in general).  So thought I’d watch XFactor and see if I could actually enjoy that.

Well, I can’t really comment on the talent from previous years, but I’ve got to say that not all of the talent that the judges have taken through to the live finals this year actually have any talent – which is a shame because there were some really good people at the auditions that apparently weren’t good enough to get through. Go figure.

Anyway, there is one in particularly that seems rather unfathomable, his name is Rylan Clark and I really cannot for the life of me figure out why Nicole Scherzinger (who’s is mentor) took him through to the live finals (well I can actually, it's all about the ratings).  Before I go on to his singing (if you can call it that) let me just mention his ‘look’ and more than that ... his overall ‘campness’ and lack of command of the English language. 

Now I have a number of gay friends and even they say that he takes campness to a whole different level.  He’s so over the top that he’s incredibly annoying and it really doesn’t help that he has an annoyed Essex accent that makes him sound doubly unintelligent.  In his first audition, he had dyed long blonde hair with a very ‘shaped’ black beard (very odd) and more facial fillers than a sandwich deli before the lunch time rush.  He's also one of those that seem to have a speech impedement in that he can't say 'th' so every word that has a 'th' is replaced with a v or f eg "I fink wiv vis programme I gotta take my singing more serious"  What?  So annoying.  For some unknown reason, he then got through the original auditions and through to Boot Camp (with a whole new look – I’ll get to that in a bit) and then incredibly through to Judges Houses – unbelievable – and that’s where I’ll pick up the story again. 

His new look ... I’m not sure how to describe it ... he’s had his hair cut and dyed jet black and his beard is even more tailored (he actually looks like a cartoon character ... The Mail Online likened him to Dastardly out of Dastardly and Muttley – I can’t say I disagree) but what got me the most what how ‘affected’ he was when he did his audition ... he had some weird sort of warped Kylie get up on with a hooded top, shorts and bare feet.  I can’t really put into words what I mean by ‘affected’ – it’s quite a common term where I live – I guess it means someone who thinks an awful lot about themselves without good reason.  Here’s his audition see what you think for yourself...


After this audition, Nicole picked him to go through  to the next stage and his response was off the scale and unbelievably odd.  I think the amount of fillers he has in his lips doesn't help with his ability to articulate either.  See what you think...


Who behaves like that?  WHO BEHAVES LIKE THAT!  I really don’t get it.  He should be ashamed of himself ... I had to turn over channels because I was cringing so much.  When I was looking for the clip to put in this post I actually couldn't watch it again.

So that brings us up to last night’s show.  As you know, I was out on my date but couldn’t fail not to see from my Facebook timeline when I got home that something had happened on the XFactor show that evening.  It turns out that this Rylan and another really good singer, Carolynne Poole ended up in a head to head at the end of the show.  Now, let me just point out that Carolynne, who is being mentored by Gary Barlow, can actually sing really well.

To summarise what happened, Louis Walsh had the final vote as to who stayed and who went.  He originally said Carolynne then back tracked and put it to the public vote and unfortunately, she didn't win.  It’s been alleged that he was told to do that by producers because they wanted Rylan to stay in because of all the publicity and controversy he generates (well afterall, the story has been on every morning show today and is splattered across all the papers ... and I'm talking about it here too!).  Gary Barlow then stood up and stormed off the stage and I really can’t blame him.  It was all very dramatic.

All in all, I know it’s only a game show but it seems such a shame that people with genuine talent are being over looked in order to gain ratings from this ‘joke’ contestant.  I really have to show you the audition of someone that was chucked out who has the most amazing voice.  This is the first audition of Joseph Whelan who was rejected at Boot Camp.

Unbeliveable!  How can you choose the joke act, Rylan over real talent.  It does put me off watching in future I have to say, when it looks like results are so obviously being manipulated (allegedly!).

Right lovelies, that’s me for today ... I’ll tell you about the date tomorrow.  Until then, have a lovely day and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Sunday 7 October 2012

When Dating Emails Turn Nasty!

Well, I know I've posted a couple of negative things regarding my online dating over the last few days and I'm sorry to say, it's not really been getting that much better.  Here are some of the messages I've received in the last 2 days.
The first 3 are from the same guy...

1.   Evening howe r u I'm David very nice t meet u xxx

2.   Hi Howe. R u x

3.   Evening howe's u x

Blondes are so last year ... why have you done that to yourself? (He was no oil painting let me tell ya!)

U look like u love yourself  its ugly (and so was he ... very ugly)

No wonder ur still on here (yeah cos it’s full of knobs like you!)

Now then! X (Now what?)

