Wednesday 3 October 2012

'Looper' Review

Well this is going to be quite a short post as I’m really busy, but I just wanted to tell you about a film that I saw yesterday that I thought was brilliant ... Looper.

It’s a kind of Sci-fi based on time travel, but unlike most of the Sci-fi films I’ve seen this year (in particular I’m thinking of Dredd and Total Recall) this film actually had a brilliant story to it.  It was quite gory in places but extremely engaging.

So what's it about?  Well, time travel will be invented in the future but will be illegal and only available on the black market.  When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past where a ‘looper’ (an assassin) is waiting to kill them.  Joe (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt!!!  You'll know his face even if you don't know his name) is getting rich as a looper until one day, the mob decides to close the loop sending his future self back to be assassinated by his younger self.

I hav to be honest, it really was a rather impressive film.  There were no ridiculous car chases for the sake of it and no over use of flash CGI ... just a really good story.  Bruce Willis brilliantly plays future Joe (and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he’s aging really well and I still think he’s pretty hot – unlike his counterparts, Arnie and Stallone), younger Joe is played not so brilliantly (I think the prosthetic nose they’ve used to try and make him look more like Bruce is a bit distracting ... Oh and his eyebrows are far too dark!). 

Emily Blunt is in it too and her American accent is surprisingly good – I’m not going to tell you about her role because I really don’t want to spoil anything.  I saw her on Jonathan Ross (a UK chat show for my overseas readers) at the weekend and she said that she had a voice coach to make sure that she got the accent right.  Looks like it paid off. 

Right, without further ado, here’s the trailer...

Go and see it, you won't regret it!

I’ve just noticed that there are two films out this Friday that I’m looking forward to, Sinister (I put a clip of it in my last ‘review’ post) and Taken 2.  I LOVE Liam Neeson and the first Taken film was amazing, so that should be good.

On the dating front, I have a date tomorrow and another lined up for the weekend, so I’ll keep you informed.  Until then, be fabulous!

Lots of love


1 comment:

  1. Good review. The plot makes perfect sense even if it may seem a bit confusing at first, and the suspense draws you in but something just did not mix so well in the end. I didn’t really care all that much for the characters and that’s sort of why the pay-off didn’t do much for me.
