Saturday 6 October 2012

Sinister Film Review

Well, after my nightmare couple of days (just about everything seems to have gone terribly pear shaped lately, but hey ho, I’m sure they’ll sort themselves out soon) I thought that going to the cinema to see Sinister would help.  However, I really can’t say it was very good.  I don’t know whether it was the mood I was in ... I did feel a bit distracted to be honest, but I found that there really wasn’t anything that I wasn’t expecting from seeing the trailer.

In fact, it was one of those films where they put ALL of the good bits in the trailer, so if you’ve seen that, there are very few surprises left.  As I say, it could have just been the mood I was in, but I really didn’t think it was up to much.

So, the story ... a true crime novelist discovers a box of disturbing home movies that plunge his family into a nightmarish experience of supernatural horror (I can’t take credit for that, I pinched it off Flixster) ... but basically, this crime author moves his family into a house in the full knowledge that there has been a massacre there (but he neglects to tell his wife).  He then finds this box of films in the attic and as he starts to watch them, weird things start to happen in the house.  He then starts to delve into the horrors that took place in the house and other associated serial killings.

Here’s the trailer again ... if you haven’t seen it and you’re planning on seeing the film, don’t watch the trailer as you’ll find the film more enjoyable that way.

One trailer I did see that I’m really looking forward to is Silent Hill.  The first one is one of my favs and I’ve watched it loads of times and no matter how much as I watch it, it still freaks me out, and so a sequel will be amazing.  The trailer doesn’t disappoint either, it looks every bit as good as the first ... if you haven’t seen the first and you’re a psychological horror fan, then it’s a must see.  Here’s the trailer for the new one that’s due out in time for Halloween (Oh, by the way, it's quite a scary trailer so if you're a bit delicate, you may wish to give this one a miss!)...

On the dating front, I do have another date tomorrow so will keep you informed!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies and be fabulous.

Lots of love


1 comment:

  1. It’s scary, that’s for sure, and definitely has a creepy vibe to it but does get a little silly by the end. Thankfully, Ethan Hawke stays believable the whole time and kept me involved when my mind was telling me otherwise. Good review Jx.