Hiya if u fancy a chat maybe more txt me on 07***15**** ('maybe more'!!!!  He was fat, short and bald ... and lived in Salford – if you’ve never heard of Salford, think ‘Brooklyn’ ... you sometimes have to pass through but you just don’t stop!)

what do you think of my new dog, called him baxter but like the name branston after branston pickle, lol (this guy attached a picture of his new Labrador puppy to the mail ... I find that slightly creepy a bit like “Come here little girl and see my puppies” *shudder* surely you shouldn’t have to use cute puppies to get a woman?!  Or am I getting way too cynical?  I’ve got to be honest, I am getting better because at least I didn’t send him a message saying all that ... at one time I would have done! Lol)

Will you wait for me?  I have to go to the toilet to pooh because I have a turtle head that's sticking to my underpants.  See you in a bit. (I have no words ...)

I’m a bit speechless after this little lot if I'm honest.  I’ve also had another guy who I originally replied to his first mail and then he got a bit weird.  He subsequently sent me another 4 mails and for some daft reason I sent him a message saying, “Sorry, I don’t know why I replied to you initially because you don’t have a public profile picture” ... if they don’t have a public picture, no matter what excuse they give for not having one I don’t reply and I’ve had them all: I’m a Private Eye and need to stay incognito; I work for the MOD and have signed the secrecy act and can’t use social networking sites; I’m a top surgeon and it wouldn’t be ethical; I’m a very senior figure in the police and it wouldn’t look good Bla Bla Bla ... all a total load of pooh.  What they really mean is, “I’m married/in a relationship and don’t want my partner to find out”

He replied saying that he did have one when he originally contacted me (I don’t remember but I guess it could be true because as I say I don’t reply if there’s no picture) and said that he’d taken it off when he met me because he didn’t think it was right that he kept his profile picture on there while he was corresponding with me!  Now that’s just plain weird.  Why would you take your picture off a dating website because one woman had sent you one email?  Hmmmmmmm doesn’t add up so I sent him a mail saying, “Oh!  I really don’t know what to say to that”, he replied, “Sorry would be a start”  Sorry ... He wanted me to apologise OMG!  My reply, “Dream on” BLOCK/DELETE/NEXT!

Honestly ... it really seems to be getting worse.  The good thing is that when I have a break from dating sites I forget all this nasty side (I have a dreadful memory and sometimes it works in my favour!) and that break is looming large.

Right lovelies, enjoy your Sunday ... I’ve got my lovely dad coming round, then gym and a date tonight.  Will keep you informed, until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


Saturday 6 October 2012

Sinister Film Review

Well, after my nightmare couple of days (just about everything seems to have gone terribly pear shaped lately, but hey ho, I’m sure they’ll sort themselves out soon) I thought that going to the cinema to see Sinister would help.  However, I really can’t say it was very good.  I don’t know whether it was the mood I was in ... I did feel a bit distracted to be honest, but I found that there really wasn’t anything that I wasn’t expecting from seeing the trailer.

In fact, it was one of those films where they put ALL of the good bits in the trailer, so if you’ve seen that, there are very few surprises left.  As I say, it could have just been the mood I was in, but I really didn’t think it was up to much.

So, the story ... a true crime novelist discovers a box of disturbing home movies that plunge his family into a nightmarish experience of supernatural horror (I can’t take credit for that, I pinched it off Flixster) ... but basically, this crime author moves his family into a house in the full knowledge that there has been a massacre there (but he neglects to tell his wife).  He then finds this box of films in the attic and as he starts to watch them, weird things start to happen in the house.  He then starts to delve into the horrors that took place in the house and other associated serial killings.

Here’s the trailer again ... if you haven’t seen it and you’re planning on seeing the film, don’t watch the trailer as you’ll find the film more enjoyable that way.

One trailer I did see that I’m really looking forward to is Silent Hill.  The first one is one of my favs and I’ve watched it loads of times and no matter how much as I watch it, it still freaks me out, and so a sequel will be amazing.  The trailer doesn’t disappoint either, it looks every bit as good as the first ... if you haven’t seen the first and you’re a psychological horror fan, then it’s a must see.  Here’s the trailer for the new one that’s due out in time for Halloween (Oh, by the way, it's quite a scary trailer so if you're a bit delicate, you may wish to give this one a miss!)...

On the dating front, I do have another date tomorrow so will keep you informed!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Friday 5 October 2012

These Guys Keep Getting Worse!


