Thursday 4 October 2012

Another One Bites Dust!

I told you in an earlier post that I was supposed to be having a date tonight, well actually I wasn’t feeling too good, I’d had a mad day (and thinking back, I think I may have been a bit dehydrated) and I actually contemplated contacting him and postponing but thought, “Nope, come on, you can do it!”

At about 6.25 pm (we were due to meet at 7.30 pm) I got a text from him saying that he would be leaving in about 45 minutes.  Now, I did think to myself, “There’s no way he’s going to get from where he lives to where we are supposed to be meeting in 20 minutes” but just put it down to the fact that he may have been travelling from somewhere else.

So at about 7.10, I left the house to travel the 10 minutes to where we were meeting (you know the issue I have with lateness and no matter how hard I try – and sometimes I do try – I can never arrive anywhere less than 10 minutes BEFORE I need to be there) and arrived at 7.20 pm.  At 7.30 pm, I get a text from him saying, “I’m gonna be 10 minutes late” ... I could have told him that when he texted me at 6.25 pm. 

Now let’s face it, I would imagine that you know when you’re going to be late so why would you text someone right at the time you were supposed to meet and tell them you’re going to be late?  Why not tell them/text them earlier?  Don’t get that one ... that’s disrespectful that is.

Now, if you remember Mr Grey from last week who was 20 minutes late, after that I actually vowed not to wait longer than 10 minutes for any date again.  I know I’ve said it before but it’s just the absolutely height of rudeness as far as I’m concerned ... what makes people think they’re so important that they expect me to wait for them.  It’s totally appalling!  I’m NEVER late no matter how far I’m travelling or what I’m doing ... I AM NEVER LATE! (Phew ... rant over ... I know I have an issue with this by the way, it hasn’t escaped my notice!).

Anyway, I waited until 7.45 pm and he still hadn’t arrived, so this time, rather than wait like I did for Mr Grey, I left.  Another 10 minutes later, so that’s a total of 25 minutes after the time we were supposed to meet (oh and by the way, it was him that set the time for the date, not me) and a full 35 minutes after I’d initially arrived at the venue, I got a text from him saying, “Where are you?”  Well, I was nearly home!

I didn’t reply because I was driving and five minutes after that, I got the most disgusting text I’ve ever received (well, that I can remember anyway) calling me all the names under the sun and pointing out, amongst other things, that I was ‘despicable’ for not waiting for him ... I’ve never been called despicable before!

Was I harsh not waiting?  Hmmmm maybe but I have to think that if I was really keen on this guy, I would have waited and there was a big part of me that really wasn’t feeling up to it, so maybe it goes back to listening to your gut and when you get the feeling that you don’t want to go through with something ... DON'T GO THROUGH WITH IT!  If I’d listed to my gut then I would have saved myself having to go out on a crappy night when I wasn’t feeling too good and receiving a sh*t load of abuse!

I’ve got to be honest, I know you guys love to hear about my online dating escapades (and that really is my main driver for doing it) but think I may have to  bow out of it again for a while.  I can only ever do it for a few weeks at a time before I get completely disillusioned with it, so it may be time to give it a rest again for a bit.  I’ve also had a couple of really nasty mails from a couple of idiots too (what I’ve done to provoke them, I have no idea) which starts to take the shine off things, so I’ll give it over the weekend and review on Monday.

Ho hum ... at least I’ve got two fab films to look forward to this weekend, “Sinister” and “Taken 2”, they’ll perk me up.  Right lovelies, enjoy your Friday and I’ll catch you soon.  Be fabulous.

Lots of love



  1. Jo, am exactly like you, I cannot be late for anything, no matter how hard I try. It's disrespectful, like saying their time is more important than yours as you have spare time to wait for them. I love reading your blog, but I understand why you are bowing out of the dating for a while! Hope to see you soon, I've inboxed Di to see if we can catch up before/over Christmas so maybe see you then! Pam x

  2. Jo - don't give up ! There are some lovely chaps out there and some of my friends met their husbands via t'internet. Granted, some chaps need 'training' to meet our high standards, certainly around punctuality, but I'm sure you'll find a man who deserves you, probably when you least expect it !! :)x
