Friday 5 October 2012

These Guys Keep Getting Worse!


Well guys, you know I try to keep as upbeat and as optimistic as is humanly possible, however, today I’ve seriously had enough.  The last couple of days have been a nightmare and there doesn’t seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel at the mo ... the idiot who turned up seriously late and then trashed me and the guy in the following story are just the icing on the cake ... Serious amounts of vodka anyone? (You know it’s bad when I go for the voddy and not bubbles!!!)....

Oh you’re gonna love this ... I don’t know if you remember a guy I was ‘talking’ to during a previous online dating experience, he was the one that sent me about 50 texts in one day and completely freaked me out?  (Here’s the link to the story in case you want a reminder)  Well, I got a mail from him today on this new dating site ... he obviously didn't recongise me, but I recognised him. 
It was actually a really lovely mail, well constructed with some thought put into it and actually I did consider sending him a nice reply saying something like, “We’ve spoken before but you bombarded me with texts then got pissed off when I stopped replying” or words along those lines.  When I logged on to send said message I got this from him...

“I can’t believe women like you.  I send you a perfectly nice mail and I saw that you looked at my profile and you just can’t be bothered to respond.  Who the hell do you think you are?  You’re so up yourself ... you’ll never find anyone you stuck up frigid mess up.  Women like you are disgusting”!

Hmmmmm so, not only am I ‘despicable’ as described by the guy yesterday (amongst other things) I’m now a “frigid mess up!” and "disgusting" I think he would have swore but I think those words don’t get through the site’s firewalls!

This second mail was only half an hour after he sent the original mail by the way, so he wasn't giving me much time to reply (usually it takes me up to a week to respond!)  Anyway, I’ve blocked and reported him.  Ooooosh ... and breathe!  This my lovelies, is just another reason to give it a break for a while!

Right I’m off to watch ‘Sinister’ now ... a good horror can’t be any scarier than some of the blokes I’ve been coming into contact with recently.  Enjoy the rest of your Fridays and be fabulous.

Lots of love


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