Well guys, you know I try to keep as upbeat and as optimistic as is humanly possible, however, today I’ve seriously had enough.  The last couple of days have been a nightmare and there doesn’t seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel at the mo ... the idiot who turned up seriously late and then trashed me and the guy in the following story are just the icing on the cake ... Serious amounts of vodka anyone? (You know it’s bad when I go for the voddy and not bubbles!!!)....

Oh you’re gonna love this ... I don’t know if you remember a guy I was ‘talking’ to during a previous online dating experience, he was the one that sent me about 50 texts in one day and completely freaked me out?  (Here’s the link to the story in case you want a reminder)  Well, I got a mail from him today on this new dating site ... he obviously didn't recongise me, but I recognised him. 
It was actually a really lovely mail, well constructed with some thought put into it and actually I did consider sending him a nice reply saying something like, “We’ve spoken before but you bombarded me with texts then got pissed off when I stopped replying” or words along those lines.  When I logged on to send said message I got this from him...

“I can’t believe women like you.  I send you a perfectly nice mail and I saw that you looked at my profile and you just can’t be bothered to respond.  Who the hell do you think you are?  You’re so up yourself ... you’ll never find anyone you stuck up frigid mess up.  Women like you are disgusting”!

Hmmmmm so, not only am I ‘despicable’ as described by the guy yesterday (amongst other things) I’m now a “frigid mess up!” and "disgusting" I think he would have swore but I think those words don’t get through the site’s firewalls!

This second mail was only half an hour after he sent the original mail by the way, so he wasn't giving me much time to reply (usually it takes me up to a week to respond!)  Anyway, I’ve blocked and reported him.  Ooooosh ... and breathe!  This my lovelies, is just another reason to give it a break for a while!

Right I’m off to watch ‘Sinister’ now ... a good horror can’t be any scarier than some of the blokes I’ve been coming into contact with recently.  Enjoy the rest of your Fridays and be fabulous.

Lots of love


Thursday 4 October 2012

Another One Bites Dust!

I told you in an earlier post that I was supposed to be having a date tonight, well actually I wasn’t feeling too good, I’d had a mad day (and thinking back, I think I may have been a bit dehydrated) and I actually contemplated contacting him and postponing but thought, “Nope, come on, you can do it!”

At about 6.25 pm (we were due to meet at 7.30 pm) I got a text from him saying that he would be leaving in about 45 minutes.  Now, I did think to myself, “There’s no way he’s going to get from where he lives to where we are supposed to be meeting in 20 minutes” but just put it down to the fact that he may have been travelling from somewhere else.

So at about 7.10, I left the house to travel the 10 minutes to where we were meeting (you know the issue I have with lateness and no matter how hard I try – and sometimes I do try – I can never arrive anywhere less than 10 minutes BEFORE I need to be there) and arrived at 7.20 pm.  At 7.30 pm, I get a text from him saying, “I’m gonna be 10 minutes late” ... I could have told him that when he texted me at 6.25 pm. 

Now let’s face it, I would imagine that you know when you’re going to be late so why would you text someone right at the time you were supposed to meet and tell them you’re going to be late?  Why not tell them/text them earlier?  Don’t get that one ... that’s disrespectful that is.

Now, if you remember Mr Grey from last week who was 20 minutes late, after that I actually vowed not to wait longer than 10 minutes for any date again.  I know I’ve said it before but it’s just the absolutely height of rudeness as far as I’m concerned ... what makes people think they’re so important that they expect me to wait for them.  It’s totally appalling!  I’m NEVER late no matter how far I’m travelling or what I’m doing ... I AM NEVER LATE! (Phew ... rant over ... I know I have an issue with this by the way, it hasn’t escaped my notice!).

Anyway, I waited until 7.45 pm and he still hadn’t arrived, so this time, rather than wait like I did for Mr Grey, I left.  Another 10 minutes later, so that’s a total of 25 minutes after the time we were supposed to meet (oh and by the way, it was him that set the time for the date, not me) and a full 35 minutes after I’d initially arrived at the venue, I got a text from him saying, “Where are you?”  Well, I was nearly home!

I didn’t reply because I was driving and five minutes after that, I got the most disgusting text I’ve ever received (well, that I can remember anyway) calling me all the names under the sun and pointing out, amongst other things, that I was ‘despicable’ for not waiting for him ... I’ve never been called despicable before!

Was I harsh not waiting?  Hmmmm maybe but I have to think that if I was really keen on this guy, I would have waited and there was a big part of me that really wasn’t feeling up to it, so maybe it goes back to listening to your gut and when you get the feeling that you don’t want to go through with something ... DON'T GO THROUGH WITH IT!  If I’d listed to my gut then I would have saved myself having to go out on a crappy night when I wasn’t feeling too good and receiving a sh*t load of abuse!

