Tuesday 2 October 2012

On-line Dating Update

OK, dating update ... well, not much to report really.  I haven’t had any more dates and was meant to be talking to 3 different blokes over the weekend that seemed to disappear into thin air!  I don’t really get it, I have to be honest.

There was one who looked really nice, reasonably affluent, interesting profile/pictures and I was actually quite looking forward to speaking to him.  He emailed me on Sunday morning and said, “When are you free to talk” (so by that, I took it that he actually wanted to speak to me ... well I think anyone would glean that from the fact that he actually used the word ‘talk’!).  So I replied telling him that I was with my dad in the afternoon but would be free about 6.00 pm.

Around 5.00 pm I logged on to the dating site expecting to see an email from him either asking me for my phone number or giving me his.  As soon as I got to the ‘home’ page, one of those pop up chat boxes appeared on the screen telling me that this guy wanted to ‘chat’.  Now, I HATE that chat facility.  What are we, teenagers?  What’s wrong with picking up the phone and talking to someone?  I want a man not a bloody kid.

I mailed him and said, “Sorry, I don’t do 'chat', I thought we were going to actually speak to each other” Really, is that too much to ask?  If you met someone in a bar, what would you do?  Shove your email address at them and say, “Let’s chat ... over email?”  Or throw your number at them and say, “Let’s chat over MSN?”  NO!!!  No you wouldn’t ... you’d physically speak to them.

His reply, “You don’t like ‘chat’ then.  Why is that?”

My reply, “Because we aren’t 12 and I’d rather have an adult conversation with someone”

His reply, “Well it’s easier to interview someone and back out if you don’t like them over chat”

OMG ... I had to really have a word with myself as I was constructing the response ... it could have actually ended up being another that got me banned from the site!  Instead, I think I was really restrained and adult about it and said, “This isn’t going to work for me, Good Luck” He replied, “Good Luck” and that was that!

I have found that the guys who seemingly have money/are successful seem to have the biggest chips on their shoulders/are incredibly arrogant/think they can mess you around the most ... probably because most women will put up with that so the men can get away with it.  Anyway, that was that.

I’ve also had another email from the guy who told me that I need to wear more sunscreen.  In his second email wrote, “Hello again, about your picture ... it was nice but I think you must have had it taken at the beginning of your holiday before your skin was used to the sun.  Anyway, have a look at my profile and see what you think” ... I didn’t need to do that ... DELETE!!!  Bloody cheek, not only did he insult me once, but he insulted me again!  I probably could have accepted an apology, but he just dug the hole deeper.  Weird ... some of these guys are just downright weird.

I’m still emailing a few guys (it’s weird how some of them sometimes just drop of the radar, one minute they’re asking to chat with you, the next minute they disappear!), I’m also still sticking to my rule that if they don’t ask to speak to you (properly, on the phone) within 4 email exchanges then I bin them off as a bad job. 

Oh, I nearly forgot, I do have a date on Thursday ... I spoke to the guy on Sunday night and he seemed really nice, so we’ll see.  On second thoughts, I haven’t heard from him since then, so actually, it may not be going ahead after all!  Ho hum.

Oh and here’s a very small selection of the mails I’ve received over the last couple of days...

How r u sexy xx

hi how are u.x

Hello x

do you kiss as good as you look? hehe x


Wowser x

x (That’s the shortest mail I’ve received yet ... that took a lot of effort didn’t it?!)

Right lovelies, that’s it for now ... more dating tales soon.  Until then, be fabulous.

Lots of love


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