Sunday 7 October 2012

When Dating Emails Turn Nasty!

Well, I know I've posted a couple of negative things regarding my online dating over the last few days and I'm sorry to say, it's not really been getting that much better.  Here are some of the messages I've received in the last 2 days.
The first 3 are from the same guy...

1.   Evening howe r u I'm David very nice t meet u xxx

2.   Hi Howe. R u x

3.   Evening howe's u x

Blondes are so last year ... why have you done that to yourself? (He was no oil painting let me tell ya!)

U look like u love yourself  its ugly (and so was he ... very ugly)

No wonder ur still on here (yeah cos it’s full of knobs like you!)

Now then! X (Now what?)

Hiya if u fancy a chat maybe more txt me on 07***15**** ('maybe more'!!!!  He was fat, short and bald ... and lived in Salford – if you’ve never heard of Salford, think ‘Brooklyn’ ... you sometimes have to pass through but you just don’t stop!)

what do you think of my new dog, called him baxter but like the name branston after branston pickle, lol (this guy attached a picture of his new Labrador puppy to the mail ... I find that slightly creepy a bit like “Come here little girl and see my puppies” *shudder* surely you shouldn’t have to use cute puppies to get a woman?!  Or am I getting way too cynical?  I’ve got to be honest, I am getting better because at least I didn’t send him a message saying all that ... at one time I would have done! Lol)

Will you wait for me?  I have to go to the toilet to pooh because I have a turtle head that's sticking to my underpants.  See you in a bit. (I have no words ...)

I’m a bit speechless after this little lot if I'm honest.  I’ve also had another guy who I originally replied to his first mail and then he got a bit weird.  He subsequently sent me another 4 mails and for some daft reason I sent him a message saying, “Sorry, I don’t know why I replied to you initially because you don’t have a public profile picture” ... if they don’t have a public picture, no matter what excuse they give for not having one I don’t reply and I’ve had them all: I’m a Private Eye and need to stay incognito; I work for the MOD and have signed the secrecy act and can’t use social networking sites; I’m a top surgeon and it wouldn’t be ethical; I’m a very senior figure in the police and it wouldn’t look good Bla Bla Bla ... all a total load of pooh.  What they really mean is, “I’m married/in a relationship and don’t want my partner to find out”

He replied saying that he did have one when he originally contacted me (I don’t remember but I guess it could be true because as I say I don’t reply if there’s no picture) and said that he’d taken it off when he met me because he didn’t think it was right that he kept his profile picture on there while he was corresponding with me!  Now that’s just plain weird.  Why would you take your picture off a dating website because one woman had sent you one email?  Hmmmmmmm doesn’t add up so I sent him a mail saying, “Oh!  I really don’t know what to say to that”, he replied, “Sorry would be a start”  Sorry ... He wanted me to apologise OMG!  My reply, “Dream on” BLOCK/DELETE/NEXT!

Honestly ... it really seems to be getting worse.  The good thing is that when I have a break from dating sites I forget all this nasty side (I have a dreadful memory and sometimes it works in my favour!) and that break is looming large.

Right lovelies, enjoy your Sunday ... I’ve got my lovely dad coming round, then gym and a date tonight.  Will keep you informed, until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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