I’ve got to be honest, I know you guys love to hear about my online dating escapades (and that really is my main driver for doing it) but think I may have to  bow out of it again for a while.  I can only ever do it for a few weeks at a time before I get completely disillusioned with it, so it may be time to give it a rest again for a bit.  I’ve also had a couple of really nasty mails from a couple of idiots too (what I’ve done to provoke them, I have no idea) which starts to take the shine off things, so I’ll give it over the weekend and review on Monday.

Ho hum ... at least I’ve got two fab films to look forward to this weekend, “Sinister” and “Taken 2”, they’ll perk me up.  Right lovelies, enjoy your Friday and I’ll catch you soon.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love


Wednesday 3 October 2012

'Looper' Review

Well this is going to be quite a short post as I’m really busy, but I just wanted to tell you about a film that I saw yesterday that I thought was brilliant ... Looper.

It’s a kind of Sci-fi based on time travel, but unlike most of the Sci-fi films I’ve seen this year (in particular I’m thinking of Dredd and Total Recall) this film actually had a brilliant story to it.  It was quite gory in places but extremely engaging.

So what's it about?  Well, time travel will be invented in the future but will be illegal and only available on the black market.  When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past where a ‘looper’ (an assassin) is waiting to kill them.  Joe (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt!!!  You'll know his face even if you don't know his name) is getting rich as a looper until one day, the mob decides to close the loop sending his future self back to be assassinated by his younger self.

I hav to be honest, it really was a rather impressive film.  There were no ridiculous car chases for the sake of it and no over use of flash CGI ... just a really good story.  Bruce Willis brilliantly plays future Joe (and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he’s aging really well and I still think he’s pretty hot – unlike his counterparts, Arnie and Stallone), younger Joe is played not so brilliantly (I think the prosthetic nose they’ve used to try and make him look more like Bruce is a bit distracting ... Oh and his eyebrows are far too dark!). 

Emily Blunt is in it too and her American accent is surprisingly good – I’m not going to tell you about her role because I really don’t want to spoil anything.  I saw her on Jonathan Ross (a UK chat show for my overseas readers) at the weekend and she said that she had a voice coach to make sure that she got the accent right.  Looks like it paid off. 

Right, without further ado, here’s the trailer...

Go and see it, you won't regret it!

I’ve just noticed that there are two films out this Friday that I’m looking forward to, Sinister (I put a clip of it in my last ‘review’ post) and Taken 2.  I LOVE Liam Neeson and the first Taken film was amazing, so that should be good.

On the dating front, I have a date tomorrow and another lined up for the weekend, so I’ll keep you informed.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


Tuesday 2 October 2012

On-line Dating Update

OK, dating update ... well, not much to report really.  I haven’t had any more dates and was meant to be talking to 3 different blokes over the weekend that seemed to disappear into thin air!  I don’t really get it, I have to be honest.

There was one who looked really nice, reasonably affluent, interesting profile/pictures and I was actually quite looking forward to speaking to him.  He emailed me on Sunday morning and said, “When are you free to talk” (so by that, I took it that he actually wanted to speak to me ... well I think anyone would glean that from the fact that he actually used the word ‘talk’!).  So I replied telling him that I was with my dad in the afternoon but would be free about 6.00 pm.

Around 5.00 pm I logged on to the dating site expecting to see an email from him either asking me for my phone number or giving me his.  As soon as I got to the ‘home’ page, one of those pop up chat boxes appeared on the screen telling me that this guy wanted to ‘chat’.  Now, I HATE that chat facility.  What are we, teenagers?  What’s wrong with picking up the phone and talking to someone?  I want a man not a bloody kid.

I mailed him and said, “Sorry, I don’t do 'chat', I thought we were going to actually speak to each other” Really, is that too much to ask?  If you met someone in a bar, what would you do?  Shove your email address at them and say, “Let’s chat ... over email?”  Or throw your number at them and say, “Let’s chat over MSN?”  NO!!!  No you wouldn’t ... you’d physically speak to them.

His reply, “You don’t like ‘chat’ then.  Why is that?”

My reply, “Because we aren’t 12 and I’d rather have an adult conversation with someone”

His reply, “Well it’s easier to interview someone and back out if you don’t like them over chat”

OMG ... I had to really have a word with myself as I was constructing the response ... it could have actually ended up being another that got me banned from the site!  Instead, I think I was really restrained and adult about it and said, “This isn’t going to work for me, Good Luck” He replied, “Good Luck” and that was that!

I have found that the guys who seemingly have money/are successful seem to have the biggest chips on their shoulders/are incredibly arrogant/think they can mess you around the most ... probably because most women will put up with that so the men can get away with it.  Anyway, that was that.

I’ve also had another email from the guy who told me that I need to wear more sunscreen.  In his second email wrote, “Hello again, about your picture ... it was nice but I think you must have had it taken at the beginning of your holiday before your skin was used to the sun.  Anyway, have a look at my profile and see what you think” ... I didn’t need to do that ... DELETE!!!  Bloody cheek, not only did he insult me once, but he insulted me again!  I probably could have accepted an apology, but he just dug the hole deeper.  Weird ... some of these guys are just downright weird.

I’m still emailing a few guys (it’s weird how some of them sometimes just drop of the radar, one minute they’re asking to chat with you, the next minute they disappear!), I’m also still sticking to my rule that if they don’t ask to speak to you (properly, on the phone) within 4 email exchanges then I bin them off as a bad job. 

Oh, I nearly forgot, I do have a date on Thursday ... I spoke to the guy on Sunday night and he seemed really nice, so we’ll see.  On second thoughts, I haven’t heard from him since then, so actually, it may not be going ahead after all!  Ho hum.

Oh and here’s a very small selection of the mails I’ve received over the last couple of days...

How r u sexy xx

hi how are u.x

Hello x

do you kiss as good as you look? hehe x


Wowser x

x (That’s the shortest mail I’ve received yet ... that took a lot of effort didn’t it?!)

Right lovelies, that’s it for now ... more dating tales soon.  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


Monday 1 October 2012

Killing Them Softly – The Imposter – The Campaign

Three more reviews for you ... well, two and a half really.  I saw ‘Killing Them Softly on Saturday afternoon.  It was a pretty stella cast with Brad Pitt (yum, or well, not really yum in this – he plays a sleazy hit may ... acted very well though it has to be said!), Ray Liotta (he hasn’t aged well ... very craggy looking!  I loved him in Goodfellas, that was one of my favourite films back in the day) and James Gandolfini (him off the Sopranos – used to love that series).

The story, two guys who think they’re smart rob a Mob protected card game causing the local criminal economy to collapse.  The film then follows their stories as a mob hit man tracks them down.  I’m not sure if I loved it ... it was good ... just a bit boring in places (very gory shootings too ... ewwwwww).  Here’s the trailer...

Then we have ‘The Imposter’.  I watched it straight after Killing Them Softly, not because I particularly wanted to see it but because I was bored and wasn’t ready to go home.  I should have been a bit dubious about it because I hadn’t seen any trailers for it ... now I know why.  It was so boring that I fell asleep on and off for about an hour of it – the bits I did see where astonishingly poor!

So, the story (I had to look on Flixster for some of this) ... The imposter is a chilling factual thriller (I didn’t see anything chilling or thrilling about it), that chronicles the story of a 13 year old boy who disappears without a trace from San Antonio in 1994.  Three years later a boy appears claiming to be the one that disappeared (although quite why anyone believed it is beyond me because the original kid was blonde/blue eyed whilst this person spoke with a Mexican accent and had dark hair/dark eyes ... go figure!).  The film consisted of a series of interviews with the family and the imposter.

In summary, it was boring as hell and sucked to high heaven ... to be avoided at all costs.  I’m not even going to post a trailer because I don’t want you see it (I hate to think of anyone losing their money) and think it may be good and want to see it!  I actually walked out which hasn’t happened since I stumbled upon a slasher movie a few years ago (without realising it was a slasher movie!).

Well yesterday, I said that I’d review The Campaign with Will Farrell.  I’ve got to be honest, sometimes I’m not that enamoured with Will Farrell, I think his films can be childish and cringe worthy, however, I quite liked this one.  I think that was mainly to do with the fantastic character played by Zach Galifianakis (the guy from the Hangover that causes all the problems).  His character alone is worth the entry price.

So, the story ... Long Term congressman (Farrell) is challenged by an unsophisticated, Marty Huggins (Zach) and backed by unscrupulous benefactors the race to win the election takes some unusual twists and turns.  It’s quite rude in places (which I think probably makes it funnier because you’re not always expecting it) but definitely worth a watch.  I actually laughed out loud quite a few times and that doesn’t happen in the cinema on my own very often!

Here’s the trailer, watch out for Zach’s walk, it’s actually quite hilarious!


There are lots of good movies coming up.  You know how I love a good psychological horror, well here’s one that I really want to see.  It’s called ‘Sinister’ and the trailer looks amazing!

Right lovelies, that's me for another day. I'll be back with more dating tales soon. Until then, be fabulous.


Lots of love

